Pencil Grasp Challenge Waitlist

Great! Your email address has been added to The Pencil Grasp Challenge Waitlist. You should have a freebie waiting for you in your inbox right now. Grab that freebie and then you can expect pencil grasp resources each week. AND, once we open up the Pencil Grasp Challenge again, you’ll be the first to know!

Here are some pencil grasp tools you may enjoy until then:

Pencil Grasp Tools

What is a functional pencil grasp? Discover what it is that makes up a functional pencil grasp, and inefficient pencil grasp, and what to do about pencil grasp issues.

Easy Pencil Grasp Trick– The easy pencil grasp trick described in this post is one that provides a frugal option for ensuring a functional pencil grasp and one that plays into the dexterity needed for letter formation and handwriting

5 Things OTs want Parents to Know About Pencil Grasp– Parents and teachers many times, have a lot of questions about pencil grasp development. They may wonder if their child is on track with their pencil grasp or how to help kids that are struggling with holding a pencil. The thing is that there is a lot that goes into gripping a pencil! This post identifies the top things that pediatric OTs wish parents knew about pencil grasp.

Thumb Wrap Pencil Grasp– Kids may wrap their thumb around the pencil when writing as a means of addressing instability or weakness in the muscles of the hand. This compensation grasp can impact functional writing. The thumb wrap pencil grasp exercise in this blog post is an easy one to put together and one that will help kids gain strength in the muscles that make up a functional grasp.

See you in the challenge once it starts back up again!