This past year has brought us new and innovative ways to serve kids in teletherapy, distance learning, and virtual classrooms. As a way to stay organized, I wanted to put all of the free Google slides that are offered here on the site into one place so that you have a space to come, check out new free slides for teletherapy and distance learning. While these are free Google slide themes for therapy, they can also be used as PowerPoint slide decks. The free slides, when used on your Google drive, include options both in interactive formats or as slide presentations.
Add these to your teletherapy activities toolbox!

Free slides
Let’s get right to it…When teletherapy became a must for many therapists, virtual occupational therapy sessions were needed everywhere. That’s where these free Google slides came in.
Here are all of the free slide decks available for you to access and use. To organize these, I’m adding the slide decks to monthly lists. These are general, recognizing that some readers do not experience snow and ice in January or February, for example. And, some areas may not get snow at all. This is just general organization. 🙂
I’m also separating these slides into sections based on the skills that each slide deck addresses. You’ll find therapy slides centered around handwriting, visual perceptual skills, gross motor skills, etc.
Also note that many of these themed therapy slide decks fit in with our weekly therapy themes. Check out these activities for hands-on activities designed to build specific skills, home extension activities, and therapy home programs.
Be sure to save this page, because more slide decks are coming your way each week!
Virtual therapy slide decks
This virtual sensory room slide deck leads to tons of self-regulation, sensory activities, and online sensory tools.
This virtual visual motor therapy room slide deck has visual perceptual skill games, activities, puzzles, and more.
January Slide Decks
Our Penguin Theme Emotions Game is a fun way to work on identifying emotions and visual perceptual skills.
This Penguin Yoga Slide Deck is gross motor fun to challenge balance and coordination.
Try this Polar Bear Gross Motor Activities slide deck for a gross motor brain break activity.
Use a Build a Snowman Slide Deck for eye-hand coordination, visual scanning, and handwriting.
Use this Snowman Bilateral Coordination slide deck
February Slide Decks
This Groundhog’s Day slide deck works on visual perceptual skills and visual motor skills.
This Groundhog’s Day slide deck covers handwriting, fine motor skills, and visual perception.
Use this Valentine’s Day Motor planning slide deck with heart theme movements. Work on bilateral coordination, crossing midline, core strength, and motor planning skills.
Work on handwriting and visual memory, visual perceptual skills with this Valentine’s Day Slide Deck. This is a Spot-It visual memory and visual discrimination game with a handwriting component.
March Slide Decks
This St. Patrick’s Day Write and Sign slide deck works on handwriting with these writing prompt activities. Then use ASL to sign the St. Patrick’s Day words, building fine motor dexterity, coordination, finger isolation, and motor planning.
Shamrock Visual Perception slide deck– This slide deck includes 7 different visual perception activities with a shamrock theme. Kids can move the pieces on the slide decks to work on areas such as visual discrimination, visual attention, visual scanning, and much more.
Four Leaf Clover Balance Exercises– On this four leaf clover activity, users can go through the slides and follow the exercises as kids are challenged to balance a pillow or beanbag in different ways (a stuffed animal or roll of socks works too!). Encourage coordination, motor planning, core strength, proprioceptive input, and more.
Rainbow Gross Motor/ Pre-Writing Lines slide deck– Kids can “air write” and copy pre-writing rainbow lines. Encourage crossing midline, whole body movements, and formation of pre-writing strokes to copy lines, diagonals, circles, triangle, square, and cross shapes. Kids can copy the lines onto paper or into a sensory bin using the slides to guide the therapy session.
Rainbow Emotions Spot It Game slide deck– Work on social emotional skills and visual discrimination and other visual perceptual skills with a matching game. This slide deck has a rainbow theme but can be used any time of year.
Rainbow Visual Motor Activities slide deck– Working on handwriting, but the underlying issue of copying forms and visual motor integration is an issue? Kids can copy simple-to-complex rainbow forms and work on pencil control, eye-hand coordination, and more.
APRIL Slide Decks
Spring Write the Room and Draw the Room slide deck– Working on handwriting doesn’t need to be boring. This free slide deck uses a Spring theme to work on components like letter formation, line use, spacing, and sizing. This slide deck includes a link to a Jamboard for writing and drawing right on the the screen.
Spring Heavy Work slide deck- This gross motor activity slides incorporate brain breaks and heavy work activities that challenge gross motor skills, balance, endurance, coordination, motor planning, crossing midline, and more.
Bugs Emotions Activities slide deck– This bug theme slide deck builds social emotional skills by teaching emotions and working on the visual discrimination skills needed for understanding differences between facial expressions.
Flower Balance Activities slide deck– The start of Spring means flowers popping up everywhere. These balance exercises promote core strength, coordination, stability, balance, and endurance in movement changes.
Flower Visual Motor Activities slide deck– Use this slide deck to work on visual motor integration of visual perception, eye-hand coordination, with functional tasks like handwriting and copying forms…all with a flower theme for Spring.
Butterfly Balance and Coordination Slide Deck– Work on bilateral coordination, motor planning, crossing midline, balance, endurance, and more.
Butterfly Handwriting Slide Deck– Work on copying and writing butterfly words and sentences with this virtual butterfly activity.
Bugs Fine Motor Slide Deck– Build hand strength, endurance, and fine motor coordination skills with these bug activities.
September Slide Decks
This pencil themed slide deck is great for back to school. Use it to work on handwriting, visual perceptual skills, and visual motor skills.
Add this Pencil I Spy slide deck to back to school activities.
Here is a Back to School Writing Activity Slide Deck that includes an I Spy puzzle, write the room slides, writing prompts, and an “All About Me” activity.
This Back to School Visual Perception Slide Deck covers visual discrimination, form constancy, visual attention, visual closure, and more.
Use this Fall Leaves Handwriting Slide Deck to work on handwriting and fine motor skills.
November Slide Decks
Use this Disguise the Turkey slide deck for visual perceptual skills, handwriting, and typing skills.
These Turkey therapy activities cover a variety of areas: handwriting, visual perception, self-regulation, fine motor skills, and more.
This Gratitude therapy slide deck includes activities for mindfulness, handwriting, fine motor skills, self-regulation, and more.
December Slide Decks
This Holiday Cookies Slide Deck addresses working memory, visual perception, and direction-following skills.
Don’t miss this Gingerbread Man Slide Deck.
This Decorate a Gingerbread House Slide Deck is at big hit, too.
Kids love these Reindeer Games Gross Motor Activities.
Handwriting Slide Decks
Butterfly handwriting activities
Friendship terms– print, cursive, slides available. Students can write directly on the Jamboard also.
Love and Valentine’s Day terms. Includes words and sentences.
Groundhog’s Day slide deck has handwriting activities.
Build a snowman slide deck– handwriting activities.
Teach Letters with an interactive Letter Formation Slide Deck
Here is a “Scribble theme” Handwriting Slide Deck.
Here is a Strait Line Letters Slide Deck.
Handwriting is included in this is a Space Theme Therapy Slide Deck.
Work on pre-writing lines with this Rainbow Gross Motor/ Pre-Writing Lines slide deck.
Use this Rainbow Visual Motor Activities slide deck to work on handwriting and underlying issues of copying forms and visual motor integration.
Social Emotional Skills Slide Decks
Use this Friendship Slide Deck to work on personal space/body awareness.
Work on Friendship Skills and qualities of a friend with this slide deck.
Use the Penguin Theme Emotions Game to work on facial expressions, and identifying emotions.
Here is a Self-Awareness Activities Slide Deck to work on self-awareness, strengths, weaknesses, mindset, and other social emotional growth areas.
Use this Rainbow Emotions Spot It Game slide deck to work on identifying emotions.
Gross Motor Slide Decks
This heart theme gross motor slide deck incorporates bilateral coordination, motor planning, and crossing midline. Upper body activities.
Snowman bilateral coordination slide deck for gross motor skills, motor planning, crossing midline, movement patterns, core strength.
Here is an Alphabet Exercises Slide Deck that pairs each letter of the alphabet with gross motor activities. Use this as a brain break or a movement activity challenging balance, core strength, coordination, movement challenges, and more.
Try this Monster Theme Gross Motor Slide Deck for gross motor stretches.
Use this Unicorn Yoga slide deck to encourage gross motor skills, coordination, balance, and motor planning.
Visual Perceptual Skills Slide Decks
Unicorn Visual Perception Slide Deck includes visual perception puzzles and activities as well as handwriting tasks.
Spot It game hearts slide deck for visual discrimination, visual memory, form constancy.
Work on visual perceptual skills with a pencil theme “I Spy” game. Includes a Jamboard for writing right on the white board app.
This Groundhog’s Day slide deck works on visual perceptual skills and visual motor skills.
This Animal Theme visual perception slide deck covers a variety of areas including visual attention, visual memory, closure, figure-ground, form constancy, visual discrimination, and more, all with an animal theme.
More Themes in Virtual Therapy
Friendship Theme– Free Google Slide Deck and JAMBOARD: Friendship Handwriting – Writing prompts, handwriting, and all things friendship skills, cursive writing, line and spatial awareness, sorting friendship qualities, and more.
Friendship Theme– Free Google Slide Deck: Body Awareness and Personal Space- Work on personal space and body awareness skills with this gross motor sequencing and visual tracking exercise that helps kids with an essential social emotional skill.
Use this Therapy Planning Bulletin Board slide deck as a tool for sharing themes and therapy activities with clients. Update the slides each week for links, activities, and home programs.
This Wearing a Mask social story covers issues that come up with sensory sensitive kids.
Community Helpers– Here is a Community Helpers Theme Slide Deck.
Football- Here is a Football Theme Slide Deck that includes mindfulness activities, fine motor, gross motor, visual perceptual skills activities, and more.
Space– Here is a Space Theme Therapy Slide Deck covers a variety of skills including handwriting, visual perception, eye-hand coordination, self-regulation, and more.
Monsters– This Monster Theme Slide Deck covers gross motor skills, handwriting, visual perceptual skills, self-regulation, and more.
Unicorn Theme– Use this unicorn yoga slide deck for gross motor skills and this unicorn visual perception slide deck for handwriting skills.
More teletherapy resources
Want more help and resources to drive your teletherapy practice on autopilot? Join the Teletherapy Mini-Course 5 Day Email Series for tools and resources to make your life virtually simple!

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to