Oh boy, is life ever messy with little ones during the winter months. Add to the mix: a teething baby who puts EVERYTHING into her mouth, and your house is a germ festival. And it’s a festival you definitely DON’T want to visit. When kids are constantly passing germs, hygiene is so important! I’m not sure how many times a day I repeat, “Cover your mouth!”, “Wash your hands!”, and “Get a tissue!”, but those phrases should be plastered on my forehead and maybe the kids would notice a little more! I thought it was time for a little wipe and blow your nose song and dance to teach the kids something about keeping those germs to themselves!
I participated in the Pass The Puffs blog program as a member of One2One Network. I received compensation but all opinions are my own.

Washing Hands and Blowing Nose poem for Kids
We were given the opportunity to try Puffs Plus Lotion during the booger-est time of the year. And we are sure a booger-y family! In fact, my Little Guy was wiping his nose so often that he had a red upper lip from the tissues! We loved that the Puffs Plus Lotion seemed to soften that irritated nose and helped his skin even with all of his nose blowing. You could tell that he looked and felt better!
Our little Good Hygiene for Kids poem is a catchy one and we’ve been saying it over and over again. It’s a good poem for young kids to remember and use! With preschool germs, library germs, grocery cart germs, and even sibling germs, my kids seem like they constantly have a cold this time of year. Especially this year when we’re experiencing one of the toughest flu seasons (according to the CDC). In fact, our hometown of Pittsburgh is on high alert for outbreak of the flu. With the bitter cold temperatures that we’ve been having (it was below zero until noon one day last week!), the softness of Puffs Plus Lotion is perfect for sensitive little noses and cheeks. With just the right amount of softness, Puffs Plus Lotion will help us put your best faces forward this cold and flu season.

This little one had fun with the tissues!

Tips for Helping Kids to Use Good Hygiene
- Encourage kids to wash their hands with warm, soapy water. Sing a short song like the ABCs while they soap up and rinse so you know they are really scrubbing.
- Teach kids to cough or sneeze into their elbow or to use a tissue.
- Show kids how to use a tissue to hold the door when exiting a public restroom.
- Wipe down public grocery cart handles with a sanitizing wipe.
- Remind kids when they should wash their hands: after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing/blowing nose, before meals, after being outside.
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