Magnetic Letter and Spoons Handwriting Game

Sometimes, it’s fun to make handwriting practice a little bit different. This magnetic letter activity was a fun way to work on letter identification and letter formation in handwriting.

For young children, becoming more familiar with letters and the alphabet is key to age-appropriate literacy. This refers to knowing a letter’s name, the letter’s sound, and the formation of letters.

To play this handwriting game, fill a small bin or bowl with magnetic letters.


You could try a few different utensils in your house with this activity, like ladles or serving spoons.


I had my kids take turns stirring the letters with their spoons. They pulled out their spoon one at a time and looked at the letter they grabbed.

I had them tell me the name of the letter and then practice writing it. This was a hit with all of the ages!

There is just something about spoons that are hilarious! Practicing writing was fun with this activity!

– Extend the activity by having older kids write words using the letters. – Have kids write the lower case letter of the magnetic letter.

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