How to Take Phone Pictures and Stay in the Moment

Capturing Summer memories is easy when your phone is on hand.  Most of us have a phone always in the back pocket or within reach in a purse pocket, so capturing summer memories of the kids at the park is quick and accessible.  How do you capture the moment in a photo while engaging and savoring the time with your kids?  There is nothing that moves faster than time when a child is small.  It seems like a blink of an eye and they have grown from chubby little babes to running toddlers.  The precious summer fun can quickly turn to headaches when us moms are focusing on the “stuff”: the snacks, the sunscreen, the water bottles, the keys (CAN’T lose those!), the sun hats…all a mom wants is a quick picture of the kids on the slide.  Then the kids are off and running and the moment has passed.  Are you focusing on all of the stuff and juggling with the phone before the moment has gone?  Do you find yourself missing the fun and engaging with your kids?  We’ve got a few tips to help with the balance of capturing the memories and enjoying the moment.  

Tips to Capture Memories while Staying in the Moment:

Keep the phone close.  But then put it away:  Keep the phone in your back pocket for quick shots.  And when I say quick, capture a series of images by pressing the shutter button quickly.  There are a ton off iphone photography tips out there, but sometimes you just want to get the shot and move on.  Get your pictures then put the phone into your purse or away so you can get into the action of play.  Connect with your child with snuggles, tag, getting in close and be in the moment.  Don’t worry about sharing the image or adding a filter on Instagram.  Do it later after the kids are in bed.  Be in the moment during the moment.

Get in the photo:  Kids (usually) love to be in a picture with their mom.  Take a  quick selfie with your kids. Or ask a friend to capture a picture.  But again, put it away and play.

Take pictures of the good, the bad, and the ugly.  (The real moments):  You don’t need three smiling kids to savor a moment at a special event.  Kids will be kids and there will be tears, pouts, and maybe a little shoving.  Take the pictures anyway.  Get the real shots.  You might have two smiling faces looking in opposite directions, but it is the real thing.  You can also take action pictures while the kids aren’t even looking at the camera.  Maybe they are dancing in puddles or spinning around a tree trunk.  Those are the real moments.