Share It Saturday #22 and our Week in Review

It’s The Weekend!

Thank you so much for stopping back each week to share your ideas with us.  We can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this week!

Here’s what we’ve been doing:

Our week included a lot of outside play…jumping in puddles, sprinkler play…

We had a cousin Toddler-sized Tea Party.  Which wouldn’t be complete without Cheerios.
…and a fun outdoor play activity with all SIX cousins.  Combine water, clay, paint brushes, and bottle caps.  Instantly, there will be hands everywhere!

And, our most popular post this week was Fine Motor Table-Top Play

We went with a messy, fun, learning theme this week.  With the swing in the weather and Summer fun begun, we are ready to get outside and get MESSY! These creative bloggers have SO many ideas on their blogs.  Check them out and add these ideas to your summer fun Must-Do list!

Seedlings Nursery School: Baby Sensory Play: Bugs in the “Grass”

Preschool Powol Packets: Fizzing Dinosaur Eggs

Happy Hooligans: Homemade Sidewalk Paint

There’s Just One Mommy: Patriotic Sensory Play

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