When you make crafts with kids, there is glue involved. We use glue sticks, glue in bottles, glitter glue, and a dried cereal/milk combination that turned glue on the surface of the dining room table. Just kidding about that part. Sometimes.
We wanted to share a decoupage glue that we use all the time in crafts and activities with the kids (And without the kids. A mamas gotta craft.) This DIY decoupage glue is easy and quick to mix up, and simple to use in all kinds of crafts with the kids. You’ll want to make up a bottle of this decoupage and keep on hand for all sorts of craftiness.

How to make your own decoupage for crafts:
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Start with regular glue. We used a bottle that was about half full. You’ll want to have enough room in the bottle or find a different container to store your decoupage. To make decoupage, add water to the glue at a ratio of 2:1. I just eyeballed the amount of glue in the bottle and added twice as much water.
Next, put the cap back on the bottle and shake it up. Use a paint brush to swipe the walls of the bottle clean and really get the glue mixed in with the water. Your decoupage is done!
How easy is that!?

When you want to use the decoupage on projects, simply pour a little into a bowl and paint the glue onto your project with a paintbrush. This is a great way to craft with the kids. They love painting glue onto things. Maybe they just like painting. Or glue. Or making messes. Whatever combination of those things it is about crafts…the kids love.

I used our decoupage to paint on the label on our decoupage. Simply paint a thin layer of decoupage onto the bottle, place the label on, and paint a thin layer of decoupage over the top and around the edges of the paper.
We’ll soon be sharing lots of crafts and activities where we used our decoupage. Stay tuned!