Kids’ parties don’t need to be outrageous and extravagant. We love to throw easy and creative birthday parties and themed play dates (occasionally-themed days are NOT an every day thing. Or even a frequent thing around here!). Sometimes it is nice to celebrate the child and the excitement of youth with a special day. Sure it can be easy to get out of control with themed days or celebrations. But, childhood is such a fleeting time and being a mother to a child is such a thing to celebrate. It is an honor to use creative ideas in celebration of the day…whether it be a birthday or a special play date. Then there are the creative ways to celebrate neighbors or special people in you life. A thoughtful special day would be a fun way to spend time and build memories with a niece or nephew. Put together a quick and easy water bead tea party or a sleepover waffle bar for special time with your special little ones!
Party Theme Ideas for Kids

Some of our favorite ways to celebrate special times with our kids and nieces and nephews:
Kids party themes, games, themed food and snacks, decorations, activities, favors, and crafts can be found for each party theme. Have fun planning your child’s party or themed play date. Don’t stress about making the day extra special, just enjoy the being creative in honor of your special someone!