This was a quick activity using Big Sister’s sight words. She’s been learning so much in Kindergarten! Being our oldest we are SO amazed at the words she can pick out now and KNOWS just weeks into school! It seems like our little girl was just a pink little baby fresh from the hospital and now…she is beginning to READ! Woah, how did this happen?!?
Big Sister has been bringing four words home every two weeks for extra practice. We have flash cards, but does that get boring or what?
Sight Word Bottle Cap Stampers
This activity was very easy to set up and Boom. Instant sight word practice, with a fun twist!
I wrote out some of her sight words on a sheet of paper and put a splat of paint on a paper plate. We used a cap from our Recycled materials craft bin to circle stamp the word “he”. She had so much fun with this. We did a few more sheets, stamping out different sight words.
We’ll definitely be doing this one again as we get more sight words sent home. This could be built on in so many ways. Different colors for specific words, placing the paper on an easel, copying an example with different colors…How many ways can you think of to expand this activity?
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