Pete the Cat White Shoes Cookies

It is so much fun to explore children’s books through crafts and activities.  This week in the Preschool Book Club, we’re baking up some sugar cookies to go along with the book, Pete the Cat I love My White Shoes, by Eric Litwin.  This was such a FUN (and tasty) way to read and play with one of our favorite books.  
But really, we have so many loved books, it’s hard to pick just a few favorites.  
We definitely love our sugar cookies so combining Pete the Cat and cookies was a sure win in our house!
Make and decorate sugar cookies with the kids.  Activity based on the book, Pete the Cat i Love My White Shoes

Pete the Cat I love My White Shoes Cookies

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There’s no cooler cat than Pete.  What better way to celebrate this chill dude than a sugar high with the kids.  I kid, I kid.  All things in moderation.  Or as Pete says, “It’s all good”.
Mix up a batch of your favorite sugar cookies and get ready for some decorating fun with the kids.
I used a butter knife to cut shoe shapes from dough.  
This Little Guy helped.
Once baked, the decorating began.  With royal icing, you’ll need to let the outline dry for about ten minutes and then fill in with the background color.  
Make sure you put the tray of cookies up so little fingers can’t “taste test” the icing. 
Once filled in, the base color needs to dry overnight.  I added the black outline to the shoes at this point so it would be a flat outline, but if you want a raised edge, let the cookies dry before tracing with black.  

When you’re ready to decorate, mix up a few bowls of colored icing.  We always use Wilton gel icing colors because they are so bold and last forever.  Mix a little into a bowl of royal icing with a toothpick and stir.

Now the fun begins!

We were lucky enough to have Elsa with us for decorating.
We are STILL on a Frozen kick.

Oh, the concentration!  I gave the kids new paint brushes and we painted our shoes!  

In the book, Pete is wearing his white shoes and walking along.  He unfortunately comes upon a big pile of strawberries that he happens to step in.  Pete, being the cool cat that he is, doesn’t fret.  He goes with it and is pleased with the new shade of his shoes.  A similar thing happens when Pete steps into a pile of blueberries and a mud puddle.  To go along with Pete’s shoes in the book, we used red, blue, and brown icing.

It was pretty neat to see how each of the kids painted their shoes.  It really matched their personalities!

{{Elsa’s little sister, Ana joined in the fun, too.}}

When we get a Pete the Cat book, we usually end up reading it so much that we can recite the book.  While we painted, we said the lines.  

“I love my blue shoes, I love my blue shoes”.

Some of the shoes got a nice mix of colors. 
There was a little sneaking of icing.  
Of course.
“It’s all good.”
I made a few of the other details of the book.
Brown for the mud puddle.
All equally tasty.
Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes sugar cookies
Check out the other Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes activities from the bloggers in the Preschool Book Club:
Sorting shoes math activity ~Buggy and Buddy
Watermelon painted shoes ~Mama. Papa. Bubba. blog

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shoe craft and cookies