So, what exactly is sensory?
Remember learning about the senses in school? Did you know we actually have 8 sensory systems? There is so much to understand about sensory processing, and how kids can respond to sensory input in each of these sensory areas. Explore these blog posts for information on sensory-friendly classrooms, sensory diets, and how to address hypersensitivity, hyposensitivity, under-responsiveness, and sensory meltdowns. Here, you’ll find sensory play ideas to meet every need. Be sure to check out our resource on sensory red flags and other materials to answer your biggest questions. Let’s nail down sensory processing so you can have the tools you need for thriving kids and families!
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Sensory in Products
Therapeutic Brushing Guide: An Occupational Therapy Sensory Regulation Tool
$2.90 Add to cart -
How to Engage a Child: Joint Attention Strategies + Activities
$2.90 Add to cart -
Sensory Screening: 1 Page Print + Go for Therapists + Teacher Questionnaire
$4.90 Add to cart -
Heavy Work Movement Cards
$6.00 Add to cart