Tangrams Shapes Visual Perception Kit


Visual perceptual skills are important.  Deficits can be corrected with time and practice. Presenting the Tangrams Shapes Visual Perception Kit!

Older therapists may remember tangrams from childhood.  Unlike fads, classic games and toys span generations. Like Playdough, Mr. Potato Head, and Candyland, Tangrams have stood the test of time.  

Why? Tangrams are simple and classic.  There is only one way to solve the tangram. They teach valuable visual perceptual skills.  Included in this Tangrams Shapes Visual Perception Kit is 22 pages of downloadable printable pages for use with students of different ages and levels.

This is a digital file.


The tangram is an operation puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The main objective of making tangrams is to replicate a shape by giving only an outline in a puzzle book with the help of all seven pieces without overlap. Another common use of the tans is, to generate unique minimalist patterns or designs that are either recognized for their inherent artistic values, or to challenge others to replicate.

In this Tangrams Visual Perceptual Kit, learners are challenged to:

  • Create tangrams by fitting shapes into the dotted areas
  • Replicate the tangram pictures without the aid of dotted lines
  • Color a tangram picture, answer questions related to it, and copy shapes
  • Match tangrams with borders to their shadowed counterparts
  • Search for hidden shapes among a gathering of several different shapes

Skills addressed with this Tangrams Visual Perception Kit:

  • Visual perception
  • Scissor Skills
  • Drawing skills (visual motor)
  • Coloring skills
  • Following directions, frustration tolerance
  • Executive function
  • Option for gluing
  • Math objectives

More about visual perception:

Visual perception is broken down into seven different categories.  Learners may struggle with one, several, or all of the different areas. Visual perceptual skills are an important facet of daily life from sorting laundry, scanning the refrigerator, following a map, reading, or spotting a friend in the crowd.  With practice, many deficits in visual perception can be corrected or minimized, especially when addressed in young learners.

  • Sensory Processing: Accurate registration, interpretation and response to sensory stimulation in the environment and the child’s own body
  • Visual Attention: The ability to focus on important visual information and filter out unimportant background information
  • Visual Discrimination: The ability to determine differences or similarities in objects based on size, color, shape, etc
  • Visual Memory: The ability to recall visual traits of a form or object.
  • Visual Spatial Relationships: Understanding the relationships of objects within the environment
  • Visual Sequential-Memory: The ability to recall a sequence of objects in the correct order
  • Visual Figure Ground: The ability to locate something in a busy background
  • Visual Form Constancy: The ability to know that a form or shape is the same, even if it has been made smaller/larger or has been turned around
  • Visual Closure: The ability to recognize a form or object when part of the picture is missing

Of the seven categories listed above, six of them are addressed using these Tangram Visual Perception worksheets.

In an era where learners have limited attention spans, it is increasingly important to address several areas of need, and develop skills within a short amount of time. 

As with all of the products found in the OT Toolbox, these Tangrams can be modified to meet the varied needs of each learner.

  • Laminate the page for reusability. This saves on resources, and many learners love to write with markers! Note: some children love wipe off sheets, while others become upset that they can not take their work with them.  For data collection, take photos of their work before erasing it. 
  • Cut the shapes and make a matching game instead of having learners cut shapes
  • Glue the pieces to the board so they fit together better. Create several copies of the shapes
  • Enlarging the font may be necessary to beginning handwriting students who need bigger space to write
  • Project this page onto a smart board for students to come to the board and solve the tangrams
  • More or less prompting may be needed to grade the activity to make it easier or harder
  • Pre-cut  all of the pieces ahead of time if the emphasis is on visual perception
  • Work in pairs or in a small group to address problem solving, turn taking, and negotiation skills.
  • Velcro the back of the Tangrams, after laminating and cutting it, to create a reusable game
  • Omit certain pages in the Tangrams packet to meet the needs of your learners

Take this opportunity to get this Tangrams Visual Perception Kit, add it to your toolbox, and reminisce about simpler times when Tangrams were all the rage!

This is a digital product.