Animal Exercises Games
These Animal Exercises are gross motor activities to support proprioception, vestibular sensory input, balance, coordination, flexibility, postural changes, direction following, and more. Use these printable animal board games in therapy sessions as a gross motor warm up, animal themed brain break, or in an obstacle course.
Animal Exercises support development of whole body skills, offer sensory input, listening skills, direction following, motor planning, and more!
Animal Exercise Games and Animal Exercises Cards are printable board games. This printable board game set contains 8 game boards with children performing animal moves and 8 game boards with animals simply posing to keep game play endlessly fun using a simple theme approach while addressing important body awareness and motor planning skills. If you are looking for a game set that provides an opportunity to work on motor planning, body coordination, balance, flexibility, and turn-taking with some social interaction included then this is the game set for you!
Animal Exercises Games
How to Use the Animal Moves Game Boards for Kids:
Find game board markers such as plastic animals, foam shapes, mini erasers, coins, etc. and then a die or use pieces of paper cut into squares with numbers written on them to create paper dice.
How to Play Animal Exercises Games:
1. Have the child roll the die or pieces of paper and move their marker that number of spaces.
2. Have child perform the animal move or action shown on the space that they land on.
3. Use the animal moves cards to see a larger picture of each move or action.
The animal moves included are of children and of animals performing the following moves or actions:
- Bear walk
- Bird fly
- Cat creep
- Cobra pose
- Crab walk
- Duck walk
- Elephant pose
- Flamingo stand
- Frog hop
- Giraffe gallop
- Kangaroo jump
- Ostrich twist
- Snake slither
- Turtle crawl
- Walrus waddle
- Pick an animal move
Includes 32 animal exercise cards showing the exercise image and the animal image. These cards can be used with the printable game boards or they can be used in isolation to extend the activity. Use the animal exercise cards to:
- Match exercise image to the animal exercises picture cards
- Use in obstacle courses
- Sort exercises by name and body parts being used to support body awareness
- Target specific sensory systems to address self-regulation by selecting stimulating or calming sensory input
- Use in sensory diets with specific animal exercise cards for each individual based on sensory preferences
- Add to animal themes for forest animals, beach animals, safari animals, etc.
These printable animal exercise cards and printable game boards are perfect for the mobile therapy provider, inside recess activities, or home play.
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