Visual Processing can result in overactive sensitivity to sights or an under-responsiveness to all that the eye sees. During Fall, there are many more colors and visual sights that can be a sense of interest to children with sensory processing disorders. A simple walk in the yard is much different during the Fall months when leaves are changing or there are more sticks and acorns to navigate on the lawn. For the child who has sensory processing concerns, using the sense of sight can be a calming or alerting tool. Try these fall visual processing sensory activities this Fall.
Check out our free Fall Sensory Activities booklet. It’s full of family-friendly sensory activities that celebrate the season through sensory experiences covering all of the senses. The activities in this free booklet are a fun way to encourage motor movement and development through fall activities. Scroll to the bottom of this blog post to grab your copy!
Adding visual sensory activities to vestibular or proprioception activities can have a great affect on children with sensory processing disorders. Check out our Fall Proprioception Activities and Fall Vestibular Activities or find all of the ideas in one place in our Fall Harvest Sensory calendar.
Fall Visual Processing Sensory Activities

Fall Sensory Activities
Work on visual processing skills this Fall AND address all areas of sensory needs while experiencing all that the Fall season has to offer! Grab your free copy of the Fall Sensory Experiences Booklet to create sensory diet activities that meet the needs of individuals in a Fall-themed way! Enter your email address below and you will find the Fall Sensory Experiences Booklet delivered right to your inbox. Enjoy!