School Based OT and Getting Organized Tips

The school based-Occupational Therapist is getting ready to head back into the school year this Fall.  Getting organized can be one of the hardest parts of school-based OT.  These tips and tricks are some that I’ve used during my years as an Occupational Therapist working in the schools.  

Tips for helping the school-based occupational therapist get organized in the schools

One of the tell-tale signs of a school based OT is the suitcase on wheels that is pulled around from school to school.  Some school-based OTs pull a bin or carry a large bag, but whatever the means of dragging around that bag of OT tricks, it needs to be organized and it needs to be all in one place.  

The OT who works in schools might see kids from Kindergarten on up through high school age in the same day.  They could be travelling from school to school within a single school day and have a work day that includes visits to classrooms, scheduled IEP meetings, make parent phone calls, and complete annual reports.  

In order to avoid feelings of overwhelming disorganization, the school-based OT needs to be organized!

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School-Based Occupational Therapy Organization Tips

These are some of the ways that I maintained order while working as an Occupational Therapist in the schools:

More School-based Occupational Therapy organization ideas:

  • Take time to observe students in their natural environment.  Plan on “pushing in” to the classroom with treatment occurring right at the student’s work space.  Making adaptations and accommodations can happen with the tasks the student is working on at that moment. 
  • I love the tips shared by fellow OT blogger, Mama OT.  
  • Make time to get to know the “helpers” and staff in your school.  The school principal, secretary, custodian, and teacher’s assistants can be a great help.
  • Keep extra pens, post-it notes, and highlighters in your bag.

I am hopeful that these tips will help with organizing a successful start to the school year.  An organization system can be so helpful in improving productivity, maximizing time management, and reducing feelings of overwhelming stress due to paperwork and disorganization.
