If you’re a frequent visitor to this blog, you know that we LOVE our fine motor play activities! We are very into playing with household items and recycled materials (aka FREE stuff) in our play, crafts, and activities. We’re joining so many other bloggers in 26 activities using everyday household items with one focus: Fine Motor Play for kids!
Fine Motor Play with Keys

We did a threading activity with pipe cleaners
and keys. I asked the kids to thread one key on the yellow pipe cleaner, two keys on the orange pipe cleaner, three keys on the blue pipe cleaner, etc.
This was such a fun way to practice fine motor skills, listening, direction following, and early math.

Baby Girl (age 2 and half) was very into this activity. Little Guy (age 5) LOVED the cardboard lock. He locked away all sorts of treasures with it.

Don’t have extra keys in your house? Use the ones on your key ring. (Just watch them closely so your house key doesn’t “walk” away!) Or, you could purchase a box of blank keys and use them in fine motor play!

Looking for more fine motor activities using everyday items? These are fun and frugal:

Paper Clips | Spoons and Cupcake Tin | Ice Cube Tray | Masking Tape | Golf Tees