Working on handwriting with kids? This Fall cootie catcher template is a Fall writing prompt activity that builds fine motor skills. Just print off the cootie catcher templates, pick the one that works best to meet the needs of the child you are working with, and work on copying letters, words, and sentences. This cootie catcher PDF is a fun way to work on so many skills!
We shared this Spring cootie catcher earlier this year and it was a huge hit, so this Fall themed printable will be loved as well.
Add this printable activity to Fall fine motor activities and Fall writing prompts.
What is a cootie catcher?
A cootie catcher is a folded paper game that includes squares and triangles that can be opened to contain written words or pictures. Cootie catchers are often used as a paper fortune teller game. A cootie catcher is an form of origami that kids can make, using a cootie catcher template. Once they practice using the blank template, children can learn the motor plan to create paper fortune tellers on their own.
In our case, we are using a cootie catcher as a fine motor tool for kids.
This one in particular includes writing prompts to make handwriting skills motivating and engaging for kids, with a Fall theme.
When you use this cootie catcher, kids can develop so many skills:
- Bilateral coordination– When children fold paper, they use both hands together in a coordinated manner.
- Hand strength– Pressing the paper into folded shapes requires strength in the hand to create a sharp crease.
- Separation of the sides of the hand– Opening and closing the cootie catcher requires both hands to open and close at the thumb web space, and is a separation of the sides of the hand activity.
- Arch development– Using fingers to fold paper develops arch development in the hand, which is needed for endurance in fine motor activities.
- Finger isolation– Using a finger to fold and crease paper focuses on finger isolation, a dexterity skill in fine motor tasks.
- Eye-hand coordination– Using the eyes and hands together to create and use the paper fortune teller develops and refines eye-hand coordination skills.
- Letter formation– copy the words on the printable.
- Spacing between letters and words– Copy the words and sentences and work on spatial awareness, letter formation, and legibility.
- Letter size– Write words on the spaces on the blank template to work on fitting letters and words into the given space.
And those skills are just developed with kids use and play with the cootie catcher!
Cootie Catcher Template
This Cootie catcher printable includes four templates.
- You’ll find a printable fortune teller template pdf with instructions to write a word, sentence, or number.
- Next is a cootie catcher with sentence writing prompts in a Fall theme.
- There is a cootie catcher with Fall images which kids can write the name of the image.
- Finally there is a blank cootie catcher template.
This free printable cootie catcher worksheet is another Fall freebie in our Fall week.
Be sure to grab the other Fall printables that work on various skills:
- Fall Deep Breathing Exercise
- Fall Sensory Stations Printables
- Pumpkin Scissor Practice Worksheets
- Fall Leaves Fine Motor Clip Cards
Want to print off this free cootie catcher? Enter your email to the form below and you’ll receive this printable in your inbox.
Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to