Process Art Monster Cupcake Liner Craft

These cupcake liner monsters are a fun monster craft and all you need are craft supplies from your recycle bin, googly eyes, and cupcake liners! We love this cupcake liner art for building fine motor skills through play! It’s a great kids craft that is perfect for building underlying skills through crafting…and having fun!

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This cupcake liner craft is great for Halloween. Making cupcake liner monsters works on many fine motor skills.

Cupcake Liner Monsters

These cupcake liner monsters are not just fun to make. They build skills, too.

Use a variety of craft materials to make process art with a monster theme, perfect for Halloween occupational therapy activities.

Manipulating the materials for this cupcake liner monster craft builds several underlying skill areas:

Process Art Craft for Kids

Process focused play is a great way to create and explore.  What is process art?  It’s creative and open-ended art that focuses on the child’s thought processes.  
We made these super cute monsters with a pile of crafting supplies and no clear end in mind.  We went with the flow of creativity all while working on fine motor skills, language, creativity, and more.



Cupcake liner monster craft made with process art.
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Start with Wilton mini cupcake liners (Amazon affiliate link) in primary colors.

Glue them flat onto a piece of  black construction paper (Amazon affiliate link).  Add googly eyes.  Monsters need lots of googly eyes.

Pile up a bunch of craft items.  Pom poms, feathers, colored paper, glitter, string, pipe cleaners…This looks like fun, right??!

It was fun to watch the kids as they created.  Each made their monsters in their own way, and it suited their personalities.  We let the creativity flow!

Little Guy needed a lot of spikes for his monsters.  We told a few jokes.  
Who is the messiest monster? 


These monsters took a ride on their feather taxi. 

Create, imagine, explore.  We did that!  What a fun way to practice fine motor skills, textures, and materials.  If you make process art monsters, share them with us! We’d love to see them!

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

monster craft made from cupcake liners, googly eyes, and craft pom poms. Hands squeezing glue to add craft items to cupcake liner