Letter Bin

This was a great bin to pull out on a cold wintery day.
This bin of letters has been at our house since Big Sister was around 18 months.  I found the letter sets on sale and got 3 or 4 of them for a really inexpensive learning toy.
Big Sister would play with this bin constantly.
I pulled it out again since Baby Girl is almost that age.

Baby Girl and my niece and nephew swarmed right in on this as soon as I put it down on the table.  They played with this off and on allll day!  They would come over, scoop around in the bin, pull letters out, dump it out, put them back in (sort of)…and do it all over again.

They loved the colors, the feel of the letters, the little sound when you swish all the letters together…

Toddler Sensory Bin!

Little Guy is at that stage where he is just beginning to identify letters.  He knows the ones in his name and some others…so this was a perfect learning toy for him, too.  He found the letters in his name and traced them.
Big Sister sorted out some letters and spelled a few words she knows.
We have used these letters so often over the last few years…If you see them on sale, scoop up a few sets.  It’s fun for all ages 🙂