Turkey Napkin Rings

Another Turkey craft happened in our house!  This time we made a Turkey Napkin Ring.  And just in time for your Thanksgiving dinner place settings 🙂  This is another cardboard turkey craft that uses a recycled paper roll…much like this toilet paper roll turkey post that we updated recently. Today’s cardboard tube turned into a turkey napkin ring that would look amazing at the family Thanksgiving table.

Turkey napkin ring that kids can make! This Thanksgiving table craft is so much fun for the kids table!
Thanksgiving Turkey Silverware Napkin Rings

Turkey Napkin Rings

We started with a paper roll and a hole punch.  The holes were easy to punch toward the ends of the roll. To reach the center, you will have to bend the roll a bit and double up the cardboard while punching the holes.  That was pretty tough to do, but not impossible. 

I think next time we make these, I would cut the paper tube to maybe 3 to 4 inches long.  Then, it would be easy to punch holes along the length of the tube.  

This turkey napkin ring craft is a great way for kids to develop fine motor skills.

Big Sister took care of pushing the feathers into the holes.  We used fall colored pipe cleaners to give the turkey a fall festive look.  We cut the pipe cleaners in half first.

Cutting pipe cleaners is a great hand strengthening activity for kids working on hand strength and scissor skills.  They need to squeeze the scissors with a gross grasp and really encourage strengthening of the arches of the hand. 

Kids can make this turkey napkin ring craft with a cardboard tube and pipe cleaners.


After our pipe cleaners were cut in half, Big Sister folded the pipe cleaner in half (without creasing the fold) and pushed both ends of into the holes.  Another great fine motor activity! 

She was able to use a tripod grasp to push the pipe cleaner into the holes…and had a lot of fun!  We doubled up a few of the holes for extra feathers (and a little more restiveness when she pushed the pipe cleaners into the holes…extra fine motor work!)  

Use cardboard rolls for crafts like this turkey napkin ring that kids can make for Thanksgiving dinner.


The turkey is looking pretty good!  Glue a couple of googly eyes and a beak.  We used a scrap of foam sheet cut into a little triangle.   

Turkey craft for kids turns into a turkey napkin ring for the dinner table.

  Big Sister added the wattle to the turkey with a marker…and added a little red dot to the beak.  “That is his nostril, Mom.”  

How cute is this toilet paper roll craft that turns into a paper roll napkin ring.

  Pretty cute!  

Use this turkey napkin ring craft as the Thanksgiving kids table decorations!

Wrap a set of silverware in a paper towel (or fabric) and the turkey is ready to join the table settings!

Use the turkey napkin ring craft as a Thanksgiving kids table craft.

This would make a great Thanksgiving kids table craft for kids to make and build right at the kids table!    

It’s also a great fine motor activity for kids using a toilet paper roll!

Wouldn’t this look completely cute along with the Turkey Juice Box covers from yesterday’s post??  

For more Thanksgiving activities for kids, try this Thanksgiving Fine Motor Kit. It’s on sale now and covers handwriting, pencil control, coloring, scissor skills, bilateral coordination, eye-hand coordination, and more:

Thanksgiving Fine Motor Kit
Thanksgiving Fine Motor Kit…on sale now!

Thanksgiving Fine Motor Kit…on sale now!

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to contact@theottoolbox.com.

6 thoughts on “Turkey Napkin Rings”

  1. I've been a little annoyed at our lack of feathers because so many Thanksgiving crafts call for them. But this is one we can handle! These are going to look great on our table at Thanksgiving! Thanks for the great inspiration!

  2. Isn't it funny how there is always that one item that you don't have enough of? And when you finally make it to the store you forget it? Always happens to us too! Thanks for the kind comment, hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. Oh how I wish I had seen this before our preschool Thanksgiving celebration. Oh well…PINNED it all over the place so that I am sure to find it next year! 🙂
    So cute.♥

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Turkey napkin ring craft