Today I have a fun mindfulness exercise for kids…a ghost deep breathing exercise! This deep breathing exercise is great for Halloween or adding to a ghost theme in therapy, the classroom, or home during the month of October, when self-regulation can use the fun of Halloween and ghosts with major calming benefits. You can grab this free mindfulness printable below!
This ghost themed activity is a powerful self-regulation activity for kids this time of year!

Ghost Deep Breathing Exercise
If you’ve been reading The OT Toolbox for long, you may have seen our pumpkin deep breathing exercise printable and our spider web deep breathing exercise. Both are fun ways to add a holiday theme to self-regulation needs.
Related: You’ll love our spider activities for developing skills in therapy sessions around the Halloween season.
Today’s Ghost Breathing Exercise is another fun Halloween themed therapy tool to use with kids!
For more mindfulness exercises, you can check out the other deep breathing exercises here on the site.
I love this deep breathing tool because it has a fun ghostly “woooo-hoooo” addition where kids can add their own fun and non-spooky ghost noises as they slowly breathe out.
Add this resource to ghost themed therapy activities or calming exercises all during the month of October. It may even be a good way to get excited ghosts and goblins to calm down before a big classroom Halloween party!
More ghost activities
This self-regulation tool is a great addition to these other ghost activities that build skills:
- Ghost sensory bin (make bread ties into ghosts for fine motor sensory play!)
- Ghost craft– This simple ghost craft develops scissor skills, bilateral coordination, eye-hand coordination, and more.
- Ghost Catch Game– All you need is a recycled milk carton and an old sock for bilateral coordination, crossing midline, gross motor skills, eye-hand coordination, core strength, and more.
- Ghost Cookies– Baking with kids is such an awesome way to develop executive functioning skills. These ghost cookies are spooky fun!
Free Deep Breathing Exercise
You can print off this ghost deep breathing printable and use it in therapy sessions all month long!
Enter your email address into the form below to access this freebie.

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to
Don’t miss this pumpkin activity kit for fine motor skill work all month long!