Space Visual Discrimination Worksheet #1

This free space visual discrimination worksheet is a free printable sheet to work on visual perceptual skills in kids, using an outer space theme. this worksheet for occupational therapy is part of a free 25 page visual perception worksheets packet. Visual discrimination is a skill that kids need for so many skills.  From identifying and matching socks when getting dressed and doing laundry to recognizing subtle differences in multiple choice problems, visual discrimination is a visual perceptual skill that allows kids to excel in reading, writing, and math activities or struggle!  This space visual discrimination free printable is an easy way to work on those skills with a space theme.

Visual perceptual skills are needed for so many functional skills. You’ll find easy and fun ways to work on visual perceptual skills through play here. 

This space themed visual discrimination free printable sheet is great to help kids develop visual perceptual skills.


Space Theme Visual Discrimination Activity

Use this space theme visual discrimination free printable over and over again.  You can laminate it or slide it into a page protector and write with a dry erase marker.  This is a quick activity that really boosts the skills needed to distinguish small details between objects.  
Grab your free printable by clicking the button above.  Print it off and use the sheet over and over again to address visual discrimination skills.  

Looking for more visual perceptual skill activities?  

Visual memory plays a large part in visual discrimination.  
Related read: These visual perception apple theme shape stamps are a perfect way to work on visual perceptual skills and fine motor skills with DIY stampers.
Use this space themed visual discrimination free printable page to help kids develop visual perceptual skills.

Know a kiddo that loves all things space, astronauts, and planets? The Outer Space Fine Motor Kit is your chance to develop fine motor strength, dexterity, and coordination skills.

Addressing hand strength, endurance, and precision is out of this world fun! The Outer Space Fine Motor Kit includes:

  • Fine Motor Mazes
  • Fine Motor Ten Frames for motor activities
  • 1-20 Star Counting Cards
  • Bead Copying Strips
  • Space Alien Directed Drawing Sheets

This fine motor kit includes 24 pages of printable resources. Included in this printable pack are:

  1. Two pages of color coded bead copying strips
  2. Two pages of blank bead copying strips
  3. Four pages of “draw and write” directed drawing activities with a space theme (Includes 3 styles of handwriting lines: highlighted lines, single rule, and double rule)
  4. Nine pages of fine motor mazes
  5. 1-20 Outer Space Counting Cards
  6. Four pages of fine motor ten frames activities

These printable activities extend to work on a variety of other functional areas, too: handwriting skills, numbers, math, adding, subtracting, one-to-one correspondence, scissor skills, coloring, and more.

Click HERE to grab the Outer Space Fine Motor Mini-Kit.

Outer Space Fine Motor Kit

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

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