Playground Therapy

Whether in the school environment or accessing playgrounds in the community, it is important to discuss playground therapy as a tool for building skills. Therapy playground strategies can support development in many different areas. Here, we’ll cover how to incorporate the playground in therapy sessions, as well as playground equipment. 

You’ll also want to dive into specifics about sensory integration at the playground and balance at the playground. Another resource that is helpful for some individuals is our article on sensory diets at the playground.

Playground therapy

The playground offers a unique environment for building skills. There is so much development and therapeutic growth that can happen in an environment like a playground. 

Let’s take a look at the various areas of development that can be targeted through play on a playground:

This skillset is powerful and it’s all through the power of play!

Playground Therapy Equipment

With it’s slides and swings, surroundings, slope, surfaces, and colors, no two playgrounds are exactly alike. Just as all playgrounds are different, the childhood development that can occur using the equipment at a playground is vast.

Some important playground therapy equipment include:

  • Slides
  • Swings (regular, disk, tire swing, platform swing, etc.)
  • ​Balance beams
  • Stairs
  • Climbing wall
  • Climbing platform
  • Foam sensory stations
  • Wheelchair access
  • Ladders
  • Climbing areas
  • Monkey bars
  • Ramps
  • Auditory input stations
  • Fine motor areas
  • Musical areas
  • Cognitive skill areas

All of these spaces on the playground can be used through free play to support development. It’s through the occupation of play that children of all abilities develop. 

Creative play including pretend play and interaction with peers on the playground can promote development on a typical weekend trip to the park, or during recess time on the playground. Occupational therapy practitioners uniquely promote functional performance and play is both the therapy tool as well as the target for development. 

Using playground equipment in therapy goals can also be used to support a variety of diagnoses. 

Not only that, but a playground is a supportive and community friendly space that allows caregivers to carryover recommendations in a shared and accessible space. 

The playground offers a unique environment.  There is so much development and therapeutic growth that can happen in an environment like a playground.  With it’s slides and swings, surroundings, slope, surfaces, and colors, no two playgrounds are exactly alike.  Just as all playgrounds are different, the childhood development that can occur using the equipment at a playground is vast.  

Ultimate Guide to the Playground

The links below will guide you through childhood development of capabilities at the playground, the fine motor development that can occur at a park, gross motor requirements for safety and independence, sensory therapy strategies that can be done at the playground, modification ideas, playground games for extending therapy, rules to break for developing progress, social skills that occur at the playground, and visual skill development that can develop at a playground.
This is literally your ultimate guide to the playground! 

Playground Development

When playing on the playground, so many skills develop. We covered this in our resource on sensory play using playground equipment because motor skills and movement are intrinsically connected to sensory skills, meaning sensory-motor! You’ll love this resource on developmental progression of playground skills.

 Fine Motor Skills are also developed at the playground, through use of slides, swings, and other items. We know that development progresses from gross motor to fine motor and proximally to distally, but did you know the true value of climbing, sliding, balancing, and using those playground tools? Check out this blog post for more information on fine motor skills at the playground.

Modifying Playground Equipment for Development

Neighborhood parks, school playgrounds, and even natural play areas (hiking trails, beaches, state parks, forests, and the backyard) are in every community. What a resource we have within minutes from every home! But, when it comes to playground equipment, not all are created equal. 

Sometimes, we need to adjust our plans or activities at the park or playground. And that’s ok! A swing may not be developmentally appropriate for every individual. A climbing device or elevated play area may not work for the needs of every individual. What we can do, however, is adjust or modify the equipment we do have access to. 

This way, we can use the resources available as best we can while promoting developmental progression and achievement of individual goals. That is exactly what we do as occupational therapy professionals! 

Check out this blog on modifying playground equipment. It’s a great tool to add to your therapy toolbox!

  • This blog post includes utilizing playground equipment to support visual processing skills on the playground
  • This blog post has social skills activities while at the park or playground

Playground Games

As occupational therapists, we harness the environment and address any factors that impact functional participation. This includes using our primary occupations. For kids, that primary occupation is PLAY! 
By incorporating gross motor games, scavenger hunts, I Spy, and other games, the playground becomes a place to practice through play in so many aspects of child development.
Kids play at school at the playground, and they play 
What a resource for families and therapists!
The ultimate guide to kids on the playground, including fine motor, gross motor, visual skill, and social skill development, sensory integration therapy, modifications, and more.
The ultimate guide to kids on the playground, including fine motor, gross motor, visual skill, and social skill development, sensory integration therapy, modifications, and more.

Try these outdoor play ideas:

 Rainbow Writing Handwriting Practice | Winter Letters Outside  | Letters on the Garage Door | Alphabetical Order Golf Tee Hammering

Ultimate guide to the playground