We have quite a few activities and crafts that use recycled materials here on the blog. Why not use those items that will otherwise get tossed out? I am going to admit that almost all of the crafts that we create do end up getting thrown away at some point (You simply can not keep every.thing.)! However, I love to use recycled items in crafts and activities with my kids before they meet the recycle bin! These bottle caps are a tool that we LOVE to use in play, learning, and crafts! Today, I’m sharing a fun Bottle Caps Holly Craft that my preschooler made with me. You can make a few and add them to Christmas trees, wreaths, and even as a gift topper!
Check out these Christmas Fine Motor Activities for more creative ways to work on fine motor skills and address development of skills this Christmas season.

Bottle Caps Holly Craft
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You’ll need just a few materials to get started:
Red plastic bottle caps
Ribbon (if you make yours into an ornament)
Glue (We go through so much glue that I love to have a glue in bulk on hand to save money, storage, and shopping.)
RELATED READ: Christmas Tree Counting Activity
This is a pretty easy Christmas craft for kids to make. It’s a creative process craft and if you make them with friends or in a classroom setting, there will be no two that look exactly alike.
I love this craft for the fine motor development that occurs: Scissor skills, bilateral coordination, eye hand coordination, and more.
To make the Bottle caps holly craft:

First, place a few of the red bottle caps on the green cardstock. Draw holly leaves around the bottle caps.

Then, cut out the holly shape.

Use the cardstock as a template. Trace the shape onto the felt. Cut out the felt holly shape.
Glue the bottle caps onto the holly shape using the hot glue gun. This is a job for parents or much older kids.

If using these as a Christmas ornament, attach a loop of ribbon with glue.

How would you use this holly craft? We strung ours onto a wreath and also made some Christmas ornaments with our bottle caps holly craft.
RELATED READ: Christmas Tree Card Craft for Kids

Looking for more crafts that use recycled bottle caps?
Bottle Cap Mental Math~ Fine Motor Development
Christmas stamps with recycled bottle caps~ fine motor development
Recycled bottle cap sight word stamps~ sight word learning, visual scanning, matching
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