Tools to support growth mindset can come in all shapes and sizes. From journals, to coping toolkits, to targeting self-awareness, putting growth mindset strategies into action supports self-regulation, learning, and everyday functioning! Understanding when and how to use growth mindset strategies is the beginning of self reflection. A lot of this has to do with metacognition!
If there’s one thing that we all need, it’s a positive outlook and a growth mindset. Our children especially, would benefit from resilience, coping skills, and coping with big life changes. Supporting kids of all ages with growth mindset tools such as a growth mindset sorting activity can help to put those tools into action.
Growth Mindset
Amazon affiliate links are included in this post.
Since we are talking all things growth mindset, and and resilience…and resilience seems to be a common topic this year, I thought I would run through some common terms when it comes to growth mindset and developing the skills of resilience in children.

Growth Mindset Definitions
Let’s start with a definition of growth mindset and then break it down.
A growth mindset refers to the belief that one’s abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, hard work, and learning. Individuals with a growth mindset perceive challenges as opportunities to learn and improve rather than as obstacles that define their capabilities. This concept, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, contrasts with a fixed mindset, where individuals believe their abilities are innate and unchangeable.
Embracing a growth mindset fosters resilience, a love for learning, and a willingness to face challenges, making it a valuable perspective in various aspects of life, including education, career, and personal development.
Empathy– Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand the feelings and perspective of others.
Mindset– Our mindset is the way that we think about ourselves and the world around us. It’s the attitude that we have about ourselves and the world. It’s our mood and the way with think about problems or tasks that we need to accomplish. Mindset is a way of looking at the problems or situations in front of us. Addressing difficult tasks and mistakes is part of mindset. Executive functioning skills play a part in mindset.
Growth Mindset– Growth mindset is the ability to confront challenges, view hard tasks as an oppourtunity and a process. Someone with a growth mindset believes they are not limited by their abilites or intelligence. When we use a growth mindset, we believe our abilities or our ability to learn new things can improve given effort.
Fixed mindset– Fixed mindset is a limiting belief that impacts our ability to solve promblems, learn new skills, react to situations, and respond to daily situations. Fixed mindset can impact wellness and well-being, as well as learning and task completion.
Mindfulness– Mindfulness is our ability to focus on our awareness and presence in any given moment. It’s our ability to acknowledge and accept our feelings, thoughts, body sensations and the world around us in any given task or activity.
Resilience– resilence refers to one’s ability to have a mental toughness, and the ability to recover quickly from difficult tasks or situations. Resilience offers the ability to bounce back or respond and react in the event of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or stessful situations.
Coping Skills– Coping skills are the specific steps one might take to react and respond to events, internal thouhgts, emotions, and daily tasks. It’s the strategies a person can use to consciousely solve personal or interpersonal problems. Coping skills can be physical methods, self-talk, sensory strategies, and other specific skills that allow for wellness and wellbeing.
Self-talk– Self-talk is that internal dialogue that is constantly running in your mind. Self-talk can be a coping skill, and it can impact mindset. This internal dialogue is influenced by your subconscious thoughts as well as conscious thoughts. Self-talk can be both positive and negative and has the ability to impact resilience and mindfulness.
You can see how all of these terms are inter-related and how they all impact one another. When these skills are growing and developing children can accomplish tasks and not limit themselves in learning and developing as an indiviual.
All of these mindset definitions can be strengthened, using tools and specific strategies. And, by working on these various areas, children (and ourselves) can respond to challenging situations (like distance learning, for example) that require us to pivot and change.
Also connected to all of these areas are social emotional learning, executive functioning skills, and the emotional regulation part of executive functioning skills.
Critical thinking plays a big part in development of mindset and the other growth areas listed above.
So how to work on these areas to foster a growth mindset, positive self-talk, coping tools, and resilience in kids?

Strategies for Mindset
Specific strategies can help, along with a plan. Below are some strategies to address mindset and the other areas listed above.
- Work on wellness and wellbeing- Check out these wellness strategies
- Practice mindfulness
- Help others
- Focus on positive self-talk
- Identify goals and work on those areas
- Breaking down goals into smaller, achievable steps
- Work on perspective
- Create a toolbox of strategies
- Foster a positive outlook
- Practice working memory strategies and learn from mistakes
- Focus on the present and mindfulness
One method for working through these skills is with the (Amazon affiliate link) Big Life Journal.
Children can use the journal as a working tool to foster specific strategies and methods for developing persistnece, growth mindset, and a positive perspective. These stragies can be a powerful way to help kids accomplish tasks, believe in themselves, and grow and develop as a person.
You can get a copy of the Big Life Journal here. (Ages 7-10)
And the resource for older kids: Big Life Journal for Teens and Tweens (Ages 11+)
As well as the adult-version: Big Life Journal for Adults (Ages 18-99)
Big Life Journal PRintables
Want to add a Big Life Journal to your toolbox? Let’s get kids developing resilience, social emotional learning, and mindset.
I love that the Big Life Journal is available as a printable PDF on the company’s website, making the printables easy to print off and use with your students or children.
OT providers often support students and clients with mindset, and we know that Mindset is everything! The Big Life Journals help your child, tween/teen, or even YOU to develop the mindset of growth, resilience, gratitude, and positivity.
Check out the blog comments below for ideas to help kids to develop skills in empathy, resilience, mindset, self-talk, and mindfulness.
This product was featured in our Therapy Toys and Tools Giveaway Series. (Giveaway now closed.)

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to
154 thoughts on “Growth Mindset”
I use Kelly Mahler’s Interoception curriculum to help facilitate mindfulness in my students who are often very dysregulated. This seems like a great journal!
I like to use growth mindset for all of the kids using mindfulness activities, deep breathing exercises, self-talk, etc. incorporated in my lessons. It is important to teach our kids to be self reliant and resilient.
I use many different methods but yoga and breathing techniques are our go to. It is very important for me to make sure my daughter is self reliant.
I encourage mindful participation in meaningful activities, teach self-regulation strategies, provide opportunities for successful task completion, and facilitate group collaboration and problem solving. This book would be a welcome addition to my toolbox!
I encourage self-regulation strategies-deep breathing, read a book, rest a little. This would be great for me and my classroom.
I think stories are a great way to teach these complex issues. They can relate to the characters and internalize the concepts.
I teach growth mindset principles to all of my kids by using gratitude, empathy and mindfulness to build resilience.
This journal looks wonderful. I try to help my students develop positive self-talk by finishing off sessions with positive affirmations. I specifically have one student who struggles with self-confidence and perfectionism. Finishing off every session with me saying positive affirmations and him repeating after me, has been huge for him. To the point where he now will start saying them on his own, and he seems to be more motivated and less perseverative in his work. Just for example- he would often complain that tasks were too hard or that he wasn’t able to do something. So at the end of sessions, I say, what did we do today? we go through what we accomplished and then I say to him wow- I can do NEW things, I can do HARD things. I think this is really helping his negative self talk. This journal is something I would love to try with him or other students. Thanks!
My students require self reflection when I work with them. It is important for them to understand their own needs so that they can see what work they need to do. Someone else ‘telling’ them what to do isn’t enough for them to be independent.
I use the strategies outlined in Hacking School Discipline! Love teaching students to “repair the harm” after difficult moments- good exercise to reflect on mistakes.
I use Zone of Regulations to take to kids about how they are feeling during different situations. Using the characters from Inside Out also gives them something they can easily visualize and relate too.
I love the Zones of Regulation and Emotional ABC’s to for my students so they can understand their emotions and self-regulate accordingly.
I run weekly self regulation and social thinking groups where we constantly discuss and learn the importance of growth mindset and self-regulation skills throughout our daily routines.
I love the growth mindset journal and would enjoy incorporating it into my zones/self-regulation programming.
Would love this to give to one of my patients! Use the zones of regulation program.
This looks amazing and I’d love to use it with my students and also my own son who is about to be 8. I use Zones of Regulation, yoga, Thich Nhat Hanh mindfulness for kids, coping skills for kids, and a sensory journal
I co-lead groups with my school social worker and we are constantly reviewing positive self-talk, mindfulness (with deep breathing), and growth mindset. We revisit these topics each year and find new ways of presenting them through role playing and practicing.
I watch Daniel Tiger’s neighborhood with my sons with autism to teach them about empathy.
We have our kids write in a gratitude journal or draw a picture of what they are thankful for, as a way to see where growth has led to positive changes, but we still have a very long way to go
I teach my kids to self talk themselves through a difficult task. I am there to help them if a task is too difficult and is always a great moment when you see them return that helpfulness to another. I also teach them zones of regulation to become more aware of their emotions and what to do.
I work in a severely emotionally disturbed classroom with boys who really need outlets for their frustrations. Without this classroom and outlets for anger, these elementary school students would be unable to stay in public school. This book would really help these kids.
I’ve been working on mindfulness before it was cool, lol! I’ve set up my room to include a calming corner, where kids can remove themselves from the stressors of the classroom and then return when they are ready. I love combining OT with mindfulness strategies. I’ve used this book with my own kids and print out a lot of their resources for my students. I wish I could get a class set!
I use Zones of Regulation to be able to help my children identify what zone they’re in and strategies to use to return to the green zone. I also have a box of “calm down” cards (Tools to grow!) where I will present a few choices to the child and have them pick an activity to help them calm down. I found some “kind” & “unkind” cards that I’m excited to use where the child has to sort the action based on whether it was a kind choice or not.
We use the Second Steps program at my school to work on social emotional learning. This journal would be a great addition to help students kids to develop skills in empathy, resilience, mindset, self-talk, and mindfulness.
I am a yoga teacher and OT both. I use positive affirmations mixed with yoga poses and breathing exercises. I believe positive affirmations are such a powerful tool for improving self concept and creating a “can-do” mindset. I’ve always wanted one of these journals!
I love modeling positive self talk for my kids as well as beginning and ending sessions with some deep breathing exercises to make it part of their routine.
I use my Yoga training in conjunction with being an OT. I use positive mantras, yoga poses, breathing exercises and most importantly I respect the kids I work with, gaining their trust by being me. Two students last week called me their best friend and this to me, is an honor.
I use Zones of regulation as well as discussions of positive mental health to improve students self image and learn mindfulness.
Working in pediatric mental health, my clients would benefit from fostering positive outlook, increasing self-esteem, and practicing mindfulness. My students often participate in mindfulness and yoga practice.
I use Zones of Regulation to help children become aware of their feelings. I also use the concept of “stretchy thinking” to help facilitate a growth mindset. This journal looks like it would be so helpful with some of my clients!
I like to use deep breathing especially at the beginning and end of a session to help reset and get ready for what’s next. The older kids like to “act out” (throw a ball, squeeze) their frustrations and how they feel and we try to find a solution together.
We count often to slow things down and it seems to help with impulsivity and regulation. I personally like to use CBT in my own life and will incorporate some of those strategies into my sessions by modifications to the child’s level. I like the idea of the journal because it puts the child in an ownership position and seems like it would be a great tool.
Many of my students have social emotional / behavioral goals in their IEPs. I put a lot of focus on teaching my students to be resilient, persevere, to accept, manage, and understand their emotions. I love the idea of the journal!
We always talk about mindfulness – with my kids at home and at school – it is such a helpful resource!
This is such a wonderful resource!
I use the Zones of Regulation for teaching self-regulation and I do a lot of role playing.
I use mantras and yoga to help kids gain skills in mindfulness and positive self-talk.
We help kids to develop skills in empathy, resilience, mindset, self-talk, and mindfulness through social skills groups each week! The kids are able to watch modeling, participate in reciprocal conversations, engage in games such as social charades and emotional bingo. It is great for watch as our kids help and learn from their peers too!
This is an area I lack in and would love to learn more. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments from other people! Social stories is the biggest thing I use
I think modeling these attributes/skills myself in the classroom in a very visual and deliberate way is powerful.
We help children in our classroom develop empathy, by sharing things that are on their minds first thing in the morning at our morning meeting. Its a way to connect and see that we are a lot alike, even though we are different.
I use a modified curriculum using Interoception, Zones of Regulation, How does your engine run, Social Thinking, and other bits and pieces. I individualize the curriculum for what each child needs “now.”
I use the Zones of Regulation, Social Thinking, the Interoception curriculum, and physical strategies like deep breathing and heavy work. The journal would be a good add on for an older student.
I use mantras with my students when they are working on a challenging task! This book would be a great addition to my collection.
We use yoga, Zones or Regulation and breathing techniques. This book would be a great to add 🙂
I would love to add this book to my toolbox of strategies for supporting children in their social emotional health. Thank you for offering it!
Working with children with Autism we are constantly teaching self regulation and calming techniques as well as social skills. This book would be a great resource.
As a Reading Specialist, I work individually with a lot of students who have a fixed mindset – “I can’t read”. I use Zones of Regulation and picture clues to start off with how they are feeling. We then use techniques to get into a growth mindset for our time together.
I use the zones of regulation, ALERT program, and other calming activities such as yoga and breathing. I work with a population with alot of trauma, so any materials for helping with these areas would be so helpful!
I always counter any negative self-talk “I’m so stupid” or “I’m so bad at this”. Those messages are reinforced when we allow them to pass. I say, “This is hard for you, but you are trying to improve.” or “Everyone makes mistakes, that’s how we learn.”
I work near the Navajo Reservation and have seen a lot of emotional issues risen as behavior issues. I use the Zones of Regulation in which now many of the Teachers have adopted as well as Teaching breathing and gratitude as those two things can help make quick neurological changes.
We do quite a bit of Zones of Regulation talk, movement breaks, and seasonal deep breathing activities
I use role playing, social stories, social skills groups, teaching positive self-talk, Zones of Regulation, deep breathing techniques, etc.
Helping children identify and label their emotions, as well as coping strategies for overwhelming feelings.
I do mindful minutes with the kids to help them calm down and focus on the present.
I use concepts from yoga, Zones of Regulation, MindUP, and breathing techniques and facilitate reflection on all the amazing, hard work my students do in therapy.
I try to incorporate yoga, breathing techniques, movement, mindfulness as well as just an open and safe space that students can feel comfortable with their feelings and expression.
I am an OT in an area that unfortunately has a high prevalence of childhood trauma. Although we work a lot on fine/visual motor skills, we also address self-calming techniques such as breathing, organizing movement such as yoga and crossing midline activities, talk about the zones of regulation and what tools we can use, and talk about things that are in/out of our control. I often co-treat with the school social worker.
Well I’m a school based OT practitioner so I am always focused on increasing my students’ independence and awareness. However, I’m also mom to a kiddo with anxiety and social issues. SOO, I am always working towards awareness, self-talk, empathy, etc. with him as well. We use books a lot to address situations, a journal where we take turns writing, and feeling words.
We have started exploring the Social Thinking curriculum and resources to assist with developing more functional social/emotional responses. I also use the Alert Program for assisting with self regulation for kids with sensory needs. This looks like a really neat idea for students!
I use a variety of curriculums to teach self regulation and they all are helpful. I keep learning new ways to teach and resources to use. This resource would be AWESOME!
This would be perfect for students on my caseload with executive function challenges.
I have the kids paint a face on a rock and on a balloon and we describe how the balloon is flexible and the rock is NOT. Then we search our memory for an issue in which we were not flexible and put it in the center of the page. After that we write thought bubbles around the center to see what the other person might be thinking. For example “I want to go to a friend, NOW!” _ Mom can’t take you, I can’t reach the other kid’s mom, we have an appointment, It’s too close to dinner, etc
I believe that it is essential to model for our learners how we practice SEL skills such as empathy, resilience, mindset, self-talk, and mindfulness. We focus on the 16 Habits of Mind and talk with our kids about how, once these habits are developed and implemented, they can help them find success in their classroom, career, college and community life. We also talk about how we all must continually practice and hone these skills, just like we would if we wanted to improve any skills!
As an OT in the schools, I am just beginning to work with our SEL team to incorporate strategies in the areas of self-awareness and self-management. Mindfulness (especially interoceptive skills) and opportunities for sensory exploration and sensory awareness are very helpful and this journal
would be a great addition.
I am always being a role model and am a positive influence on students with poor self esteem. I work in a rural county and have many students with little support at home. I try to be that support.
I have so many kids on my caseload struggling with emotional regulation in light of this tough year, would love to test out this resource
I love using the Zones of Regulation program to address self-talk, empathy, and resilience. I also try my best to empathize with how they are feeling, as I believe that acknowledging emotions is a very powerful tool for therapy to allow the child to feel safe and heard.
I unfortunately don’t feel I am doing enough in developing empathy and mindfulness. It has been a tough year for our student’s and I am always looking for more resources to help them cope better.
I try to start each session by checking in with each student about their state of regulation and then let my students choose activities that focus on mindfulness, positive self-talk, etc. I love pointing out when my students are showing skills like resilience, such as “Wow, that looked tough and you kept on trying!”
I use materials from popular stories to target emotion and perspective taking vocabulary and concepts. I also love the Social Thinking curriculum and Zones of Regulation.
I need this to learn more about all these areas.
I like to teach mindfulness, sensory strategies and coping strategies through stories and physical representations so that the younger kids can associate a concrete objects with concepts. Some books I like to use are How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids
by Mary Reckmeyer and Tom Rath and Listening to my Body by Gabi Garcia.
we have done social stories, slide shows to help with the self reflection and stratiegies that can be utilized.
I use social stories to talk about resilience and to put a belief in oneself that maybe I don’t know how to do it right now but I can keep putting in effort and slowly it will get easier. Hopefully instilling a growth mindset!
As an OT working in schools with specific programs for students with affective needs, this is a great tool to learning about! I currently use language and tools from the Zones of Regulation program. In this program, we work through various thoughts, feelings and emotions while creating a toolkit of strategies and items to help the child self-regulate throughout the day. I think this journal would be a great addition to the toolkit, as well as a way to develop a routine for general check ins with themselves and how they are feeling/thinking each day 🙂
Honestly, one of the biggest ways I encourage children to use a growth mindset and to develop their positive self-talk and empathy is through genuine modeling, and educating teachers and parents on how and why to model. Do as I say AND as I do. When kids are exposed to this throughout the day, it can become more automatic for them. It’s not always easy- especially when a student goes down a negative thought spiral, it’s easy to try distract or dismiss, but it’s more impactful to empathize and help them to understand what that part of them is going through.
I use many self-regulation techniques in my work, such as deep breathing techniques, guided meditation videos, movement breaks, positive self-talk exercises, and growth mindset practice. This would definitely be helpful in continuing my work!
I am an OT for remote school districts in Alaska, currently only via tele-therapy. I have so many students (particularly boys 3rd grade and up) who are struggling with the areas of negative self-talk, frustration, emotional and impulse control, sustained attention, and simply enjoying and actively participating in their days at schools. So far I use various emotions charts, 5-point scales, breathing videos and exercises, “mindful minute” exercises, impulse control games. I would so love more ideas to address these important areas! Thanks for what you offer and do! 🙂
write a comment about how YOU help kids to develop skills in empathy, resilience, mindset, self-talk, and mindfulness.
I help teach kids these skills through modeling and guided practice! For example, I will use zones of regulation to describe how I am feeling in the moment and ask a child how they are feeling. If they are feeling silly, mad, or upset, we will do either deep breathing or another mindfulness activity.
I work in a school that is a Lighthouse School that uses the Leader in Me in our school and this journal lines up perfectly with what we teach. I would LOVE to have one to use and maybe suggest others at school use them.
We love doing positive self talk, lots of affirmations!
In our social groups we love to use yoga, breathing, drawing, role play, movement, play and mindfulness activities to help with social emotional skills. The Big Life Journal has some great freebies that we have incorporated into our groups. I would love to have the Journal for my daughter.
Breathing exercises, grounding techniques, visuals of emotions, and kids yoga!
This would be amazing for my special needs OT students!!!!
Role playing is an activity I use to teach students empathy for others.
Positive affirmations, breathing techniques, practicing gratitude.
I work with high school-aged students, and I am often helping them to realize their own potential and guide them in self-determining how to best approach challenging tasks. This may mean that they will fail at what they are doing the first time and need to reflect on what they can do differently next time. Staying positive and fostering perseverance is key.
Hi Colleen,
I work on these skills by firstly helping kids realize how amazing they are and how many skills they already have – all my work is done in a very positive and strengths based environment. Then I like to use social stories to teach concepts since I find seeing it in a scenario outside of themselves helps them to really grasp the concepts and have those “aha” moments 🙂
I love my work and I am exited that there are amazing resources out there like this journal to help guide us in our work.
Thanks for running this fun contest and exposing us to so many amazing resources!
This really speaks to me. I have been reading the book “Peaceful parent, happy kids” and been working hard at emulating the emotional resilience, processing, and positive reframing I want my children to learn. My 19 month old already knows how to stop and take a deep breath when she gets over stimulated or frustrated. I love the idea of taking the next step and solidifying these mindfulness strategies on paper. <3
My three favorites are zones of regulation, cosmic yoga videos, and activities from centervention!!
I use the Zones of Regulation and mindful breathing exercises with my students.
We do a lot with the Zones of Regulation curriculum, yoga videos, and some relaxation breathing.
The zones of regulation is highly effective with my Autism students.
I have used the Alert Program & Zones of Regulation as well as promoting positive self talk, breathing exercises, & social stories.
yoga and mindfulness
This would be the perfect gift for my son and daughter, who both suffer anxiety and have struggled in many aspects. We have recently done started home schooling and I have been a big fan of mindfulness and meditation for a few years, in fact I have just recently completed a child and teens yoga course to assist with their anxiety, because of ADD my children never really finish a 5 minute meditation or mindfulness. We start our day off with a 5 minute kids meditation and mindfulness even if they are only there for the first minute or so I can see a difference if we skip the morning routine. they are slowly starting to grasp and enjoy it a little more and im certain this would be the best gift for them to assist their coping skills!
Positive self-talk, mindfulness and an attitude of gratitude!
These positive affirmations and growth mindset concepts are great to teach alongside self regulation strategies!
I use different worksheets and graphics to teach about a growth mindset. I also incorporate breathing techniques.
I’ve been wanting to try this with my son then incorporate it with my older clients. Thank you for all of your resources!
I’ve used different thinking tools like’ sending positive messages to your brain’, stop and breathe( using mindfulness breathing) to enable ‘ having a re-think’. Also used Habits of mind to ‘manage impulsivity’ and ‘think about our thinking’.
I’ve used different thinking tools like’ sending positive messages to your brain’, stop and breathe( using mindfulness breathing) to enable ‘ having a re-think’. Also used Habits of mind to ‘manage impulsivity’ and ‘think about our thinking’.
I reinforce positive self talk and self affirmations.
So many children (and adults) are going to need growth mindset and positive thinking tools.
I have used zones of regulation. For positivity and self talk… Etc.
This would be great to read.
I teach emotions through Emotional ABCs for littles and Zones of Regulation when a little older. As we move through the day, I incorporate mindfulness and movement breaks. I model language, like if I am frustrated, I will say exactly what happened that made me frustrated and how I plan on getting myself back to calm. We talk about the power of words and how positive self-talk can change our outlook on tasks. I model that positive self-talk and encourage students to do the same.
We switched to a Growth Mindset Character Education program several years ago at our school. It has been a real game changer for kids but the staff as well! This journal would fit right in with our purpose in building leaders in our community. Thank you for this opportunity.
The majority of my students have autism spectrum disorder. Many times, the struggle with self-regulation and self-esteem. This Growth Mindfulness journal could help reenforce ideas of positive self-talk, mindfulness, and resilience.
I would love to use these activities for the kids in my clinic. I use growth mindset and the zones of regulation to help teach kids about their emotions. This would be a great addition.
We have a basket with slips of paper listing different methods for 5 minutes of mindfulness, and let one child grab a slip and we do the ‘mindful moment’ listed, before we transition into the next activity.
In addition to the Zones and Alert programs, I like to teach mindfulness, positive self-affirmations, and the “can do” mantra growth mindset focuses on. I like to do this throughout many activities during our session. “We can do hard things!” What a great book this looks like!
We try slow mindful exercises like yoga focusing what part of the body is being used. I also use social stories.
I try to incorporate mindfulness into the activities I do with students. This journal seems like a classic because of the concepts that prove useful.
I try to find individualized deep breathing patterns to help kids recognize the internal sensations when they are becoming overwhelmed or dysregulated. I would love to win this book to expand my mindfulness and growth mindset toolbox!
Created my own visual and some activities about self-awareness and value clarification and how they impact upon foundational skills for motivation.
I use kid meditation videos on you tube, practice deep breathing, and use growth mindset statements.
My go-to right now is Zones of Regulation.
Yoga, breathing exercises, positive self-talk
I love incorporating mindfulness when teaching coping skills and resilience. This would be great integrate into my private practice
Cooperative games and activities with other kids, Emotions Choice Board, Zones or Regulation, Mindfulness videos and cards, and kids yoga activities are some of the activities I incorporate daily during therapy times with students.
Provide opportunities for sucess, build confidence through trust, deep breathing, and problem solving skills are all so important.
I like to use yoga, mindfulness activities, deep breathing exercises in my sessions.
we are working hard on social emotional skills, empathy, and self regulation & coping skills. My son would benefit tremendously from this journal.
For my youngest, when she gets upset, we found that taking a moment to take a few deep breaths really helps. And my middle, we are currently working on goals for school and talking about ways to get there. And ways his teacher can help him get to those goals too.
Yoga, counting, social stories
Yoga, ZONES, positive affirmations/self-talk
Mindfulness, yoga and breathing techniques.
I use the Zones, Yoga, deep breathing and self-talk. This would be a great addition to my practice.
I have implemented ZOR at a center based program but would love to expand.
I use Zones of Regulation, deep breathing techniques, and positive self talk. I also like to incorporate Brain Gym into my sessions.
I like to use deep breathing exercises with my students.
As an OT in the public school setting, I can see how this book would be very helpful for my students, my biological children, and myself. I would love to win it!
The speech therapist and I have work together on social emotional skills during game play and small group discussion
A great resource for People dealing with stress and anxiety.
I do breathing strategies, use visual strategies, have them give self hugs when they do something great and also to give them some set love. I let them know they are capable learners. I have looked at this resource for over a year and have wanted to purchase it to use with a couple of students in particular who have low self esteem and self worth.
As a mother of five I try to make time each day for each child to discuss their day and work through any challenges they’re facing. My 11 year old daughter has been dealing with being bullied and isolated at school this year, which has been such a challenge for her. So spending extra time with her encouraging her to be positive and focus on the things she enjoys and using mindfulness and reflection through reading, music – listening to and playing her violin and drawing has helped her.
As a preschool teacher, I provide the kiddos opportunities to be successful, develop confidence, and that reduces the negative self-talk. Mindfulness activities are a part of every day to help children center & regroup. Such an important life skill!
I like to use breathing techniques and yoga
I incorporate it’s “ok to make mistakes “ themes into sessions ,yoga and self awareness strategies to help foster confidence and coping skills
I would love to check this journal out- it might even help me.
I’ve expanded my yoga background and breathing exercises to be in the moment and have searched other resources to meet my students, teachers, & families needs.
Doing telehealth has given me so many opportunities to model flexible thinking with my clients! I also have been using resources from Autism Level up, which I love!
OMG! I have discovered Big Life this fall through their Big Life Podcast and have been listening to it with my kiddos to work on some of those heavier topics that I never quite knew how to talk about. They have been an amazing resource and this journal would be a FANTASTIC addition to my toolbox for social emotional goals. I currently use a list of prompts to help my kiddos bring up scenarios that they’ve been through and talk about empathy, self-talk and social emotional responses. I also have been doing a LOT of gratitude work with my older kiddos.
I recently bought 2 of these for my own kids. I am working with my special ed teachers to buy a few copies for some of my students as well.
A growth mindset is the way of the world. Teaching a growth mindset is so instrumental in the development of all individuals. This journal would be a great asset to my classroom. Good luck everyone!
I’m a yoga therapist and a PT – I teach mindfulness, yoga, self-regulation both in school and in my private practice. I plan on purchasing the journal for my grandkids.
I use a lot of mindfulness, yoga, deep breathing, and positive affirmations
This would be a great resource. At our school we use growth mindset, conscious discipline, yoga and deep breathing all to help children be more resilient and self reliant.
I give my kiddo lots of verbal affirmation and patience. I encourage him trying new things and support him.
Deep breathing and yoga are definitely helpful! Consistency in terms of support of positive behavior and interaction has also been helpful for me.
The Zones of Regulation, deep breathing, and yoga.
Deep breathing and setting positive intentions
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