We’ve been on a little Circus theme around here lately. You might have seen our roundup of favorite circus books or our ideas for a circus party. This circus craft was easy to put together and the kids loved it. They were itching for a painting craft and this one hit the mark.
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Circus Craft Idea for a Circus Theme:
Start with a few supplies:
paint brush
orange paper
black marker
To begin your circus tents, cut the coffee filters as shown. This is a great way for little scissor users to practice their scissor skills. Cutting coffee filters is more difficult than regular paper and a great way to practice accuracy as they cut along the folded parts of the coffee filter. Adults can make marks on the coffee filter where needed for the kiddos to cut along.
Once cut, start the painting! We painted our circus tents with red paint on every other folded section of the coffee filters. Use your imagination on your circus tents. Circus tents come in many different colors and designs!
Once the paint is dry, place the smaller section of coffee filter under the larger piece. Glue onto a sheet of paper. Cut a small slit on the smaller section, and fold the doors of the circus tent open. The circus is open!
Use the black marker to make flag poles and glue small triangles of orange (or any color) paper to make flags. Done! This would be a great craft to do before an outing to the circus or just for fun when you read a few circus books.
You may also enjoy our Kids’ Crafts Pinterest Board. Stop by and follow along: