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Great! You’re in the free teletherapy with kids email course. Check your email for a welcome email containing a checklist of everything we’ll be covering in the course.

Hint: You need to click that button so you get the emails in this series 🙂

You’ll also see the first email in this series, and it contains your first freebie, as well as information on loads of resources.

This is going to be fun!

Resources you’ll enjoy using in teletherapy:

Heavy Work Cards– This $6 resource includes

  1.  Trucks Heavy Work Activities

2. Insects Heavy Work Activities

3. Sea Animals Heavy Work Activities

4. Farm Animals Heavy Work Activities

5. Jungle Animals Heavy Work Activities

6. Woodland Animals Heavy Work Activities

7. Superheroes Heavy Work Activities

8. Sports Heavy Work Activities

9. Monsters Heavy Work Activities

10. Summer Heavy Work Activities

11. Butterfly Life Cycle Heavy Work Activities

Each activity page includes 8 movement and heavy work cards in that theme.

These heavy work activities can be used in virtual therapy sessions. Add these heavy work activities to home programs, teletherapy activity plans, or used as brain breaks during learning and play.

Proprioception activities like these themed heavy work activities are essentially brain breaks that provide whole-body, heavy work input through the large muscle groups and the core. These movement activities are a good way to calm and organize your child given the calming and organizing heavy work. Kids who need more heavy work, or proprioceptive input, to address sensory needs might present in some of these ways: 

  • Poor pencil pressure when writing
  • Attention and focus issues in learning situations
  • Appear clumsy
  • Difficulty transitioning between activities
  • Fidget when asked to sit quietly
  • Show an increased activity level or arousal level
  • Seek intense proprioceptive input by “crashing and bashing” into anything
  • Slap their feet when walking
  • Flap hands
  • Use too much or too little force on pencils, scissors, objects, and people
  • “No fear” when jumping or walking down stairs
  • Or, are overly fearful of walking down steps/jumping
  • Look at their body parts (hands/feet) when completing simple tasks
  • Sit down too hard or miss chairs when sitting
  • Fall out of their seat
  • Fluctuates between over-reacting and under-reacting in response to stimulation
  • Constantly on the move
  • Slow to get moving and then fatigue easily

Click here to access these heavy work activity cards.