Super Simple Recycled Sensory Jar

There are so many ways to make sensory bottles.  Today I wanted to share a super simple sensory bottle idea that is perfect for those calm-down moments we all crave.  You know the times we all have when a child (or mom!) is just needs to refocus and calm down.  It’s a time when many of us fidget, bite our nails, or seek out sensory input.  This sensory jar is an easy way to calm down and it’s an easy recycled jar to make, too.

Use a recycled mason jar to make an easy sensory calm down jar

Recycled mason Jar Sensory Calm Down Jar

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For this sensory bottle, we used items that we had on hand.  
Mason jar
Glitter glue
Yarn in various colors

Use a recycled mason jar to make an easy sensory calm down jar

To make this sensory jar, cut the yarn into 6 inch lengths.  Pour a glob of glitter glue into the bottom of the mason jar.  Add the yarn and fill the jar with water.  At this point, you can add extra loose glitter, but if you don’t want that added cost, it’s an easy step to skip.  

Use a recycled mason jar to make an easy sensory calm down jar

Be sure to add glue to the jar lid at this point to secure the lid.  Close the jar and give it a shake.  

Use a recycled mason jar to make an easy sensory calm down jar

Watch the falling glitter from the glitter glue and the swirling yarn as you and your child calms down.

Use a recycled mason jar to make an easy sensory calm down jar

**We used a glass mason jar for this activity.  You can substitute the glass for a recycled plastic jar for safety reasons.  Use your judgement regarding what is best for your individual children.

Want to see more ways to use recycled jars in creative crafts and learning activities? Try these ideas:
DIY Snow globe by Kidz Activities(not shown) 
Recycle Plastic Pendant by Our Whimsicle Days 
Calm Down Sensory Bottle by Sugar Aunts 
Easy Teacher Appreciation Gift by Crafty Mama in ME 
Chalkboard Lid Jars by Play and Learn Everyday 
Photo Jar Luminaries by Mum in the Madhouse 
Sea Glass Suncather by The Gingerbread House 

Edible Sand Jars by Playdough & Popsicles 
Fairy Lights Recycle Jars by Peakle Pie 
Washi Tape Photo Jars by Teach me Mommy
Nature Gifts by Nemscok Farms

Use a recycled mason jar to make an easy sensory calm down jar

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Valentines Day Sensory Bottle with Waterbeads