Today we have a fun shadow matching worksheet for you. This forest animals activity is great for adding to a woodland animal theme, but more importantly, use the shadow worksheet to build visual perceptual skills in areas such as form constancy, visual memory, and more.

Shadow matching worksheet
How are your visual perceptual skills?
My learner can see, but can’t really SEE. Wait, what? Isn’t all “seeing” the same? Not really. There is seeing in the sense of visual acuity, how well the eyes can see items up close and at a distance. Then there is seeing in the sense or perceiving an object. A person can have great visual acuity, 20/20 in fact, but have terrible visual perception. In visual acuity the eye basically has to see the object. In perception it not only has to see the object, but make sense of it. These vision issues are covered in our blog post on visual efficiency.
For example; I can see the puzzle pieces, but I can’t perceive that each piece becomes something whole, or which piece is the right shape.
This article does an excellent job of explaining visual perception, its effects, and how to improve this skill.
Armed with this information, it is critical to work on developing visual perceptual skills at an early age. Visual perceptual skills begin in infancy with facial recognition, and by school age are necessary for reading, writing, and mathematics.
When it comes to visual perception, the OT Toolbox has you covered! Check out the latest PDF free printable, Forest Animals Shadow Matching Worksheet.
You can get the shadow matching worksheet below by entering your email address into the form, or head to The OT Toolbox Member’s Club and going to the visual perception area. Use this item in a forest animals theme! And if you’re doing a forest animals theme, definitely be sure to add this Forest Animals Scissor Skills Activity. It’s a free set of printable puzzles kids can color, cut out, and put back together.
This is a great activity to build visual perceptual skills as early as preschool age. It addresses form constancy, figure ground, visual discrimination and visual attention. You can find other matching activities that support visual perceptual skill development in our free visual perception packet. It includes resources like this flower match-up, and outer space matching worksheets.
Ways to modify the shadow matching worksheet:
- Laminate the page for reusability. This saves on resources, and many learners love to write with markers!
- Print in black and white or color for different levels of difficulty
- Cut the shapes and make a matching game instead of using a writing tool to draw lines
- Talk about the animals, describe their characteristics, and give context clues to help your learner understand why certain pictures match
Other skills addressed using this forest animal activity sheet:
- Attention
- Behavior
- Frustration tolerance
- Task avoidance
- Self regulation
- Organization
- Scanning
- Fine motor skills – pencil grasp, drawing lines
In order to create a full lesson or treatment plan, therapists will need to be armed with more than just this one shadow matching worksheet. The OT Toolbox offers several free printable items to work on visual perception, including:
If you are looking for all of your resources in one place, the OT Toolbox also offers a Visual Processing Bundle, featured here:
What other tasks or games work on visual perception?
- Puzzles or dot to dots
- Working on spatial concepts such as “in, out, on, under, next to, up, down, in front of.”
- Hidden pictures games
- The game Memory – matching hidden pictures
- Word search puzzles and mazes
- Construction tasks using legos or popsicle sticks
- Copying 3D block designs
- Cleaning and organizing – washing dishes, sorting silverware, sorting laundry, organizing spaces
- There are several Ipad apps available if necessary, but I recommend using electronics with caution, and following up with a real life task.
Now you know more about “seeing” better. Before working on visual perceptual skills, make sure your learner has correct visual acuity. Sometimes their struggle is due to acuity rather than perception. In this case, a pair of eyeglasses is an easy fix!
Whether your learner is working on this shadow worksheet, or any other resources by the OT Toolbox, make learning fun and motivating. There is nothing better than a learner who is excited to see what their therapist has to offer.
shadow worksheet, shadow matching worksheet, forest animals
Free Shadow Matching Worksheet
Want to work on shadow matching with a forest animals theme? This shadow worksheet supports development of visual perceptual skills through play! Perfect for adding to a forest animals weekly therapy theme. Enter your email address into the form below.
Or, if you are a Member’s Club member, be sure to log in and then head to the visual perception area of free downloads that are on The OT Toolbox website. Not a member? Join now.
*The term, “learner” is used throughout this post for readability, however this information is relevant for students, patients, clients, children of all ages, etc. The term “they” is used instead of he/she to be inclusive.

Victoria Wood, OTR/L is a contributor to The OT Toolbox and has been providing Occupational Therapy treatment in pediatrics for more than 25 years. She has practiced in hospital settings (inpatient, outpatient, NICU, PICU), school systems, and outpatient clinics in several states. She has treated hundreds of children with various sensory processing dysfunction in the areas of behavior, gross/fine motor skills, social skills and self-care. Ms. Wood has also been a featured speaker at seminars, webinars, and school staff development training. She is the author of Seeing your Home and Community with Sensory Eyes.