This glow in the dark chalk sensory bottle is one that is added to some of our favorite sensory bottles.
SO, if you’ve seen sensory bottles before, you might be surprised to see this calming sensory tool is made with CHALK. Yep, chalk!

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But first,
Why use sensory bottles?

Sensory bottles are a tool for calming and self-regulation in kids with sensory needs. Some children (and adults) use them as a tool in their sensory diet. Just like kids with motor planning issues NEED modifications or children with visual motor integration concerns NEED to use certain accommodations in order to write legible, there are kids who NEED self-regulation in their sensory diet in order to function in their day. They are not just another blog post that you might see out there in your Facebook feed.
TIP: Add a DIY sensory bottle to your on-the-go sensory diet bag!
Self regulation is essential skill that allows us to keep emotions in check and think before acting.

Here are some of the benefits of using a sensory bottle as a self-regulation tool:
- Calms
- Helps with focusing
- Helps with attention
- Allows clear thinking
- Keep calm under pressure
- Provides proprioceptive feedback
- Provides a “just right” level of sensory feedback
- Relaxes the mind
Can you imagine a child with sensory processing issues or social emotional concerns who could not regulate their emotions on their own or step back and make the “right” response in situations because of their self-regulation needs? Can you imagine if this was your child who had these needs and there was a simple DIY (and often times quite inexpensive) tool that could help? Why not explore all of the sensory bottles out there on the internet to find one that meets your child’s interests? It’s a sensory bottle no-brainer!
Now that I’ve stepped off my soapbox, on to the glow in the dark chalk sensory bottle fun!
Glow in the Dark Chalk Sensory Bottle
We’ve been making a bunch of sensory bottles this year along with a team of bloggers. Each month, we’ve had a specific theme in mind. This month is all about Glow In The Dark. How fun is that? I don’t know a kid who doesn’t get excited about glow in the dark toys, shirts, or glow sticks, do you?
When I was trying to brainstorm materials to make our glow-in-the-dark sensory bottle, I remembered a set of glow in the dark chalk that I bought on clearance at the end of last summer. After a quick glow-check, I was excited to find that the chalk still glowed after 6 months in a storage bin. We used the chalk for a cool sensory bottle that could calm and regulate in the dark!
Materials you’ll need for a CHALK Glow in the Dark Sensory Bottle
Clear plastic bottle with lid
Green liquid dish soap
Warm water
Glow-in-the-dark chalk
Kitchen mallet
plastic baggie
3-4 Marbles
Silver Glitter and Star sparkles (optional)
Other glow in the dark materials that would work for a glowing sensory bottle:
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To make the calming sensory tool:
Place the chalk in a plastic baggie and use a kitchen mallet to pound the chalk. Try to get it as fine as possible. This is a GREAT proprioceptive workout for kids and a lot like our ice pounding activity, so get the kids involved in this step!

Next, mix together the chalk dust, one cup of liquid dish soap, and one cup of warm water.
Drop in the marbles (You will definitely need the marbles to break up the chalk dust as it will settle in the bottle of the bottle.) A benefit of the marbles is that it adds weight to the bottle, making this an even more effective sensory tool.
Next, pinch in glitter and sparkles.
Glue on the lid and start shaking!

Other glow in the dark materials that would work for your calming sensory tool: