Fine Motor Toys

Working on fine motor skills through play is natural. Here, you’ll find the very best fine motor toys designed to promote and support a variety of therapy skills. These occupational therapy toys support the development of precision, dexterity, hand strength, and coordination, through play. Let’s talk Fine Motor Toys!

Amazon affiliate links are included in this blog post. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Fine Motor Toy Ideas

Today is going to be FUN! I am beyond excited to share the very best fine motor toys that support development of hand strength, dexterity, precision. We’ll also cover why these occupational therapy toys support fine motor development, and cover a little about an occupational therapist’s perspective on what makes them such amazing tools for building hand strength, dexterity, motor control, and fine motor coordination.

Here’s why: I love to share my OT perspective on helping kids develop skills, using fun and engaging therapy toys that kids are excited about.

Check out the items below, and add one of these fine motor toys to your therapy toolbox!

These fine motor toys are therapy toys that help kids build motor skills like hand strength, coordination, and more.

Fine Motor Toys

So often, therapists and teachers purchase items to use in their work using their own money. This giveaway offers a chance for you to win an item that will be useful in helping kids thrive.

And, given that kids are on screens more than ever before with all of the virtual learning and hybrid learning models being incorporated all over the world, therapists are seeing more need for active, physical play.

Because of that, I’m excited to share with these fine motor toys that help kids develop the motor skills they need!

One type of toy that is easy to start with when it comes to supporting fine motor skills is buckle toys. These soft toys with straps, buckles, and connectors are great for all ages.

Fine Motor Skills Toys

Here on The OT Toolbox, I’ve shared a lot of different toy suggestions, that are perfectly suited to meet specific needs, like fine motor strength, grasp, pincer grip, and dexterity. Toys like Tinker Toys and a Lite Brite toy are classic ideas to build skills. But, there are many ideas out there!

Some of these specifics can be found here:

Today, I wanted to go through some specific toys that develop fine motor skills. AND…as part of the Therapy Tools and Toys Giveaway, you can enter to win these items!

Therapy Toys for Fine Motor Skills

These are fine motor toys that you will find in therapy clinics. There is a reason why…because they are fine motor powerhouses! So, if you are looking for toy recommendations that build motor skills, this is it!

Amazon affiliate links are included below. You can read more about these items by checking out the links.

Learning Resources Avalanche Fruit Stand (affiliate link)- This toy is one of my FAVORITE ways to develop fine motor skills in kids. Kids use tweezers to manipulate fruit pieces and can work on colors, counting, matching, and other learning skills. The fine motor components are impressive! Address skills such as:

  • Pincer and Tripod grasp development
  • Hand strength
  • Arch development
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • Wrist stability
  • Wrist extension
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Motor control
Build fine motor skills with this Avalanche Fruit Stand game that helps with fine motor skills.

Pop Tubes– (affiliate link) There are so many ways that these fine motor tools build skills in kids. You can read about using Pop Tubes for bilateral coordination skills in this previous blog post, but beyond bilateral coordination, these bendable tubes can be used to help kids develop body awareness through tactile stimulation, fine motor skills auditory feedback, AND fine motor skills such as:

Pop Tubes are a fine motor toy that helps kids build hand strength.

Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog(affiliate link) Have you seen this cute hedgehog toy? It’s a great way to help kids develop fine motor skills in a fun way. The bright colors are a nice way to work on matching, sorting, math skills, and color recognition, too. The chunky pegs make this fine motor tool a great toy for toddlers, but the hedgehog’s cute factor makes it a great fine motor activity for older children as well. These fine motor skills are addressed with this toy:

  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Pincer grasp
  • Grasp development
  • Hand strength
  • Motor planning
The fine motor hedgehog toy helps kids with fine motor skills.

Bucket of Perler Fuse Beads– (affiliate link) This bucket of beads is the perfect way to build so many fine motor skills. I love working with perler beads with children because you can target many skills, and it’s a great fine motor activity for older children that may benefit from fine motor work. This bucket of perler beads makes my recommendation list for it’s fine motor benefits:

  • Pincer grasp
  • In-hand manipulation
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • Open thumb web-space
  • Dexterity
  • Precision
  • Wrist stability
  • Eye-hand coordination
Perler beads are a great fine motor toy for kids.

Jenga Game-(affiliate link) This classic game is a fine motor powerhouse that kids love. As a therapist, I love to use this game to build fine motor skills, because it’s such an open-ended activity. You can play the Jenga game, but you can use the blocks in building activities and pretend play activities, too. Consider the fine motor benefits of this game:

  • Precision
  • Dexterity
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Motor planning
  • Motor control
Use Jenga to help kids develop fine motor skills and coordination

Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle– (affiliate link) This pixel puzzle comes with a wooden board, a puzzle booklet, and 370 small block pieces in 8 different colors. Children can use this fine motor toy to develop so many fine motor and visual motor skills. Use it to copy and build letters and numbers, shapes, and pictures. This toy is great for math concepts, too. This is a powerful toy!

  • Precision
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Visual motor skills
  • Pincer grasp
  • In-hand manipulation
  • Open thumb web-space
Use this shapes puzzle to help kids develop fine motor skills, coordination, and motor control.

Interlocking Building Snowflakes-(affiliate link) This building toy is a fine motor goldmine. Kids can construct 3D shapes or they can copy figures and work on visual motor skills. Use this fine motor toy to work on skills such as:

  • Hand strength
  • Arch development
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • Bilateral coordination
  • Pinch and grip strength
  • Wrist stability

Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle Brain Teasers Toy Tangram– (affiliate link) This puzzle toy is a fantastic addition to have in your therapy bag, classroom, or home. Kids can complete the fine motor puzzles and use it as a brain break to learning. Plus, there are so many visual motor benefits to this toy:

  • Visual motor integration
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Precision
  • Wrist stability
  • Wrist extension
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • In-hand manipulation
  • Open thumb web-space
Children can develop precision and dexterity with this tangram activity.

Mini Squigz– (affiliate link) Squigz are such a great fine motor toy for kids. Use them to build on one another or to stick to a wall or protective plexiglass surface. The sticking suction cap toys provide resistive feedback that not only strengthens little hands, but offers a proprioceptive sensory feedback, too. Here are more fine motor benefits to this toy:

  • Hand strength
  • Arch development
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • In-hand manipulation
  • Precision and dexterity
Use squigz to help kids build hand strength.

Straw Constructor STEM Building Toy– (affiliate link) Using STEM toys to support fine motor skills is a powerful strategy. Read more about STEM fine motor activities.

This fine motor toy is such a fun way to help kids develop and strengthen motor skills. Even better, is that this building toy can become a gross motor toy, too. Containing 300 pieces of plastic straws and connecting pieces, this construction toy helps kids develop so many areas:

  • Bilateral coordination
  • Visual motor skills
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Pincer grasp
  • Tripod grasp
  • Hand strength
  • Arch development
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • In-hand manipulation
A straw construction toy is great for fine motor skill development.

Pincer Grasp Toys

Toys to improve pincer grasp include:

Affiliate links are included below.

Hand Strength Toys

Affiliate links are included below.

Fine Motor Games

Affiliate links are included below.

More Therapy Toys

Check out the therapy toy ideas listed in the blog posts below. Each article covers a different area of child development.

  1. Fine Motor Toys 
  2. Gross Motor Toys
  3. Pencil Grasp Toys
  4. Toys for Reluctant Writers
  5. Toys for Spatial Awareness
  6. Toys for Visual Tracking
  7. Toys for Sensory Play
  8. Bilateral Coordination Toys
  9. Games for Executive Functioning Skills 
  10. Toys and Tools to Improve Visual Perception 
  11. Toys to Help with Scissors Skills 
  12. Toys for Attention and Focus 


Want a printable copy of our therapist-recommended toys to support fine motor skills?

As therapy professionals, we LOVE to recommend therapy toys that build skills! This toy list is done for you so you don’t need to recreate the wheel.

Your therapy caseload will love these FINE MOTOR toy recommendations. (There’s space on this handout for you to write in your own toy suggestions, to meet the client’s individual needs, too!)

Enter your email address into the form below. The OT Toolbox Member’s Club Members can access this handout inside the dashboard, when you search “toys” in the search bar inside the membership. Just be sure to log into your account, first!


    We won’t send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

    739 thoughts on “Fine Motor Toys”

    1. Whoa! I’ve never seen anything like the 3D Block Building Gear Shapes! This item would definitely be a welcomed resource in my Fine Motor Center for my students. Not only would it help them to build the muscles in their hands, it would also improve their cognitive skills.

    2. I would love to have the mini Squigz. Many of my littles love the sensation of pulling them apart when they are feeling dysregulated, and they are just such a great item.

    3. I love the straw construction toy. It would be great for having the kiddos construct their own obstacle course activities!

    4. I started teaching in a new school and they don’t have much in fine motor toys. I love the Squigz and the gears. I think either of them would be a perfect addition to our classroom to help with fine motor. Thank you!

    5. I love all the fine motor goodies! I think my students would really love the Avalanche game or the mini Squigz! ??

    6. I would love the mosaic puzzle to use with my students. I have been focusing on in hand manipulation a lot this year. Any item would be great for my toolbox.

    7. I would love to try Spike the fine motor hedgehog! I think it is a an adorable and captivating way for kids to work on their grasp development and motor development!

    8. Oh the possibilities! The avalanche game would be a great addition at the clinic. This game is great for so many things, including hand separation while working on a vertical plane for wrist stability. I love the creativity and communication opportunities this game promotes.

    9. Wow, any of them would be great! I’ve been plan to buy Squigz, but the Avalanche fruit game or mosaic puzzle look awesome too!

    10. I would love to use mini squigz with the kids on my caseload. They have been on my Amazon wishlist for a long time! I love all of your fine motor recommendations! Thank you for hosting such an amazing giveaway!

    11. Would love to try the fruit stand! I have the sorting pie game which is similar but love how this incorporates a vertical surface!!

    12. I am always looking for new fine mother activities for the kids. Any one the activities would be great.

    13. Beautiful collection for children ! Would love the Coogam puzzle ? for my students !! Pre-K would love this

    14. Man hard to choose just one! They’re all great ideas! I use my own money to buy supplies and since my hours have cut back substantially I haven’t added anything new in quite a while. The straw building STEM kit seems very interesting.

    15. I use my own money to buy supplies and since my hours have cut back substantially I haven’t added anything new in quite a while. The straw building STEM kit seems very interesting.

    16. I love the squigz but I am learning about the fruit salad stand. I use my own money to buy supplies a lot. I have kids range from 3-20 who always love it when I bring out new toys.

    17. I love the avalanche fruit game. What a cute fine motor tool as well as a way of introducing a conversation about eating.

    18. Wow! I’d love Fruit Avalanche. I’ve been eyeing it for a while, but haven’t purchased it yet. It looks like such a fun game for kids to work on their FM skills, as well as frustration tolerance!

    19. I am a brand new OT on the block! I passed my exam last week and will be starting work in peds when my license clears. I would love to play with the squigz (a fave from fieldwork), the fruit stand, or the hedgehog! Your blog is amazing and made my level 2s survivable! Thank you!

    20. I would love the coogam mosaic puzzle! I never saw that one, but it would be perfect to work on pincer grasp as well as forming letters!

    21. I love the Avalanche fruit stand game! I can see so many learning possibilities with it. Coming in second is the Coogam puzzle. I think either of these would be loved by my kids! We do simple activities at home for fine motor skills such as pom pom sorting and putting beads on skewers.

      Thanks for hosting!

    22. I would love to use the fruit stand avalanche game! I’ve also used Squigz before and it was a hit! I put them all around the room in different locations and heights and Had the children search for them, pull them off, and collect as many as they can!

    23. The Coogam puzzle is new for me! We are always looking to change up our activities, especially puzzles. This offers so many different versions with just one task- very cool!

    24. I the hedgehog! We use a clear peanut butter jar that serves as a place to drop the spikes into when removing them and doubles as a place for the spikes to be stored! When it’s time to remove the spikes from the hedgehog, the kids drop them into the jar to work on eye hand coordination and functional release! You could even make a hole in the lid for more precision work. Great list!

    25. The avalanche fruit stand is so cute! I love games where you have to use tongs because its a more fun way to address grasp (vs just coloring all the time). I also love the added feature of the vertical surface to promote wrist extension and wrist stability.

    26. I absolutely love this list! Tough to choose, I am a huge fan of versatile toys that improve fine motor and visual motor tools that can be used to make shapes and letters! Although, what OT isn’t?! The Coogam Puzzle activity and the STEM Straw kit are new favorite finds for me on this list. I can see my students being motivated by creating new pictures following a model or using their imaginations! A lot of great stocking stuffers here that I will definitely share with parents during Tele-therapy. Thank you! 🙂

    27. I love pop tunes and use them all of the time but Squigz are my favorite. I have the regular size but not the minis.

    28. The Wooden Mosaic puzzle would be awesome to use for hand eye coordination as well as addressing visual motor skills. This toy can be used with any aged kiddo. I work as an OT in a school system and I would use this with PK and my prewrite kiddos to copy and initiate prewriting strokes for my older kiddos K and up working on copying or handwriting you can make a letter or have them form the letter for kinesthetic learning!
      I currently have the hedgehog fine motor game and use it with kids to identify colors, improve saccadic eye movements from left to right when making a color choice, bilateral hands and pincer grasp to stabilize toy and put pegs in!
      I also use the sneaky snacky squirrel game and pancake pile up which is another great game for hand eye coordination bilateral hands and pincer Grasp!

    29. The fruit stand game looks great! What a good way to talk about healthy food choices too.
      I would also love the hedgehog for my younger kiddos working on grasp and release.

    30. Hello!
      My little guy loves colors and puzzles. I think he would be obsessed with the mini squigz. Such a cute idea that helps with development in so many ways!

    31. I have all of these except the hedgehog, 3D mosaic puzzle, & the pop tubes in my 5 year old Pre-K class! I love sneaking in fine motor work in a fun way. My students LOVE the fruit stand avalanche & I recommend it for Christmas every year. I’d love to have the mosaic puzzle to add to my collection though!

    32. My students love to play Jenga and don’t even mind practicing their math facts while they play. The Coogam Mosaic Puzzle be a great addition to my resource room. The kids would have fun learning numbers and letters.

    33. I love the Coogam Mosiac Puzzle! I have never seen it before! We love to use pop tubes and squigs just about every day! The OT Toolbox always has excellent ideas and resources.

    34. I would absolutely love the sqiugz to work with my students on hand strength and bilateral coordination. I think it is a great and versatile toy!

    35. I would love to add any of these to my OT closet at work! Our clinic has soooo many kiddos who need assistance with fine motor.

    36. As a new therapist I would love to add the Straw Constructor STEM Building Toy to my tool box! I love using the game Sneaky Snacky Squirrel with my kiddos to build fine motor skills as well, such a fun game that they can enjoy too!

    37. I love when my kiddos just see a game but we are addressing soo much, I would love to add the fruit avalanche game to my fine motor tool belt!

    38. I would love the straws. With video games taking over, this addresses fine motor, as well as taps into their imagination!!! I love using lots of small stickers for fine motor play!! I use lots of tong activities too (not with the stickers). 🙂

    39. It’s so hard to choose just one! I would probably have to choose the mosaic puzzle for my classroom. It seems like this year we have needed a lot of extra fine motor activities. Thanks for all the great ideas!

    40. Wow! These all look like great OT manipulatives! The preschool aged kids I work with would love the pop tubes or the Avalanche game!

    41. I love all of these fine motor favorites, but I love the mini squigs! So great to use with my students to build those important skills to be successful in the school setting!

    42. Omg so many ideas so many fun things to use. I have been treating for 10 years and I’m constantly changing my toys to keep the kids excited

    43. I would love to utilize the 3D building game or avalanche game with my kindergartens. This would be so beneficial for them!❤️

    44. I am a newly graduated OT in private practice, and the Jenga blocks would be such a great tool to bring along with me! They’d be super great to work on pre handwriting fine motor skills as well as attention and turn taking skills, and since they’re wipeable they would be great to bring to house visits as they’re easy to clean and wipe down ☺️

    45. my little boy would love amd b greatful to win any of the toys … (age appropriate for 18-24 mths ) would be a big help to delevop on his motor skills

    46. I would choose the straw construction set. I think this would be great for fine motor as well as motor planning and executive functioning skills

    47. I think the kids I know would like the mosaic or even the perler beads the most! (Beads are popular this year, so I’m rolling with it.) They also like the lite bright a lot which has been fun and a nice change of pace especially to dim the lights at the end!

    48. I would love Spike! I could use him with my toddlers, preschoolers and young school aged students. It would be a great toy to do auditory training with giving them something fun to do when they hear a sound.

    49. I would love a range of them for my room. The pinches tend to snap if they are used incorrectly and it’s a constant expense to replace them

    50. I am a school based therapist and love using the Squigz and Squigz fidgets with the kids. the straw building STEM kit looks amazing!

    51. As a pediatric OT in the schools-all of these sound wonderful! I especially like the Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle!

    52. Would love to try the straw builder and the puzzle! What great fine motor toys! I also love sneaky snacky squirrel for fine motor too!

    53. I would love to have the fruit avalanche game as it can assist in the development of my students’ fine motor skills.

    54. I love the bucket of beads. There are countless ways to use them to assist kids and their fine motor development. They can use them to make crafts, to manipulate in games and activities, and make gifts. Endless possibilities!

    55. Wow! All of these are awesome but I would love the mosaic, gears or building straws for coordination, visual perceptual skills, letter formation and so much more! Thanks for all that you do for our community! I visit your website all the time!

    56. I’m most excited for how open ended these games are and how easy they could be expanded on. My favorite fine motor toys are open ended building toys like connector tubes, legos and the drill set from Hungry Cutters. Theyre so easy to adapt and to expand on with matching cards or adding in other tools.

    57. I would love to use mini squigz, fruit game, or tangram activities with my students. They love the fine motor games to offset handwriting tasks for the full session.

    58. My son would love the Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle or the Straw Constructor Toy. Anything that can work those fine motor muscles and get his creativity going at the same time is amazing!

    59. I like all of these! However, my 2 favorites are Spike the Hedgehog and the mini squigz. I would like to add them to my toolbox. I use Pop tubes all the time in therapy…my students really enjoy them.

    60. I use Squigz a lot with my clients- we stuck them to many vertical surfaces. For the older students I’d like to have Coogam tangram game. We could take turns!

    61. I would love the Avalanche game! Such a fun game to work on fine motor skills either with a pincer grasp or using the tweezers! It looks so engaging and I’d love to introduce this to the children I work with! I love getting new ideas as a new therapist!

    62. I love the look of the avalanche activity! I need versatility in activities, both with skills and engagement level for different ages, and this would be awesome to include in my kit!
      They all look amazing- i have a few of them already!

    63. Would LOVE to win one of these to donate to my son’s K-2 autism classroom — his rockstar teachers deserve it! We have (and love!) the block puzzle, and have our eyes on that fruit salad avalanche game next!

    64. These toys are all amazing! I would love to have a set of the mini squigz for the students I would with. I love that they give a lot of feedback when you pull them off of surfaces. I also have a lot of students that mouth items, making it more difficult to find toys that are safe for me to provide that also work on the skills we are addressing.

    65. There is such a wide range of tools that can be used to enhance fine motor development in many different populations and can be used in many different ways.

    66. I love them all, but if I had to choose-wooden mosaic puzzle. This item will assist in the children’s: grasping, hand manipulation, precision, and coordination.

    67. As OTs we are always looking to improve fine motor skills! I plan to use this to build intrinsic hand strength to improve functional skills.

    68. I LOVE perler beads! These were one of my favorite toys as a kid, and now I love incorporating them into therapy. They are so versatile and allow the kids to foster creativity.

    69. These are all great therapy tools. I would love the Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle to work on so many fine motor and academic skills….but, I’m not picky, I’d take any of them! 😉

    70. Fruit Avalanche is among the perfect tools here. I often use the large tongs, but this requires the child to be specific and there is competition!

    71. So many fun fine motor toys! Would love Avalanche Fruit Stand – always fun to incorporate turn-taking and playing age appropriate games into fine motor tasks! I also love using a Light Bright in therapy sessions!!

    72. So many fun fine motor toys! Would love Avalanche Fruit Stand – always fun to incorporate turn-taking and playing age appropriate games into fine motor tasks! I also love using a Light Bright in therapy sessions!!

    73. O would love to use the Avalanche Fruit Stand. Each fruit can represent a different feeling too, so you can have OT and counselling game in one!

    74. I would love to use the pop tunes with EI kiddos to work on the bilateral skills, midline play, and strengthening! Pom poms and cotton balls are one of my favorite fine motor go-tos for pincer grasp

    75. I love the hedgehog, makes peg boards more intriguing for littles! I also love the squigz for the kids with low vision they get the Sensory and auditory feedback!

    76. As a school based OT, I am always trying to build fine motor skills in the classrooms with age apporpriate toys. I would love to add the coogam puzzle or 3-D block shaped gears to my toolbag.

      A favorite toy that I have used for almost 20 years to improve fine motor skills are the connectors from a CoinStruction set.

    77. I would love the Mini Squigz for my kiddos! I have heard so many great things about them and know they would be a great tool to add to my toolbox!

    78. All these toys look like so much fun for the kiddos while working on a variety of developmental skills! Love the squigz and the fine motor hedgehog is super cute!

    79. Actually I’ve had my eye on that tangram puzzle, but would love the squidz or the fruit avalanche game! Thank you for this opportunity!

    80. The Avalanche Fruit Stand looks like a great game to incorporate fine motor skills and looks like it would be fun for the kids I work with.

    81. Awesome giveaway! Coogams looks fun and would love to introduce this (and all games) to my students as it’s like a mini Tetris!

    82. I would love the Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle Brain Teasers Toy Tangram. These look so cool and I could use them with all my students-even my 5th graders. I like how this toy seems to work on so many skills!

    83. The mosaic puzzle looks amazing to work on everything from visual perceptual skills to pattern recognition, matching, prewriting strokes, writing, etc in addition to the many different ways to use in hand manipulation skills with them!

    84. Would be so grateful for any of these items! I always try to add to my collection so the kids have more variety. ❤️

    85. I would love to add the mosaic puzzle, gear shapes, & the tangram to my toolbox for therapy. I love to use pop tubes & Mr. Mustache Man to work on fine motor skills during therapy.

    86. We would love to try the constructor Stem toys. My 6 year old is obsessed with building and construction and I think this would be a great toy for him to build with. I can see how much he would gain from this.

      Other great toys we have used are pop up pirate, therapy putty, threading, the sneaky squire game (similar to fruit avalanche).

    87. What a great variety of FM tools! I would love the opportunity to win any of them. My favorites are the fruit avalanche, squigs, and pop tubes.

    88. I would love to add the Coogam Mosaic Puzzle to my OT bag.
      Buster’s Bugs by Maple Grove ( I believe it’s been discontinued) is a favorite my kiddo’s enjoy playing to address fine motor skills.

    89. Honestly, any of these toys would be amazing yo add to my practice. I love the perler beads, the hedgehog, and the gears set the most, but anything helps when working with underprivileged Mexican immigrant children.

    90. I love all of these toys! Any of them would be a fantastic addition! I love how each are multipurpose and can all help with development!

    91. I love so many of these ideas! My kiddos really enjoy playing with Spike the Hedgehog. I would hope to ass the Straw Constructors to my toolbox! ? How fun?!?

    92. All of them are amazing! I serve a large range of kids of different ages! The ones that stick out are the star building one and the visual motor toys that have the puzzles or tiles! Thank you for all you do too!

    93. We got some squigz a few years ago and my kids love them. They especially enjoy throwing them at a wall and see if they can get it to stick. They have sadly slowly disappeared and we only have about 3 or 4 left. We’d love to replenish our supply.

    94. Such great fine motor games, it’s hard to choose a favorite. The Coogam Mosaic Puzzle addresses multiple skills and would be a good activity for the school-based OT students I work with. It could be used with students with visual spatial difficulties, fine motor and manual dexterity concerns, and even tactile awareness. Thanks again for this fun giveaway!

    95. I would love to have the Avalanche Fruit Stand game! It seems like a great way to work on so many fine motor and visual motor skills at once, while also incorporate social skills development when playing with a friend. Many of the children I work with at my clinic could benefit from this activity during their therapy! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!!

    96. The fruit stand looks great, and the kids love to build with blocks and gears. The kids need ‘hands on’ development and not more screen time. Thanks for the ideas, all are appreciated.

    97. The Coogam toys look like they would be a great way for students to show creativity while working on their fine motor and grasp related skills.

    98. I would love the Coogam mosaic puzzle! I like to use tools that are not technology based, and this fits the bill perfectly!

    99. They are all awesome fine motor toys!! I love the pop tubes and so do my students. I work with an autism program and we do lots of things with the pops to work on bilateral coordination, crossing midline, proprioceptive awareness and even visual/auditory stimulation by looking in and listening through them.

    100. There’s just something about Jenga that I really love. A social skills, visual spatial activity disguised as a fine motor game! I like to add letter formation practice or sentence writing to each child’s turn. Thanks!

    101. Wow! would love to have the mini squigz, I have a few and my students love to stick them to the board and pull them off. They are a fun way to build hand and upper extremity strength.

    102. Would love to have any of these fine motor toys to use with students – as they work on not only fine motor skills but also visual perceptual, visual motor, and executive functioning skills as well!

    103. I love mini squigs! During my Peds rotation I used them so much in a wide variety of activities. They are such a versatile manipulative!

    104. There are so many wonderful choices here! As a school-based OT and a mom to a 4 year old working on many of these skills, I love all of these toys. The coogam mosaic looks especially great since it can address so many different areas – from fine motor skills like in hand manipulation and pincer grasp to prewriting and multisensory letter formation. I would love to be able to have that tool in my toolbox 😉

    105. I don’t have Squigz in my OT supply!! Not sure why but it has been on my list of items to get. They are so fun and versatile. I am treating in the hallway, random classroom, foyer right now. It would be a great addition!

    106. I love the Squigz toy. They are so great for fine motor coordination, strengthening and design copy activities. Kids love them. Would love to have some in my OT closet.

    107. I would love the Fruit Avalanche game. Strategy, using the tweezers, counting are just a few of the fun ways to use this game. I would enjoy any of the toys!

    108. I would love to use the Avalanche game with the students on my caseload. Several of my kiddos have goals that involve manipulating tools (such as tweezers) and the fact that they have to steady their hands and have complete focus during this task is an added bonus!

    109. So excited to think about using these toys when we are back int he school building. Probably will be next school year but it would be great to have new, fun and interesting toys to use in therapy!

    110. These are great fine motor activities and our students would really benefit from them. The Hedgehog is so cute and I know our kids would be enticed to ‘play’ with it.

    111. I would love the avalanche fruit stand or the hedgehog peg game. All of those listed are fantastic and fun to play while working on so many important foundational skills.

    112. I would love the pop tubes or hedgehog game! I am a speech therapist and always cooperate fine and gross motor activities in! movement is key! I co-treat with my OT and we were just saying the other day how it would be great to have pop tubes to give out for home exercise program- motivating and helpful!

    113. Addressing grasp and arch development has been a key focus with the majority of my patients, and pop tubes or squigz look like perfect resources! Often times other ‘pop beads’ are too large for little hands, I would be eager to use either pop tubes or squigz in my treatment sessions! All of these resources listed would be beneficial. An unlisted client-favorite is our ‘magna-tab’!

    114. I would love the avalanche game. It requires precision and control and my students would love to compete against their group mates. But honestly, all of them are great!

    115. I love the Learning Resources Avalanche Fruit Stand! Something that my boys can enjoy playing and not aware that they practice fine motor skills at the same time.

    116. The Avalanche Fruit Stand would be a fantastic addition to my classroom. What a fun way to work on fine motor skills! I’ll be playing right along with them!

    117. With all of the craziness of this year, it is fun to see new ideas to work on fine motor skills! Even if I don’t win, I will be ordering a few of these ideas to freshen up our therapy bags! Thank you!

    118. Any of these toys would be wonderful to use with my special needs kids. I think they would especially benefit from Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog!

    119. I love using the squiz! They are eqsy to clean and can address bilateral coordination, finger strength, visual motor skills (lineing them up), motor control, and crossing midline. 🙂

      One of my classes love the pop tubes. I just purchased a pack for them to enjoy!

    120. Poptubes (or one of the many other names they are referred as) are one of my favorite therapy tools. Not just for fine motor, poptubes are great for dressing skills connected around kiddos bellies, upper extremity strength, hand eye coordination, and sensory input.

    121. I teach Kindergarten and would love for my kiddos to experience the Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle. So FUN!

    122. My favorite two toys on your list: squigz- I love the hand strengthening aspect and it allows the kids to be creative and build with something other than your traditional blocks or LEGO’s and the jenga game- there are so many ways to use the Jenga game and its a family favorite in my household.

    123. Hi, I would love to use the mini squigz with my Prekers. I try to incorporate as many fine motor/ sensory activities in my class as I can . Colorful snowflake pieces that kids can put together are a huge hit from preschool up through third grade.

    124. I work with students from K-12. Its always great to see them enjoy a fine motor game. They think they are playing when they are really working on their skills with the various pincer grasps, etc.

    125. I would use this with my students K-6 that I work with. It would give me a fun way to work on their fine motor skills.

    126. I work with a broad age range from
      Elementary to High School so I usually try to find things that I can use across the age range which is the most economical. The wooden puzzle is one that I can definitely see many of students loving.

    127. These are all great toys! I think the Cognam Mosaic Puzzle would be a great tool to use with my older elementary students. I would love to have them pick up the pieces with tongs, or use in/out hand translation before placing the pieces in the puzzle.

    128. The straw builders would be incredible to have for my niece with Autism! All of toys would be great for her!

    129. I would love the wooden mosaic tiles! Such a great fine motor and visual activity! I would have kids copy designs from a vertical surface on there or do an obstacle course and try to remember 5 pieces they need and bring them back and place them…so many possibilities!

    130. Pop tunes and Fruit Avalanche Stand! Anything to get the kiddos motivated to want to use tongs/tweezers. Plus you can totally use the fruit in other play too.

    131. I like the wooden Mosaic Puzzle. All the toys look great and I would love to use them with all my friends!!

    132. I would love the avalanche fruit toy. I work with preschoolers and love using tongs to work on improving their grasp and coordination!

    133. My students would love the fruit avalanche! Some many students need to work on their FM skills since the last 9 months were spent on the computer learning!!

    134. I’ve never seen the 3D building blocks with gear shapes before. They look like a lot if fun and could be used in so many ways!

    135. These are great! The wooden gears and the mini squigz would be a welcome addition to my classroom — thanks for all the great work!

    136. I LOVE all of these fine motor toys! I can’t explain how beneficial these tools would be for my students, almost all of whom have fine motor goals. My students would LOVE the Squigz and gear building blocks!!

    137. I would live to be able to use the straw connector STEM toy! As a new school OT, I have very limited resources and any fine motor toy would be useful! Many of my students love their STEM class and I’d love to bring it into OT to further motivate them!

    138. My favorite tools are the accordion tubes, or what I have always called rapper snappers, as they provide multisensory input and are so versatile and rewarding for students!

    139. So many fun choices. I like the idea of the Avalanche game. It looks like a great fine motor challenge that is fun and engaging!

    140. I would love the Avalanche fruit stand, the mini squigz or Spike the Hedgehog. I work on bilateral coordination and cutting with so many students so the fruit stand looks like a fun activity which could be easily modified. Squigz just looks fun with texture and think the kids would love the suction aspect of it. hedgehog just looks inviting with colors and because its an animal!

    141. I would love the straw like toy to build with or the hedge hog. I’ve never seen them before and think they would be great to add to my practice

    142. These are all great ideas (: I currently use squigs with so many of my kiddos! You can make them into so many different activities to work on a variety of skills, and they are easily washable which is so important right now!

    143. I found a container of Squigz at Goodwill and was so excited to spot this treasure. They are a hot commodity in our clinic so I would love to have more (sorry if that is greedy). I have been looking at the Hedgehog for awhile now and would love that also! 🙂 Actually, any of the fine motor toys really — always grateful for my finds and would be appreciative of any freebies!

    144. The mini squigz would be a great toy for playing on a vertical surface – work on wrist extension and grading while working on all those other fine motor and sensory areas.

    145. WOW! Such a great toolbox! I use pop tubes, perler beads and Jenga already but otherwise a couple of new ideas for me! Never heard of Avalanche and absolutely love that one!! Also love the #-D Gears, Straw Constructor and Coogam puzzles!!

    146. We use Squigz all the time: sorting by color; placed on the dry erase board vertically; placed inside a tub of water beads. Endless possibilities.

    147. The Avalanche Fruit Stand Toy looks like a great fine motor activity!
      I love pop tubes and beads for activities in OT.

    148. I am an ECSE teacher and the Avalanche Fruit Stand looks like a great way to work on fine motor and academics!!

    149. Having a hard time deciding between Squigz and Wooden Mosaic Puzzle! Both look like really great options and would be exciting additions to my fine motor activities in the school!

    150. I would love the Avalanche game – I see a lot of my friends enjoying this fine motor game and being able to be creative with adapting it for other skill building.

    151. I LOVE the fine motor hedgehog! He is so cute, so versatile, and the kids love it. We use to for fine motor strengthening, motor planning, direction following. I love to have the kids recall which colors to grab, complete obstacle course with pegs in hand, and then place them into the hedge hog at the end! Makes the task more rewarding.

    152. Squigz and pop tubes are an OT favorite with my students!! The fruit avalanche game looks like something they would really enjoy too and would be a great game to have in my toolbox to encourage fine motor play! I have a toy similar to Spike the Fine motor hedgehog… it’s called Porcupine Pop. It adds a little surprise to the end 🙂

    153. I would love the squigz!! Could be super helpful for my kiddos with physical disabilities to simulate practicing driving their power wheelchair!

    154. I would love any of the above toys!! I am an OT working in the school system and I’m always looking for new fine motor toys! Thank you for organizing this!

    155. The Straw Constructor STEM Building Toy looks awesome! This would be a great fine motor activity, that could also be used for visual perceptual and executive functioning activities. It would benefit so many of my students!

    156. I LOVE the fruit avalanche game!! I use it all the time with my kids! I would love to win the mini squigs, 3D gears, and hedge hog! The hedge hog would be perfect specifically with one of my kiddos!!

      school-based OT (working with early childhood only)

      Pick me pick me!!

    157. I love how so many of these can cross over into SEL learning skills too! I am thinking of how easy it would be to connect personal resiliency, self-management and self-awareness themes alongside playing the fruit avalanche game!

    158. So many favorites and even some I haven’t seen before! Fruit avalanche and the hedgehog look like fun! Also, you can never have enough pop tubes!

    159. I would love the fuse beads! I have clients ranging from 2-14 years old, and could make this therapeutic for so many of them! Stringing the beads, sensory play, making designs, sorting by color. So much fun!

    160. I love the squigz. I use them from early intervention all the way up to my 5th graders and I can never have enough! One can hit so many developmental points with them.

    161. I’ve been wanting to try Squigz for awhile! The pop toons are always a hit with the kids I work with too!

    162. I would love any of these, especially the ones that I could share with the students when we are learning in this virtual environment

    163. I would love any of the options to work with my two year olds. I think the squigz or pop tunes would be a first choice.

    164. I would love to play the fruit avalanche toy with my students. So many of my students struggle with their grasp and I think this would be a fun way to help them out! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!

    165. As a school based OT with a variety of students on my caseload, all of these fine motor activities would be great! I can already picture some of my kiddos enjoying them all, especially the mini squigz and Spike the Hedgehog! I love a good fine motor warm up game!

    166. I would love, and my kiddos too, the 3D Building Block Gear Shapes. Get those fingers and hands working!!

    167. I love them all. I am especially looking for activities to work on wrist stability, separation of sides of hands, and individual finger movement. Any of these toys would work!

    168. I would love to add Fruit Avalanche to my kit. I love the pull tubes and they are a great way to get kids to engage

    169. Wow, what a great resource. Any of these amazing tools would be a great benefit to the students on my caseload as well as the PT in my schools! I have had several on my wish list.

    170. I would love any of those fine motor toys to utilize with my students once we are not learning via computer!

    171. The wooden mosaic toy would be a great add to my OT tools. I have and love using the Squidz with kids.

    172. I have always wanted the fruit avalanche game but never purchased. I am always looking for new and fun ting games for hand development.

    173. This is such a great list of fine motor toys! A few I’ve never seen before. I’m super interested in trying the Mini Squigzs!

    174. Gosh the Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle looks perfect for my students who all have fine motor and visual motor/perceptual deficits!

    175. Love Jenga for the intermediate students I work with in the schools! Great for problem solving, grading of movement and motor planning!

    176. I love the Avalanche Fruit Stand, and the 3D Block Gear Shapes because I am always looking for ways to work on hand strengthening, integrating both sides of the hand, developing the arch, and FM and eye/hand coordination. My ideas as an OT have gone DRY! Thank you for offering these great give-a-ways!!

    177. I’ve never seen the 3D Building blocks before – would LOVE to have those for a number of fine motor activities for my clients!

    178. The Avalanche Fruit Stands looks great to promote both hand skills and strength and could also be integrated into fun pretend play!

    179. I would love to use the tangram blocks with my students with visual motor concerns. They would love the bright colors and the imagination they could use to create designs!

    180. It is very difficult to chose just one favorite! I think my students would love the Avalanche Fruit Stand because it is great for an imitative daily living activity and the avalanche would be so much fun!! I can hear the squeals now!

    181. Love them all! As a school based COTA these are very useful. I’ve never seen anyone not smile when presented with a pop tube. I’ve wanted to but Spike the Hedgehog for some time. I use tweezers a lot and would love to try the Fruit Stand Avalanche.

    182. I LOVE using squigz, I have both regular size and the mini’s. They are so versatile, you can work on so many things with them, and the kids LOVE them. But…I would love to use the Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle Brain Teasers Toy Tangram–I have not seen this before and can think of a few students on my caseload that would benefit from it. Thanks for this giveaway!

    183. This is a great selection of toys. Any of them would be useful in my developmental therapy sessions. What a kind gesture for the holidays.

    184. I can’t choose just one! Each and every one of these would be beneficial for working with my students ages 3-5th grade, most with special needs!

    185. I would love to have any of these fine motor toys. I have seen the fruit avalanche stand in a classroom, but some of these other ones I have not seen before. A fine motor toy I really like to use is squigz. I hope I win, these toys would be such a blessing as I work with a very low income pediatric population.

    186. I work with preschool students as an OT. I know they would LOVE to play with Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog. He’s adorable and fun!

    187. My choice from the list above is the Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle Brain Teasers Toy Tangram. Works so many skills beyond fine-motor, and would be great for my caseload (up to age 21!).

    188. All of them look great! The 3D blocks look fun and I’ve never seen them before! I love Plus Plus building blocks as a fine motor activity.

    189. what a great set of fun fine motor activities. My kids love the pop tubes and the sound they make. I would think they would really like the gear building blocks and the wooden puzzles.

    190. Playing is one of the best way to work on developmental fine motor skills! Toys are fun and engaging and our kiddos don’t even realize that they are doing “work.” Playing with toys while in various positions (ie: prone on elbows) can concurrently work on core and upper body and extremity stability and strength!

    191. I love the straw constructions STEM building activity. I’m always looking for ways to engage my older students and this one is perfect. I would use it to work on fine motor, visual motor, and visual perceptual skills. There are so many ways to modify and meet individual needs with this one!

    192. I would love to use the Straw Constructor STEM Building Toy. There are so many things you do with them and skills that you can target.

    193. they are all great choices for fine motor skills, but if I had to pick one it would be the Coogan Mosaic puzzle, why: because it would help with both visual motor, visual perceptual and fine motor and can easily be graded and adapted to my low functioning kids as well as my higher functioning skills.

    194. The Fruit Avalanche and Hedgehog are great ideas to use with younger kids working on their grasp! I also like to adapt the Don’t Spill the Beans game to play with tweezers with older kids. Thanks for sharing!

    195. Love the pop tubes and hedgehog for my “littles” in the schools. Great for bilateral upper extremity strengthening and fine motor development in a fun and engaging manner!

    196. Great post! So much new, good stuff. I’m all about Spike the Hedgehog. What a grade toy to grade for so many ages!

    197. So many FUN activities! TOO hard to choose which one is my favorite! And which will be my student’s favorites! I think they will love them all!

    198. I would love a Coogam Wooden mosaic puzzle!
      My go-to fine motor tool is the finger paper punch tools (punch out shapes). I use it with a variety of activities and students love to do it!

    199. SO hard to pick just one! They would all be good to use with my students at school! I have been wanting to try the squigz. : )

    200. The straw constructor set would be fantastic! Also, thank you so much for your OT slide decks! I use them all the time with my students:)

    201. When I was at another district a couple years ago my students loved the fruit avalanche game. It would be great to have one of my own for my new district.

    202. The pop tubes would be a HIT with my older kids – the sensory input from pulling them plus the sounds would be so beneficial. The wooden mosaic would also be a unique addition to my toolbox – I’ve not seen anything like it before!

    203. I love all the motor planning capibilities of Spike the fine motor Hedgehog! My students often need help with fine motor and color recognition.

    204. I would love Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle. Although I would like any of them. These are all great and much needed!

    205. I would love to try the Avalanche game! It’s one I’ve always wanted to purchase but have never spent the money!

    206. My students would really enjoy and engage in the 3D Building Block Gear set. This one activity would work on so many different skills, such as visual perception, working memory, visual and fine motor skills, developmental play..What a unique ,but simple activity.

    207. Such cool ideas and many are new to me. Love the coogam set. Always looking for new visual motor activities to do with my therapy kids.

    208. Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle Brain Teasers Toy Tangram or the Hedgehog, I am trying to introduce more games into the therapy session that incorporate fine motor skills also.

    209. I love the straw construction set and the gears. I have lots of ideas and kiddos that could benefit from them. I already have spike and squigz because a family donated them after their child was past that level.

    210. I Love the mini squigz . A coworker just introduced me to them before the pandemic. I have not had an opportunity to purchase these yet.
      I love how versatile they are. I would be able to use these with any of my children , my older kids would love these as well.

    211. Squigz have been on my wishlist for a couple of years now and I would love them to use with all of my students! They are so versatile to use across all ages and I think all of my students would love them!

    212. I’d love to try the mini squigz. I think they would be very versatile and could work on many goals with many students including bilateral coordination, grip strength, copying, and sensory regulation.

    213. I have been wanting to add Squigz to my therapy bag for a long time! So many uses for fine motor development with my students. I use the pop tubes all the time. I love to do whole class lessons with them at preK.

    214. The Avalanche Fruit Stand would be such a fun, perfect way to work on grasping skills. I work in public schools, so funding to buy fun toys like that is limited. So much of our funds go to basic consumables. Many of my students need support in grasping skills, and the Fruit Stand would be a great new tool to help them gain these skills.

    215. I would love to work with Squigz! It is such a fun toy that works on fine motor precision as well as gives my students proprioceptive feedback!

    216. These are all such wonderful options for working on various skills with the kiddos. I love the wooden tangram puzzle and mini squigz – I have not used them before, but they look like they would be great additions based on the recommendation and everyone’s comments.

    217. These are amazing fine motor toys and great for all ages as well as adaptible for all to use in some way. I work in the school system and any toys we can get is great for the school budget!!

    218. I would love the fruit stand game! I love the idea of having two students working on fine motor strengthening at the same time while interacting with each other! Not only are you building hand strength, but you are working on turn taking, and following directions! Great for older kids because it is a game!

    219. These are all great activities. I haven’t seen the Coogam toys or the fruit avalanche game before, so fun. Would totally be great with our EI & school age kids in the clinic:)

    220. I love the avalanche fruit stand! The kids I work with think it is so much fun and we can add a variety of twists. My favorite is having them cross midline to drop the fruit in a fruit basket after retrieving from the fruit stand.

    221. What a fun idea!! My preschool and elementary kids would love the gears and mosaic puzzle. They would support many skills and provide new learning opportunities. Thanks!

    222. The fruit sort would be another great way to work on grasp and strengthening. I use many sorting activities with my preschool clientele.
      The mosaic activity would also be great fun!

    223. I would love the hedgehog! I am an early childhood special education teacher. My kids are learning their shapes and colors and this would be a fun way to allow them to play while they learn!

    224. These are amazing items for any toolbox and I love that many of them can grow with development. Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog would really be fit my grandson as I believe it will help with hand strength but also sorting and matching which he struggles with. Thank you for the wonderful resources!

    225. I would love to use the Avalanche game as it looks like fun so kids would enjoy this activity and build on their skills at the same time.

    226. Wow! These toys are great for so many different skills. My girls would love any of them. They’re so different from each other and the typical toys kids have these days. I would love to win any toy for my girls to try out.

    227. This is such a fun way to support fellow OTs, teachers, and parents. All of them look fun and I could find many ways to use all of the. The Fruit Avalanche caught my eye in particular because it is so versatile what I could use for it to support my preschool kiddos in order to support scissor skills and pre-writing skills.

    228. These are all such awesome toys! I have the Avalanche Fruit Stand and love how many skills it addresses. I would love to add the mini Squigs, the hedgehog, and the straw kit to my collection!

    229. These all look amazing! I am always looking for fun and engaging activities for hand strengthening and grasp development, so I would be so happy to have any of these, especially the squigs or the hedgehog! Love them all! Thanks!!

    230. I love toys that work on skills without kids even realizing it! This can be especially beneficial when working with kiddos who struggle with regulation/behavioral challenges.

    231. While all the toys are great, I would really like the hedgehog. It would be a great toy for my younger students – so many skills can be addressed with it!

    232. As I would be grateful to win any of them because they all look like a fun way to incorporate skills into sessions. I really like the fine motor porcupine as I could use it for sorting, visual motor and scanning, grasps, learning colors and more. It is just so cute.

    233. I have used many of these tools in my practice, Jenga blocks, Perler fuse beads, and a few of the squigs that I got in a fine motor tool kit. I have never seen the 3D Building Block Gear Shapes or the Straw Constructor STEM Building Toy so either one of those would be great to add to my toolbox! Thanks for giving away such great items!

    234. The Mini Squigz look like lots of fun and I am all about having fun with my students! What a great way to work on strength and pincer and a bunch of other skills! I love toys and am a kid at heart! The more fun, the better!

    235. I would love to try out the mini Squigz with my students! How fun! I have used regular Squigz and didn’t realize they had mini ones. I think they would be a great fit to work on fine motor skills with my students.

    236. Oh my gosh- something for everybody! I have a cross-cat room with all elementary grades and feel like I am constantly purchasing and making sensory/motor tools… I just made several tonight for one of my kiddos as we are starting distance learning next week! It would be so nice to have tools that I didn’t have to buy with my personal money and make!

    237. I absolutely love the avalanche fruit stand!!! Not it are you able to work on grasp and strength with the tongs, but it is practically a vertical surface as well!!!!

    238. I love them all! squigz, pop tubes, and avalanche are a few of my favorite to use in the clinic and school setting.

    239. I would love the straw conductor STEM building toy for my kids! A lot of them love building and creating, and this would be great to incorporate fine motor and bilateral coordination skills into the activity.

    240. My pick is a toss up between the hedge hog, the fruit stand and the mosaic puzzle pieces because I have students that would benefit these the most! Students do like the pop tubes a lot!

    241. I have never seen the Avalanche Fruit Stand-It looks like the kids would have a great time with it (and so would I).

    242. Firstly, THANK YOU for all that you do for the OT community!! Your ideas are so helpful; especially in the virtual setting. I work in the school system and we have used a few of these toys/activities but they are owned by other OTs who bring them from home. I love all of them but personally I love the Avalanche game and the squigz! I have a fond memory of working with a student using squigz and he looked up at me and stuck one right on my forehead! We laughed so hard and made a game out of it (pretending to be a monster, etc.) Thank you again for all that you do!

    243. I would love to have the fruit avalanche game or the wooden tangram puzzle. Either one would make a great addition to my OT games!

    244. Thank you so much for the opportunity and knowledge of introducing more of these great toys/figets. I always enjoy finding more ideas/toys to use with my kids as educational and/or sensory strategies. Thanks so much!

    245. I can’t pick just one! Some of these are more appropriate for older/younger students, and I serve students of all ages. Therefore, I’d really like any of them!

    246. SO many new items I haven’t used yet! My students would love them all! Thank you for this opportunity to see them, and possibly win them!

    247. I love to use the Getting Ready to Write Gumball Grab game to work on hand strength, pencil grasp, color recognition, and turn takin just to mention a few of the reasons. There are so many fun items above that my preschoolers would love to use.

    248. I would love to use the avalanche fruit stand in my pediatric OT practice! All of these FM toys/activities are great.

    249. The Coogam Wooden mosaic puzzle looks like an Occupational Therapist’s dream toy for a mulitude of fun while building functional skills for students!

    250. So many great fun and interactive ways to build skills that are FUNctional! Thanks, from all the school-based OT’s!

    251. My students and I love using Squigs! I’ve had my eye on the Avalanche fruit stand toy for a while too so I am glad to hear that it is a good one! My clients and I would love any of these fine motor toys. They are all a great way to work on so many skills.

    252. Spike the fine motor hedgehog would be great for my little ones! The simple theme makes it so much more fun than just a regular pegboard!

    253. I would love using the mini squigz and the Avalanche game. So fun! I do love all of these toys for therapy sessions, though. Hard to choose.

    254. These would be great to add to my therapy bag. Since we are constantly having to clean manipulatives it would be great to have a few extra.

    255. I love all the toys and my kiddos would for sure benefit from using ANY of them. I love hedgehogs, so I think the hedgehog toy is absolutely ADORABLE! My PK’ers would love using it! 🙂 So cute.

    256. I have been eyeing the hedgehog and the straw constructor for awhile, but there is so many things I’d love to have that it’s impossible to buy all of them. I would be grateful to receive any of these gifts as I begin my career.

    257. I love the fine motor toys! I have always enjoyed exploring toys and seeing their therapeutic benefit! These items would be great to add to what I have!

    258. Avalanche and Pop Tubes would be great for my little preschool friends as there are some many options beyond the intended purpose – bananas down the chute…

    259. The Fuse Beads would be so great for building dexterity and strength needed for fine motor skills and mature pencil grasp! I remember these from when I was a kid— so motivating that kids wouldn’t even realize how much hard work they are doing! Great suggestion 🙂

    260. I would love to win spike the hedgehog tool because I could use that during my physical therapy sessions with my students. I like to bring in different things and often look to my OT counterparts for ideas

    261. I would love to try Squigz with several of my kiddos that need to increase hand strength but pop beads are too difficult. Thanks for the chance!

    262. I would love the Coogam Wooden mosaic puzzle! I have not seen this before, but know several of my students would love to do this!

    263. I am an OT for remote school districts in Alaska. I work with a preschool who has several students with special needs. Both the special education and classroom teacher are hungry for ideas/materials and excellent at making the most of using them. I would LOVE to send them the avalanche fruit stand to support the students that are working on grasping, tool use, hand strength, and taking turns (as well as all those other great visual skills). Thanks for all you share and do! 🙂

    264. I think the Avalanche fruit stand is so cute and I would love to use that with my kids. I also am partial to Jenga as that was a favorite of mine when I was a kid!

    265. I love pearler beads!!! They are fabulous to use to make traditional shapes and designs with or without templates. I also love them as a tweezer activity, sorting by color, stringing on jewelry or fishing line (I prefer stretchy jewelry line). They allow older kids to express their creativity and make perfect Christmas Ornaments! I would LOVE to win the Pearler Beads to use with my students (age appropriate of course) in all of the ways I mentioned above! Thank You for all of your fantastic activities and blog!

    266. Learning resources avalanche fruit stand. My preschoolers love manipulative and it is great way to work on using tongs.

    267. What better way to learn fine motor skills than with fun? I can’t think of any. Play and learning go hand in hand when I work with my motor students!
      Any of these tools are going to put lots of smiles and laughs on the faces of my students!

    268. As a new OT in the school setting, I would love to use ANY of these!!
      I’ve never seen the Avalanche Fruit Stand before! SO FUN!
      It looks like it would be easy to transport too!

    269. I am a new graduate and just recently obtained a job in the school system so having any of these would help me build my OT Tool Box! During my internship I introduce “Pop the Pig” to a separate public day school and that was a big hit!

    270. The Coogam Wooden mosaic puzzle looks like an Occupational Therapist’s dream toy for a mulitude of fun while building functional skills for students!

    271. The Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle would be awesome for both younger and older children. Seems like a tool that can be used in a variety of ways and difficulty levels.

    272. The Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle would be awesome for both younger and older children. Seems like a tool that can be used in a variety of ways and difficulty levels.

    273. I would love the avalanche fruit stand! Love those games with the tweezers to help build the arch of the hand and open the web space for good grasps/writing for the future!

    274. I love all of these toys. The best part is seeing kids enjoy these types of games because they do not have them at home anymore- they stay interested in them for multiple sessions!

    275. The mini squizs look so fun and a great way to grade pressure and grasp while working on lots of academic skills

    276. I would use all of those great toys – the Fruit Avalanche has been on my wish list as it seems fun and the gear toy looks really cool also:)

    277. Would love the Avalanche game….use tongs and tweezers all the time with my students. Great for working on hand separation and building the strong side, thumb side of the hand. Love it!!

    278. As a school COTA, I would love to have the Fine Motor Bundle, having to purchase my own supplies leaves me picking and choosing. I have the HedgeHog and Avalanche game on my Amazon wishlist! But winning this would be AMAZING!! So many little’s would benefit!

    279. All of these really are great! I’d love to add Mini Squigz in my “OT toy box”! I know all my students would love them to create and build by pushing and pull!

    280. The Coogan wooden block puzzle is great for tartgeting so many performance areas and components. My clients would enjoy this because it is colorful and fun. In this day, it would be easy to wipe down and clean as well. It is shocking to me as an OT how so many children do not understand how to do puzzles and perceptually visualize activities such as this!

    281. I would love to use Pop Toobz with my students – they are an easy, fun way to get in some great hand strengthening without feeling like work!

    282. This is an amazing list!! My favorite toy is the Hedgehog one:) I have already shared some of these ideas with parents. Again, thank you for all you do for therapists and parents…it is really appreciated!!

    283. I would love to have the Coogam Wooden Mosaic Puzzle. I have several children who need to work on their visual perception skills. The Avalanche game will also be great to have as another fun way to work on pencil grasp and fine motor skills.

    284. Um…did anyone else’s mouth just pucker when you saw the avalache fruit stand? Because of those childhood candies! I just book marked this game on Amazon, JIC I don’t win. I know how some of my students will “crack up” when the fruit comes falling down.

    285. I would love to win the Squigz! I have seen so many FM activities and ways to use them in sessions. I have so many kiddos that have hand weakness and this would be a fun way to address that.

    286. Working in both outpatient peds and school, I LOVE my Squigz! So many of my kids love them to start a session before we work on cutting or writing!

    287. These are all great! I think Spike the Hedgehog would be a great addition to my special needs daughter’s telehealth therapy sessions!

    288. As an OT who works with students who are a wide range of ages, I’m always looking for toys and games what will peak their interest and can work on multiple skills at once. The Fruit Stand Avalanche game would be good for working on hand/finger strengthening, following multi-step directions, impulse control, proprioception for gauging pressure, visual discrimination, and figure ground.

    289. Squigz and Fruit Stand Avalanche are AMAZING!!! Any of these would be a great addition to our fine motor activities!

    290. I work with students from pre-K to high school of varying abilities. All of these toys could be used in those ranges to engage fine motor, praxis and midline crossing skill. Thanks for the chance to win these! God bless!

    291. The coogam wooden puzzle would be a fun way to practice fine motor skills for little hads. We are practicing with beading, play dough and scissors any of these would be a great addition. What a wonderful giveaway.

    292. Awesome fine motor toys! I am an OT in the schools and love the pop tubes. They seem like they would be very motivating for students to work on bilateral coordination. Spike the hedgehog is awful cute!

    293. I would love to have Fruit Stand Avalanche – I feel like it would be very motivating for those ASD higher functioning kids!

    294. The avalanch fruit salad game is so fun! I don’t have my own game but I have seen it in action and the kids love playing it while working on grip strength and learning about cause and effect!

    295. These are all great! I love the Fruit Avalanche as it not only helps with the fine motor but is a game to keep them engaged!

    296. Hi Colleen, these are all so much fun! I don’t know who would have more fun using the straws game…me or the kids.

      Thanks for this fun contest!

    297. This is so helpful to see such a wide variety of fun fine motor toys! The Avalanche fruit tweezers game looks perfect for teaching pre-writing hand strength, manipulation, and skills while also practicing cognitive tasks like counting and colors! I love the opportunity for creativity with this game!

    298. We had the mini Squigz at my previous clinic and they were so versatile!! Loved sticking them on a tall mirror with the child on something for stability/balance, great for grasp, hand strength, crossing midline, colors, counting….all the OT things!!

    299. Looks like loads of toys that will be loads of fun for kids, while we therapists are addressing performance components using them with the kids.

    300. I would love Spike the Hedgehog. He looks great for my kids that are hard to motivate when working on grasping. The mosaic would also be great for my visual perceptual kids.

    301. I would love the Avalanche Fruit Stand or the Spike Hedgehog for my kiddos. They would be great to work on fine motor skills while at the same time using silly, creative imagination around the themes of these toys.

    302. I would appreciate anything, honestly! My entire therapy bag of tricks have been purchased by me so anything helps!

    303. Ahh, I’m just wrapping up my placement at an outpatient pediatric setting and saw the benefit of so many similar toys! The Squigz are such a simple concept but allowed me to connect with a patient who was SO engaged for the first time ever with us! It truly changed the game, but I know any of these toys would be so helpful to have in my brand new developing toolbox!

    304. Wow the hedgehog looks so fun! I have a few toddlers on my caseload who would enjoy this toy. It seems perfect for fine motor and bilateral hand skills!

    305. All of these look so fun!! I need to get more fine motor games out for my kids, but they love anything with small beads and making pictures/shapes with them.

    306. The mini squigz would be super fun to use in my OT sessions! I love the regular sized squigz. They get the kids to use their creativity and fine motor muscles at the same time. Love it.

    307. As a COTA in the school system all these items would be so beneficial to help keep therapy fun…. I am always looking for ways to help every child be engaged so they can improve fine motor skills for a better educational experience…

    308. The 3D building blocks gears set would be great to develop problem solving skills while building fine motor coordination .

    309. All of these look great! I am a new COTA and currently working in an elementary school, and I love my job! I really liked the Coogam Wooden Blocks Puzzle Brain Teasers Toy Tangram (wow, that’s a mouthful!) I think my kiddos would have a lot of fun with them, using fine motor, and critical thinking skills.

    310. Great ideas for kids. I will share some of you ideas with parents. I know many parents struggle with what to get kids for Christmas. Thank you. I love all your ideas and would be happy with any…

    311. Ah my goodness, Which toy would I like to work with? that’s tricky they are all amazing and each fit so well with my little ones needs! so i wouldnt mind either. my favorite has to be the straw construction works on a variety of skills and my children absolutely love building and breaking down things! I think all of these are amazing im well impressed!

    312. I’ve never tried them but would love to have the mini squigz! Those things look so darn cute; heck even just as a fidget toy!☺️

    313. I am an OT in the school system needing any of these great items to engage children especially in need of age-appropriate items to promote scissor skills and handwriting with 4th and 5th graders.

    314. Love all these toys but the mini squigz are my favorite! so many of my preschoolers have very poor hand strength. Would love to use these in sessions!

    315. All of these toys look great! I would love to win the Cohan wooden mosaic puzzle to work on fine motor and visual motor skills with my OT students in schools.

    316. The 4D building blocks look awesome! I love JENGA with students. I write down different questions on the blocks like, “What strategy do you use to help you focus?”

    317. I would love the mosaic puzzle. So many skills to work on with 1 toy and can be used with different levels

    318. The avalanche game has been on my wish list for years! The visual perception skills as well as fine motor skills this game uses are a plus!

    319. My students love Squigs! Fine motor is one of the biggest areas of concern this year in first grade. They would love the avalanche game!

    320. Squigz are the best invention for OTs! I love how you can use them for so many different goals and even use them for all age ranges. You can make a path of an obstacle course or even use them for a holiday treatment plan. The kids absolutely love them too which is a huge plus!!!! I use them in nearly all of my treatment sessions in some way or another.

    321. The avalanche fruit stand game looks so fun and engaging! I love the unique way they chose to get kids to use tweezers. I like to use plastic tweezers with my students but this would be a new and exciting game for them (once we’re back in person that is!). Some of my favorite toys for fine motor skills are wind up toys. ?

    322. Hi! I am a student completing my level 2 fieldwork rotations. I am hoping to work in pediatrics so I have been looking for toys that I can use to start building my OT tool box! I love the avalanche fruit game, I have seen it so many times and it is high up on my list of must haves! I would love the chance to win any of these awesome fine motor toys.

    323. Honestly all of these are great! I love the tanagram puzzle! Fruit avalanche is a great game I have and use with my kiddos all the time. Another game that is fun for littles is the Sneaky Snacking Squirrel!!

    324. Any of these toys would be a great addition to our OT toy closet. I use the pop tubes all the time for creating letters and shapes. There Squigz would be a great addition to help kids with their upper body strength and movement to reach above their shoulders.

    325. I would love to have the straw stem builder toy- I used to borrow this toy from a colleague when I ran a fine motor camp many years ago and it was always a camp favorite. I think my school best kids would love it

    326. Working for an agency and traveling to multiple schools all of my supplies come out of my pocket and it takes time to build my toolbox. I am in need of some great easy to clean fine motor tools and the coogram wooden blocks and the fruit avalanche would be such a huge hit for the kids!!

    327. Wow!! All those are awesome! I work with students, not only would the kids be engaged but it would help as motivation to finish other classes they have.

    328. My OT students would benefit from these great fine motor toys – I would be excited to use the avalanche fruit stand and hedgehog game to help develop prehension strength with my preschoolers!

    329. I don’t know that I can choose between the avalanche game and the block mosaic, but I do love a light bright! I think the mosaic 3D block game, could be helpful for those kids that the light bright is not appropriate for! Such great tools thanks for sharing!

    330. All these toys look so fun and versatile for therapy! I have been wanting to get pop tubes and mini squigz for a while now, I would love either of those!

    331. I absolutely love all of these. I am a mom to two special needs kids. These would be so helpful with their sensory diets, remote learning, focus, etc. I appreciate all that you guys do. Thank you!

    332. I have been wanting to add mini squigz and coogam wooden puzzle to my OT room (they have been sitting in my Amazon cart). Both are toys with so much possibilities.

    333. I am saving this list to remember all of these great ideas! I’ve always wanted those squigs! Thank you for the chance to win. Fine motor toys and supplies can get expensive and this would be fabulous!

    334. Love all these toys. I particularity like using squigz to replicate designs and to incorporate into obstacle courses.

    335. The fruit avalanche game is very eye catching. That could be utilized for multiple purposes.
      I also love the gear shift toy. I work with a lot of severe and pround. They love rotating pieces. This could be very engaging for them to work on other skills as well.
      In truth, this is very generous. This year has been very difficult overall. Thank you for taking time to time of your subscribers!
      Happy Holidays!

    336. Avalanche seems like such a fun and colorful way to use tweezers! I always use them with my fine motor kids and running out of creative ideas on how to use them so this is perfect!

    337. I would love to use ‘spike the hedgehog’ to promote fine motor skills while simultaneously working on social skills ❤️ I work with a population of EI kiddos who lack access to many resources ? thank you for your generosity!

    338. The avalanche fruit stand and the hedgehog are both adorable and would be such a fun way to work on fine motor skills! I also really like the colorful tanagram puzzle. Such a great way to work on so many different skills at once.

    339. This is a great selection! I’d love the avalanche game, mosaic puzzle, or perler beads for some of my older students!

    340. We are a fairly new classroom and don’t have any of these products. Any would be amazing for the kids we work with. One of the services we work with has the pop tubes and the kids absolutely loved playing with them. Those are the only ones I’m familiar with and would love a set for our classroom.

    341. I would the the Avalanche Fruit Stand, I try to buy at least 1 fine Motor activity once a month that would be easy to carry since I travel to 6 schools.

    342. I would love to get my hands on some squigz because I have seen them used in so many ways for many different needs. I make a lot of DIY FMC activities and love using clothespins and Pom poms to get creative!

    343. I am a school based COTA working with preschoolers and Kindergarteners. Lots of interesting activities here! I especially like Spike the Hedgehog.

    344. I work with students K-12 who are in Self-contained rooms and gen ed rooms. Any of these would be wonderful!

    345. My big Squigz are awesome…but minis, how great is that? I can think of may uses for anything mini! These cool toys will keep my kids engaged in something that’s meaningful for them. Doesn’t that make therapy so much more pleasant for our kids? Yes! The avalanche fruit and the gears have so many applications, as well, that I can imagine using them with my littles and my older students. Thanks for the opportunity!

    346. Love the pop tubes- always use them to get new kids interested during evals. Was going to get my own little one the peg hedgehog for Christmas!

    347. All of these look amazing. I love using the pop tubes in my sessions. I also love the peg porcupine. These items would be awesome to use in my practice.

    348. I would love the 3D building block gears! I don’t have anything like those and my students are more motivated trying out new and different toys.

    349. Love the explanations for what each of the toys can work on! Spike the Hedgehog and the mini squigz look like they would work best at our house. Even if we don’t win, this list is such a great resource. Thanks!!!

    350. The mini squigz are so much fun to use. I time kids to see how many they can put on or take off. They can try to beat their score.

    351. This is so fun and incredibly generous! Like many others, Squigz are a huge hit with my younger students at school. I also love using them for functional reach activities with some of my more complex kiddos.
      The tangram brain teaser looks really fun too! I am always looking for more visual perceptual activities to add to my collection!

    352. I would love to try the Fruit Avalanche game for my students! I used this game on my fieldworks, but have yet to get one of my own! My students love to play turn taking games involving challenges for encouragement for their handwriting! As a new grad, I would love to use them all!

    353. All of these fine motor tools and games are great! I am interested in the Coogam wooden ta gram puzzle the most for my elem students!

    354. I love the avalanche game would be a great addition to my school-based therapy – students love to practice fine motor skills with tweezer games. I also the sequencing, problem solving, and communication opportunities this game promotes!

    355. I love so many of these toys and try to incorporate them into my instruction in many ways. I use Jenga as a review game or SEL game, by writing questions or prompts on the pieces. I have brought in the beads to melt for a fun activity for the students to create their own image of what we are working on that week. So many awesome things!

    356. Love the straw stem toy fir fine motor and motor planning! The avalanche game also is a great we strength and fine motor activity as well as a great motor planning abs self regulation tool!

    357. The avalanche fruit game sounds like it would be so much fun to do with the kiddos! Not only will it address fine motor deficits but be good for working on social skills too!

    358. The avalanche game looks so fun and engaging! I feel like there is SO much you could do with it! Would love love love to use it!

    359. Soooo many good ones here! If I had to pick one, I would pick the squigz. We don’t have a set in our district! I’ve been begging admin for them for awhile since I have so many students with fine motor strengthening on their IEPS!

    360. Jenga, avalanche, or pop tubes would all be great for using with my students. I work in a school for kids with special needs and these tasks would help practice fine motor skills in a fun, challenging way. The latter will give satisfying auditory feedback too when being manipulated.

    361. Being a first year OT in the school system, I’m constantly looking for new activities to use with my students to address fine motor skills! I would love a chance to win any of these!

    362. I would love the squigs. Creative and good change to build hand strength all while getting in some more proprioceptive input !

    363. I would love to win the fruit avalanche game! Great for turn taking, play skills, visual motor, and fine motor skills!

    364. We would be grateful for any of these! Working on any challenging fine motor skill(s) becomes SO much more motivating when they get to see what they can make! What kiddo doesn’t love Squigz or building with straws! How fun!