Transitions + Schedules: First/Then Visual Boards for Anxiety + Behavior
These first/then boards provide students with clear expectations and a visual support for transitioning between activities. Use these first/then boards by printing, laminating, and affixing your velcro pictures where appropriate.
This packet offers TEN template options when structuring a visual schedule board:
- Two-step first/then schedule (2)
- Three-step first, next, then (2)
- Four-step to-do, all done schedule (1)
- Four-step first, next, then, last schedule (2)
- Four-step numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 schedule (1)
- Five-step numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 step/all done schedule (1)
- Five-step to do/finished five-step schedule (1)
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