These ice cream bean bags are the perfect way to sneak in a little proprioceptive input this summer with an ice cream theme. We’ve shared the proprioception benefits of bean bags before and this summer activity is great for kids craving heavy work input of needing a bit of upper extremity strengthening.
Today, I’m sharing how to make these ice cream cone bean bags with an ice cream bean bag tutorial. It’s super simple, (I promise!) and requires zero measuring of fabric. Use these bean bags in learning and play while having fun with an ice cream cone theme!
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Ice Cream Cone Bean Bag Tutorial
These ice cream cone bean bags are truly easy to make. I actually have had them in the house for a few years. They made their debut in our Candy Land party from a couple of years back and recently have been used as a fun proprioception activity with a learning twist.

How to Make Ice Cream Cone Bean Bags:
You’ll need fabric in different colors. We used fleece in brown, pink, blue, yellow, and green. Any fabric or felt would work well, I just used fleece because that’s what we had in the house. To make the ice cream cones, start snipping fabric.
Here’s the best part of these cones: There is NO need to measure. If you want totally perfect and uniform ice cream cone bean bags, then go ahead and create a cardboard template before cutting the fabric. I went with easy and therefore ended up with random sizes and crooked cones. And, those wacky ice cream cones were still fun to play with!
Cut the fabric into triangles and semi-circles.
Next, you’ll need a sewing machine that is hooked up with thread. Being the “sewing mama” that I am (sarcasm noted?) I have stitches that are wonky, over stitched, under-stitched, and completely unprofessional. These bean bags are still fun to play with!
Sew the strait part of the semi-circle to the triangle. Do this with all of the triangles and semi-circles.
Sew the triangles together and most of the semi-circles, leaving a small opening at the top to add the filler.
Sewing tips from a total sewing novice:
- Take your time, or speedy sew like I do and get the job done as fast as possible. Both methods work.
- Use the zig zag stitch to keep the filler in place.
- Be prepared to crazy-looking ice cream cone bean bags, but ones that are totally fun to play with.

Ice Cream Cone Bean Bag Proprioception Activity

Looking for more ice cream cone themed activities for kids? Try these:

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