I am an early bird (make that a caffeinated early bird). I wake up early and get things done. Before kids, it was household things, an early morning run before work, or just reading. After four kids, I am still waking up early, but productive tasks are not being checked from my to-do list. Now, those early mornings are spent changing diapers, fixing breakfast, wiping spills, getting kids dressed, wiping more spills, snuggling sleepy babies, wiping spills… The tasks may have changed from a few years ago, but the morning is still a time of productive (and some days, not-so-productive) work. This job called Motherhood is a tough one that is repetitive, thankless, but oh so important. Through it all those early mornings were and now REALLY are fueled by coffee.
So, when this mama is running all day long chasing kids, breaking up arguments, and wiping up all of those spills (WHY do kids spill so many things??!!) and the early mornings lead into sleepy afternoons, I need a mini-break. It is so exhausting when the kids are in that tired/hungry/bored time around 4:00 pm. It can be easy to let the exhaustion get to you. Sure, you can throw on a movie or encourage a little rest time, but with four kids, someone always needs something. I can’t recall a moment when all four kids napped at the same time. I’m not one of the lucky moms whose three year old and four year old still nap. They just. keep. going. Quiet time in their rooms turn into a little someone yelling or pounding on the door about a dire emergency. Or a spill.

I can’t keep going full steam without a mini-rest. Some days are HARD to pull it together and be the patient, kind, loving, peaceful, joyful mom that the kids need. Moms need time-outs too! We’ve got some ideas to keep the kids busy for five minutes while mom gets a break (and a little caffeinated pep to keep you going through dinner). Grab a cup of iced coffee, give the kids a quick activity in their rooms, and re-fresh yourselves. Ignore the spills for a minute and take a deep breath. You’ve got this!
I am SO excited to share my love of afternoon mini-break time and iced coffee with you. I was able to try Folgers® Iced CaféTM Coffee Drink Concentrates. They are a new line of concentrated coffee, sweetener, and flavor that are all conveniently combined in a portable package. Moms need convenience when it comes to getting a few moments to herself so the quick prep makes it a winner for me! I loved that I can add the concentrates quickly into an ice cold glass of milk and enjoy a little pick-me-up to beat the afternoon fatigue. What makes them even better is that no sugar or preservatives are added to the portable squeeze bottles. I have been loving all of the available flavors (Original Latte, Vanilla Latte, Caramel Macchiato and Hazelnut Latte) but the Caramel Macchiato iced coffee in a cute glass mug and a straw makes my min-break seem even more luxurious. The kids know that the sight of coffee in the afternoon is a mom-only drink by now so for at least 5 minutes, the spills should be at a minimum. “Should” being the key word.
Grab Make Summer Fridays even cooler with new Folgers® Iced CaféTM Coffee Drink Concentrates and a little me time (even if it is only for five minutes!) while the kids are busy:
5 minute activities for kids who don’t do quiet time:
Grab a stack of books and a timer. Have your child read or look at pictures for five minutes. When the timer goes off, join your child and read together.
Hand your child a box of sidewalk chalk and a baby doll or pretend figure. Encourage your child to draw a picture with the chalk and place the baby doll or figure into the sidewalk art. Watch from the side for 5 minutes as you sip your iced coffee.
Set up a healthy snack.
Pull out a piece of paper and a fun pen. Ask your child to draw a picture or write a letter to someone special. A grandparent, neighbor, cousin, or friend would love to receive mail! After five minutes, join your child and help them address their mail.
Spread out a stack of easy puzzles. Kids need to do all of the puzzles in the stack before they are done with their mini-quiet time. When they are done, join them and do the puzzles in reverse by taking the pieces out and building them on the table. For silly giggles, do the puzzles in slow motion and at super speed together!
Pull out bubbles and head outside. Grab your iced coffee and just watch the excitement. Let the bubble spills happen. And they will. Just watch the giggles and the fun. Then grab a bubble wand and join in on the fun!

1 thought on “5 Minute Ideas for Kids Who Don’t Do Quiet Time”
Great ideas! I almost cried when my son gave up napping. It changes EVERYTHING!
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