Mother’s Day is all about cute kid-made cards. Many times, occupational therapy professionals and teachers seek out crafts to make with students to celebrate Mom. This year may be a little different when it comes to coming up with a Mother’s Day craft to make with students. I wanted to put together an easy Mother’s day idea that kids can make in virtual therapy sessions or as part of a distance learning activity. Kids can even make this card with Dad using just a couple of items. This Mother’s Day craft is perfect for a tea-loving mom…Or kids and moms who love puns like “You are TEA-riffic”! This might be one of my favorite kids’crafts that we’ve done. It’s easy and it’s super cute. Add a Mother’s Day quote to this card and you’ve got a gift idea that will make any mom smile!
Mother’s Day Craft
This post contains affiliate links. You’ll need just a few materials for this craft:
- Paper
- Tape
- Tea bag
- Sticker/flower/something to stick to the tea bag’s tag
- Markers/crayons
Grab a piece of paper or cardstock for the card. Fold it in half. Next, use your mom’s favorite tea. We just used a bag of tea that we had on hand, but I do love caffeine free flavored teas.
Pull the tea out of the wrapper and stretch out the string.
Then, you can decorate the paper tab with a sticker, or by coloring on the paper label. Other ideas include creating a paper flower and gluing it on the the paper. We used foam sticky flowers for a Spring-y touch. We received ours from but you can get a set here.
The nice thing about this easy Mother’s Day craft is that it is very open-ended and you can use the items on hand.
Tea Bag Craft for Moms
To make the tea bag craft, kids can stick something to the paper tag on the tea bag. The flower stickers that we used are sticky on the back, so just peel off the back and stick it to the tea bag’s tag. Adding a sticker or gluing a small note would work too. The idea is to use what you’ve got on hand at home.
We then taped the tea bag and the tag to the front of the card with a tape donut and wrote a fun message with the words, “MOM You are TEA-Riffic” to the front. Done!
This would make a great preschool Mother’s day craft because it’s very simple and requires just a few steps. The craft can easily be graded up or down to meet a variety of skill levels as well.
Mom will love this super cute craft. Work on handwriting by having your child add a message to the inside of the card. Glue lined paper to the inside to provide visual cues for spacing and line awareness. This is sure to be one of the crafts that Mom keeps forever!
Mother’s Day Craft for Therapy Sessions
By adding this Mother’s Day craft to occupational therapy sessions or the classroom, kids can work on a variety of skills. Add this easy craft to your therapy line up or classroom plans and you’ll add a variety of skills:
- Eye-hand coordination
- Precision (managing tape, peeling sticker)
- Hand strength (folding and creasing paper)
- Handwriting
- Bilateral Coordination (folding paper, sticking stickers)
- Scissor Skills
More Mother’s Day Crafts
Who do you know that will love this craft? Looking for more creative Mother’s Day ideas for the kids? Try these ideas to work on specific skills during therapy sessions or as part of a distance classroom activity:
We know the power of fingerprints and finger painting in building fine motor skills as well as finger isolation. Here is a Mother’s Day Finger Painting activity if that is something that might work as a Mother’s Day craft this year.
Send Mom a Mother’s Day quote for something different this year.
For a homemade gift idea for Moms, a homemade Mother’s Day card can work. This one challenges the scissor skills so it would work for older children or those working on more complex scissor skills.
Play dough or clay can be used to make a homemade gift for moms. Making Little Clay Bowls challenges the fine motor skills, too.
If you are looking to make a treat for Mom, these cupcakes are a great way to challenge fine motor skills, executive functioning skills, and more.
Finally, this Mother’s Day Book List can be used as a cozy time with mom. Find the books on a library app and read with Mom!
Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to