Sight Word Sensory Bin

This sight word sensory bin is an old activity here on the website, from when our own children were just learning to read. When they were in kindergarten, sight words were all the rage. Now, these strategies are not used as much, but the practice of learning words and letters continues. You can use components of this sensory bin activity in beginning reading for kindergarteners to practice reading words, identifying letters, or matching uppercase to lower case. The sky is the limit, and all you need is recycled paper!

While we used recycled paper for this sight word sensory activity, you could use any sensory bin base material.

Sight Word Sensory Bin

I love this sight word sensory bin idea (or any way that you use the sensory bin idea) to involve motor skills and multisensory learning into reading skill development. As OT providers, we love play-based learning and hands-on activities, and this one fits the bill!

 We’ve used a lot of fun and different materials to practice sight words this school year.  Sight Words with Ping Pong Balls and Sight Word Practice with string are just two fun ways we’ve practiced the work list that comes home with Big Sister each week.  Just recently, we got a note from her teacher saying “Awesome job on the sight words!”  This was a pretty proud mama and all of our practice is paying off! 

Shredded Paper Sensory Bin

This sensory based activity is a Sight Word Sensory bin…and just one more creative ways we’ve been practicing homework words.  Putting a creative spin on the practice makes repetition fun and easy.  You can find more links to our other creative sight word activities at the bottom of this post.
Kids can practice new sight words with a sensory bin.


I had this sensory bin ready to go when Big Sister came home from school one day.  It was a fun way for Baby Girl and Little Guy to play while they waited for their sister to get off of the school bus.
Kindergarten sight words in a sensory bin with shredded paper.

Put those paper shreds to work and use them in fun play.  Shredded paper is a great sensory bin filler. 

We’ve used it a few other times and it actually about today because Little Guy remembered doing this Snowy Farm Sensory Bin activity and asked if we could pull out some shredded paper again. 

The shredded paper can even be dyed to give your sensory bin a colorful spin.  We dyed shredded paper pink in our Valentine’s Day sensory bin.

Use Sight Words in a sensory bin to enhance reading for young kids.

Big Sister played in the sensory bin and said the words as she pulled them out.  We made sentences together with the words from the bin.

Shredded paper makes a great sensory bin filler for kids' sensory bin activities.

Big Sister wanted to add her entire sight word collection to the sensory bin.  It turned out to be mostly sight words!  I think we’re on to a new sensory bin filler 😉

Looking for more sight word activities for beginner readers?  Try these fun ideas:

Sight Word Sticky Easel
Sight Word Manipulatives
Sight Word Scavenger Hunt
Beginner Sight Word Letter Match
I Spy Sight Word Sensory Bottle
No-Mess Sensory Sight Word Spelling
Sight Word Bottle Cap Stampers

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