How to make stovetop clean mud:
With a broken microwave, we were out of luck making the traditional recipe for clean mud. Or were we??? Why not try a stove top version of clean mud for a different twist on the usual clean mud recipe. Instead of a bar of Ivory soap, we used body wash. (This scent also had a pink tint to it and the body wash made for a great cherry/vanilla scent.)

Next, add one tablespoon of body wash and one tablespoon of water. Stir everything together over heat on the stove. Keep stirring until the clean mud reaches the consistency of mashed potatoes. Remove from heat and continue to stir.
Dump the clean mud onto a clean surface and let cool to touch. Knead the dough just a bit to add “fluff” to the sensory dough. You want the clean mud to be squishy but not too soapy. You can adjust the texture by adding more toilet paper or soap/water.

and red coffee stirrers
to create cupcakes and candles.