The OT Toolbox Contributor Spotlight-Kaylee

Meet Kaylee!

Kaylee Goodrich, OTR/L is originally from Upstate N.Y., but now lives in Texas, and is the Lead OTR in a pediatric clinic. She has a bachelors in Health Science from Syracuse University at Utica College, and a Masters in Occupational Therapy from Utica College. Kaylee has been working with children with special needs for 8 years, and practicing occupational therapy for 4 years. Kaylee practices primarily in a private clinic, but has experience with Medicaid and home health settings also. Feeding is a skill that Kaylee has learned by default in her current position and has come to love and be knowledgeable in. Visual development and motor integration is another area of practice that Kaylee frequently addresses and sees with her current population.

Contributor Posts By Kaylee Goodrich on The OT Toolbox:
Pediatric Feeding: Is it Sensory, Oral Motor, or Both?
Development of Oral Motor Skills

Disclaimer Statement: 
Kaylee Goodrich is a registered occupational therapist, but is in no way representing herself as an evaluating or treating occupational therapist in the publication of any post. The information, ideas or activities presented here are not intended to provide medical advice or physician/therapist instruction nor should they be used as a substitute for occupational therapy or other medical services. The information, activities, and ideas do not replace any relationship with a child and their therapist nor do they provide one to one treatment or consultation for a child with an established plan of care based on an assessment. Consult with a qualified occupational therapist if you have questions regarding the information or ideas presented or how to implement them with a child. If concerned about your child’s development, consult your child’s physician or a licensed occupational therapist regarding specific concerns or other medical advice. Any information, ideas or activities presented here are designed for complete adult supervision. Never leave a child unattended during implementation of any ideas or activities. Always follow and be aware of any age recommendations when using all of the products contained in any activities or ideas. The adult implementing and preparing the ideas or activities is ultimately responsible for using their best judgement when choosing and providing activities to best meet a child’s skill and safety level. Do not provide objects or materials that would pose as a choking hazard to a child. Kaylee Goodrich and The OT Toolbox are not liable for any impairment, damage, accident or loss arising out of the use or misuse of the information, ideas, and activities suggested in the publication of any post.


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