Penguin Yoga

Did you ever wonder if a penguin can do yoga? Well, today we’re not talking about penguins doing yoga…we are talking about penguin-themed yoga exercises! These are brain breaks for kids that are a great addition to a penguin theme in the classroom or home. Last week, we had a polar bear therapy slide deck full of yoga and gross motor activities for you. It goes well with this penguin yoga slide deck. Use it in virtual therapy, in home programs, or as a brain break in distance learning or therapy at home!

Penguin Yoga gross motor slide deck for teletherapy or brain breaks.

Penguin Yoga Exercises

This slide deck is a fun way to get the kiddos moving along with the penguins. Like many of our other slide decks, you’ll find the movements include heavy work exercises for proprioceptive input that can be calming and centering.

Other slides are vestibular activities that encourage movement in various planes.

These slides can be part of a sensory diet for scheduled sensory activities throughout the day. Read more on how to start a sensory diet.

Add these slides to brain breaks or other movement activities throughout the virtual classroom or teletherapy day.

Yoga and Balance

This slide deck has two options for each yoga movement. The nice thing about yoga exercises is that each movement can be modified to meet the needs of the individual while challenging abilities and strength at a “just right” level.

You’ll notice that each slide has one penguin on it. As you progress through the slide deck, the penguin does a move, and then it does that same move on an iceberg or piece of ice. This can be a way to challenge kids and work on core strength, coordination, motor planning, and upper or lower body strength depending on the yoga position.

Kids can use an object they have in the home and pretend they are a penguin posing on the slab of ice. Some ideas to use include:

  • Couch cushion
  • Folded towel
  • Washcloth or flat fabric
  • Paper plate
  • Hoola hoop
  • Any object in the home!

Ask the child to complete the yoga move and then complete the yoga exercise concentrating on balance.

This slide deck is not interactive. There are no moveable pieces on this particular slide deck.

Penguin yoga exercises for brain breaks for kids

Winter Activities for Kids

Use the penguin yoga along with these winter activities for whole-body movement and development activities that are effective in building skills in kids:

Winter Fine Motor Kit– Use this printable kit to help kids develop and strengthen fine motor skills. The 100 page kit includes penguin theme activities, polar bears, and other arctic activities, as well as all-things winter.

Indoor winter activities for kids– Try these fun and effective ways to to incorporate movement during the winter months.

Winter Brain Breaks– Just like our penguin brain breaks, these winter theme movement activities will get brains and bodies developing!

Penguin themed snacks– These cute snacks are easy to make and get the kids developing skills in the kitchen.

Get the Penguin Slide Deck for Teletherapy

You can grab a copy of this Google slide deck and use it to work on specific skills.

Enter your email address below and you will receive a PDF containing a link to copy the slide deck onto your Google drive. Next, save that PDF file, because you can come back to it again and again and send it to the kids on your caseload (or classroom) so they can make their own copy on their Google drive.

Please use the copy of the slide deck and do not change the url.

FREE Penguin Yoga Gross Motor Therapy Activities!

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    Would you like more therapy slide decks? Grab the others to add to your therapy toolbox!

    Try this Polar Bear Gross Motor Slide Deck.

    Use this Holiday Cookies Activities to address working memory, visual perception, and direction following.

    Here is a Community Helpers Theme Slide Deck.

    Here is a Football Theme Slide Deck.

    Here is a slide deck for a Social Story for Wearing a Mask.

    Here is a Space Theme Therapy Slide Deck.

    Here is a Therapy Planning Interactive Slide Deck.

    Here is a Back to School Writing Activity Slide Deck.

    Here is an Alphabet Exercises Slide Deck.

    Here is a Self-Awareness Activities Slide Deck.

    Penguin Yoga slide deck for teletherapy

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