One Zillion Valentines Day Craft

Have you read the book, One Zillion Valentines?  It i such a cute Valentine’s Day book for kids.  We read the book and made a Miniature Candy Heart Valentine based on the book a few weeks back.  That same day, we made this airplane valentine craft too, because we loved this part of the book! Valentines Day crafts are a fun way to work on certain skills in a way that is motivating for kids. This window cling Valentine’s Day craft we made years ago is a fine motor powerhouse, a lot like this airplane craft.   

This is just one of the Valentine’s Day occupational therapy activities here on the website. Use this heart craft to work on skills like fine motor strength, dexterity, direction following, and more.

Valentines Day craft for kids

Have you read the book, One Zillion Valentines? Such a cute book for kids and this craft is based on the book.

Valentines Children’s Book Activity

Pairing a book with therapy or when working on skills with kids is a fun way to open up conversation, problem solving, and strategizing to create a project or activity based on the book. This Valentine’s Day book for kids is just that. One Zillion Valentines is one children’s book that pairs nicely with a fine motor craft for kids.   This post contains affiliate links.

One Zillion Valentines craft

Valentines Day Book Activity

One Zillion Valentines is one fun book for kids around Valentine’s Day.  We love this part of the book…the message and the images!  We decided to make our own airplane craft for Valentine’s Day.

First we drew a big glue heart on large blue paper. Be sure to use squeeze glue for strengthening the hands.

Grab a handful of cotton balls.  Some brands of cotton balls are rolled and you can pinch and unroll the layers of cotton.  This is a great fine motor activity for kids!  Other brands of cotton balls can be pinched apart into strands.  

This is ALSO a great fine motor activity for kids!  Pinching and pulling the cotton balls apart works on the intrinsic hand strength of the small muscles of the hands.  These are the muscles that are located within the hand and are essential for endurance during writing and coloring tasks while holding a writing utensil with an open web space.

Make a paper airplane from red cardstock.  My Little Guy (age 5) was totally into following a step by step example to make his own airplane.  

Glue the paper airplane onto the trail of Valentine smoke and you’ve got a super cute airplane craft! Keeping the cotton strands on the glue is an exercise in eye-hand coordination.

This is a great craft that doubles as a book extension activity AND a means for working on specific skills.

How to make this Valentine’s Day Craft:

Time needed: 15 minutes

Make a Valentine’s Craft based on One Zillion Valentines.

  1. Create the background of this Valentine’s day craft.

    Use squeeze glue to draw a big swoop on blue construction paper. This will be the clouds following the airplane.

  2. Use cotton balls to make clouds.

    Stretch out the cotton balls using both hands. This is a great fine motor workout.

  3. Make a paper airplane.

    Use red paper (if you have it) to match the book. Fold a paper airplane by bending the paper in half and folding the top of the page into a point. Fold in half again. Bend the wings down in the opposite direction. It can help to make a paper airplane along side your child so they can copy each step.

  4. Glue the paper airplane onto the page.

    Add the paper airplane at the end of the cotton clouds.

More Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids

There are many Valentines’ Day activities here on The OT Toolbox that double as fine motor and visual motor powerhouses. Check out some of these Valentine’s Day themed activities for therapy:

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

Valentines Day crafts