This time of year, we love our Christmas carols. (Actually, we seem to sing them year-round. During the Christmas season, though, they are on re-play!) We joined bloggers from all over in creating a sensory bin based on Christmas carols. You can see all of the bloggers and their Christmas carol-related sensory bins here. This is a Christmas sensory bin that kids love to use in holiday play activities. You can check out all of our Winter sensory bins as well.

Egg Carton Nativity Sensory Bin
and glue and a few recycled egg cartons, because this was fun to make AND play with.

for their bright colors.) and I added the face details. We glued on parts to the people. like adding a gold pipe cleaner
halo to the angel, white crafting pom poms
to the lamb, and sparkly spangles to the three kings.

Away in a Manger Christmas Carol Sensory Bin

Christmas Handwriting Activities
Writing out that Christmas wish list is a difficult task that brings out tears instead of holiday excitement. I’ve got a solution for your kiddo with handwriting difficulties: a packet of modified paper for all of the Christmas handwriting tasks that come up each year. Use this handwriting pack to help kids who struggle with handwriting to participate in holiday traditions while even working on and developing their handwriting skills!
Working on handwriting with kids this Christmas season? Grab your copy of the Christmas Modified Handwriting Packet. It’s got three types of adapted paper that kids can use to write letters to Santa, Thank You notes, holiday bucket lists and much more…all while working on handwriting skills in a motivating and fun way! Read more about the adapted Christmas Paper here.
Winter Crafts for Kids

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