Cereal Box Fine Motor Coordination Activity for Kids

Cereal Box Tripod Grasp, Bilateral hand Coordination, Visual Scanning
We love to use things from the recycle bin in play.  This cereal box was on it’s way out of the kitchen one morning, but first we had a little fun!
While the kids were playing, I used scissors to poke holes all over all sides of the cereal box.  I cut up a couple of straws into little pieces and put both on our train table for the kids to discover. 
This is a recycle bin project that focuses on fine motor skills.
Cereal Box Tripod Grasp, Bilateral hand Coordination, Visual Scanning
Baby Girl was the first to see this and knew right away what to do.  She started pushing the straws into the little holes.
Cereal Box Tripod Grasp, Bilateral hand Coordination, Visual Scanning

Tripod Grasp Activity for Kids

This was a fun activity for her and she played for the longest time.  She really worked her fine motor skills to grasp the little bits of straws…using a tripod grasp and tip to tip grasp to hold the straws and push them through the holes.
Cereal Box Tripod Grasp, Bilateral hand Coordination, Visual Scanning

Bilateral Hand Activity for Kids

She demonstrated bilateral hand coordination (using both hands together in a coordinated manner) to turn the box over and around looking for little holes. 

Visual Scanning Activity for Kids

This was a great way to practice visual scanning as she searched for holes to push the straw pieces into.

Note: always use caution when playing with one of the activities posted on this blog.  Adult supervision and caution should always be exercised and activities should be tailored to meet the needs and abilities of your child.

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Push straws in holes in an empty cereal box