Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Stamp Craft

We are big fans of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in our house.  We’ve done a TMNT party and a couple of ninja turtle crafts. This stamp art craft is an easy one to add to your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan’s art collection!
Your teenage mutant ninja turtle fan will love this art craft!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Stamp Art Craft

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This is an easy paper roll stamp art craft.  Grab a cardboard tube from the recycle bin.  Give it a little bend to make it a nice turtle-y oval shape.  Pour some green paint on a paper plate.  Stamp the paper tube into the paint and press onto white paper.
Stamp four green turtle heads onto the paper.  Use 

blue paint,
orange paint,
red paint,
and purple paint to swipe a quick mask stripe across the turtle’s faces.

Glue a pair of wiggly eyes on each ninja turtle face.  (We received ours from www.craftprojectideas.com).  Your Ninja Turtle craft is done!  I love how easy this craft is.  My Little Guy (age 5) is not always too keen on craft time, so when it’s a Ninja Turtle craft and quick and easy, it’s a sure hit with him.

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