I love this fine motor leaf craft and activity that we did back in September, 2015. It was a fun Fall occupational therapy activity that targets several areas of development: bilateral coordination, wrist stability, fine motor dexterity, and visual motor skills.

This plastic canvas leaf is a fine motor sewing craft for kids.
Fine Motor Leaf Craft
This week in our second grade learning activities, we’re sharing this Fall Fine Motor Leaf craft that is perfect for second graders. We love fine motor crafts and activities and this creative fall art was no exception. Kids of all ages will love crafting up these Fall leaves (my three year old and 8 year old both had a blast!) It’s great because these leaves can get creative and as unique as the crafty kids like!

Fall Fine Motor Leaves Craft
- Plastic Canvas
- Plastic Lacing Cord
- Paper
- Marker
- Scissors
- We started by making a leaf shape on paper.
- Fold a small square of paper in half and show your child how to draw half of a leaf.
Now is a good time to discuss symmetry and that leaves are symmetrical. Second graders can discuss and learn about mirror symmetry by creating leaves on the halved paper.

- Next, trace the leaf shapes onto the Plastic Canvas. Tracing with a marker onto the bumpy textured surface of the canvas is great fine motor work as the child holds the paper in place with their assisting hand and maintains control of the marker while tracing.
- You’ll want the child to manage the paper in place with bilateral coordination as they use both hands together in a coordinated manner.

Lacing plastic canvas shapes
Sewing Activity for Kids
This craft is a practical life skill activity, too. Besides the craft aspect, you can support the IADL of sewing with this activity.

- Science: Discuss leaf types, tree names, and shapes.
- Math: Count out squares and patterns with the stitches.
- Crafting: Create a decorative garland with the leaves by hanging all of the leaves together.
- Creative Expression: Each leaf can be as unique as your child and the leaves of the trees this Fall.
- Functional Skills/Homemaking: Practice types of stitches on the plastic canvas.
- Sewing: Encourage more homemaking skills by introducing a plastic needle and thread.
- Fine Motor: Many fine motor skills are addressed in this activity-tripod grasp, bilateral hand coordination, scissor skills,

You can continue the Fall leaves theme by using our Fall Leaves Therapy Kit. It’s available inside The OT Toolbox Membership, or you can find it in our Therapy Kit bundle.

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.
2 thoughts on “Fine Motor Leaft Craft”
I never thought to cut them into shapes! What a great idea for fall!
I love this idea!
We have gotten past the simple lacing cards I've made, but my youngest still needs work on fine motor skills… This looks like a great idea for fall!
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