Alphabet Pose Hunt and Write


The Body Alphabet Pose Hunt & Write resource proves to be an invaluable asset for various settings including classrooms, therapy rooms, or home settings. It effectively addresses letter recognition, gross motor formation, fine motor hand skills, and offers hands-on formation practice.

This comprehensive tool is ideal for conducting complete handwriting sessions, seamlessly integrating gross motor, fine motor, and visual motor activities into one cohesive resource. All you have to do is print and toss into your OT bag along with your assorted fine motor goodies and writing tools.  That’s it!

Psst, if you want to reuse them, just bring along a sheet protector and slide the sheets in and out as you need them. Easy!

This is a digital product.


Body Alphabet Pose Hunt and Write is a dynamic and engaging method to reinforce letter recognition, motor skills, and letter formation. This resource provides a hands-on approach for children to interact with letters in various ways, fostering both physical and cognitive development. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  1. Verbal Identification: Start by having the child identify the name and sound of each uppercase letter.
  2. Body Poses: After identifying a letter, encourage the child to assume a corresponding body pose that resembles the shape of the letter. This kinesthetic approach helps reinforce letter shapes and enhances body awareness.
  3. Letter Grid Hunt: Next, the child searches for the lbody etter pose within a grid. This activity not only strengthens letter recognition but also hones fine motor skills and visual scanning abilities. Various marking tools such as pencils, push pins, markers, dot markers, beans, or stickers can be used to mark each matching letter pose. For added challenge and fine motor practice, tongs or tweezers can be utilized for marking each letter.
  4. Letter Tracing and Formation: The resource includes two sets of worksheets. The first set focuses on tracing letters within designated boxes, while the second set allows children to practice forming letters within the boxes independently. Both activities refine letter formation skills and promote distal control.
  5. Mimicking Poses: Encourage children to mimic the body alphabet pose associated with each letter after tracing or forming it. This reinforces the connection between the letter shape and the corresponding body pose.


  • Reusable Sheets: To extend the usability of the activity sheets, consider laminating each page or placing them in sheet protectors. This allows children to use dry erase markers or crayons for tracing or forming letters, making the activity more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Overall, Body Alphabet Pose Hunt and Write offers a holistic approach to letter learning that integrates movement, sensory input, and fine motor skills practice. By combining physical activity with letter recognition and formation, this resource makes learning letters an interactive and enjoyable experience for children,