Textured Shaving Cream Sensory Play

 There is something about kids and a pile of shaving cream…They Looooove to play in it!
We added some old sprinkles from last Easter to give this Indoor Play Idea a different twist.  They loved feeling the texture of the sprinkles on their hands while they played.  It probably has a great exfoliating factor too 🙂
This sensory bin base material is shaving cream with an added texture.
Get both hands involved for crossing midline and engaging both sides of the brain while using the large muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle…
Draw letters and stars in it…
See what happens when you draw with a plastic ball…
Take a break for a dance party…
 And draw a little more!
Such a fun time!!

Definitely try adding textures to shaving cream for fun sensory play.


4 thoughts on “Textured Shaving Cream Sensory Play”

  1. That is a great idea! They would love to go crazy eating it!! I think I would get Mom of the Year award from them for sure, too 😉

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