If you have a second grader, than you may be familiar with doubles and near doubles. This form of math facts with doubles numbers (adding two numbers that are the same) and near doubles (adding two numbers that are almost the same), can help kids quickly learn math facts with a brain trick. We created a spider activity that was a fun way to practice doubles and near doubles!

What are Doubles and Near Doubles?
We explained this a bit, but let’s expand on these math definitions.
You might be thinking, “What!?” I have to admit, adding near doubles is a concept that I learned along with my oldest when she went through second grade.
What is Doubles and Near Doubles in Second grade math?
Doubles are the addends that are exactly the same. These are addition facts that second graders need to know to add within 20.
Near Doubles are those addends that are almost a double fact. So, 4+5 is very close to 4+4. Students can easily recall that the double fact for 4+4=8 and by adding one more, they quickly know that 4+5=9. These are math fact tools that can help second graders add within 20.
Doubles Math Facts
Doubles math facts include:
- 0+0=0
- 1+1=2
- 2=2+4
- 3+3=6
- 4+4=8
- 5+5=10
- 6+6=12
- 7+7=14
- 8+8=16
- 9+9=18
- 10+10=20
Near Doubles Facts
Near doubles facts depend on the doubles that the numbers are near.
- 0+0=0
- 1+0=1
- 0+1=1
- 1+1=2
- 2+1=3
- 1+2=3
- 0+1=1
- 1+0=1
- 2+2=4
- 3+2=5
- 2+3=5
- 1+2=3
- 2+1=3
- 3+3=6
- 4+3=7
- 3+4=7
- 2+3=5
- 3+2=5
- 4+4=8
- 5+4=9
- 4+5=9
- 3+4=7
- 4+3=7
- 5+5=10
- 6+5=11
- 5+6=11
- 4+5=9
- 5+4=9
- 6+6=12
- 7+6=13
- 6+7=13
- 5+6=11
- 6+5=11
- 7+7=14
- 8+7=15
- 7+8=15
- 6+7=13
- 7+6=13
- 8+8=16
- 9+8=17
- 8+9=17
- 7+8=15
- 8+7=15
- 9+9=18
- 10+9=19
- 9+10=19
- 8+9=17
- 9+8=17
- 10+10=20
- 11+10=21
- 10+11=21
- 9+10=19
- 10+9=19
You can see how learning just a handful of doubles facts builds a bigger repertoire of math facts. This is a particularly good path strategy for learning tricky addition facts that kids often struggle with, especially with adding the higher 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s.
Adding Doubles and Near Doubles
Adding doubles is a math fact memorization technique. It is easier for kids to remember that 2+2=4, 6+6=12, 7+7=14, 9+9=18, etc.
Kids can first memorize the doubles facts. Once they’ve got those addition facts down pat, recognizing that the near doubles facts are just one off from the double makes learning a whole new set of numbers easy.
For example:
First the student would memorize the near double of 6+6=12.
Then, when that becomes a math fact they know by sight, they can look at the math problem 6+5 and recognize that the addend 5 is just one less than the doubles fact for 6. They can know the number sense that the problem 6+5 is one less than 6+6 and easily identify the answer of 11.
Similarly, if the student is presented with the near doubles problem of 6+7, they can recognize that the addend 7 is one more than the doubles fact for 6. They can identify by number sense that the answer for 6+7 is one more than 6+6 and that the answer is 13.
Near doubles assist students with adding one more or one less than the doubles facts.
By this, we mean that once a student knows the doubles fact of 6+6=12, they then also know:
- 6+5=11
- 5+6=11
- 6+7=13
- 7+6=13
You can see how the doubles and near doubles concept builds number sense and allows students to become much more fluent and efficient at math problems.
Doubles and Near Doubles Activity
We made this near doubles activity to help with second grade math concepts, specifically in adding Doubles and adding Near Doubles., using a fun spider craft. The OT in me loves that it works on quite a few fine motor skills and scissor skills too!
I wanted to create a hands-on math activity using the doubles and Near Doubles addition facts with a spider theme.
It’s an easy and quick activity to set up, that will help second graders realize how to quickly figure out more addition facts quite easily. This is a math skill appropriate for Common Core Standards CCSS 2.0A.1 and CCSS 2.0A.2. You can see those Common Core standards here.
To make your Near Doubles Spider Activity

You’ll need just a few materials for this doubles and near doubles practice activity:
- Black construction paper
- White colored pencil
- Scissors
- Glue
- Googly eyes
To make this doubles and near doubles craft, complete these steps:
- Cut out 8 strips of black construction paper. These will become the spider’s legs.
- Using a white colored pencil, write out doubles facts on one side of the black paper strips. You’ll need to write the following doubles facts on the paper strips:
- 2+2=__
- 3+3=__
- 4+4=__
- 5+5=__
- 6+6=__
- 7+7=__
- 8+8=__
- 9+9=__
- On the other side of each spider leg paper strip, write with your white colored pencil:
- 2+3=__
- 3+4=__
- 4+5=__
- 5+6=__
- 6+7=__
- 7+8=__
- 8+9=__
- 9+8=__
- Cut out a circle out of the black paper for the head.
- Glue googly eyes onto the spider’s head.
- Glue the legs to the spider head so the Doubles are all on one side and the Near Doubles are all on the other side.
Kids can flip the legs over to see how closely the doubles are to the Near Doubles and how knowing the Doubles facts can quickly help them figure out the Near Double facts.
You can make multiple versions of these numbers, using the commutative property of addition.

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Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.