Today, we’re taking a break from the mechanics of cursive writing to share a quick and fun way to practice cursive letters, pre-cursive lines, or cursive connections.
Use this cursive handwriting activity to help kids work on individual letters or the areas of cursive that need a little more practice in a beautiful and process art manner!
This activity is part of our 31 day series on how to teach cursive writing. You’ll want to check out all of the posts we’ve shared so far this month in order to gather a better understanding of aspects of cursive handwriting that are needed for legibility and function.
These pieces include the rhythm of cursive, speed of cursive writing, cursive slant, cursive letter connectors, and so many more areas that make up functional cursive handwriting.

Cursive Writing Watercolor Resist Activity
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Use this watercolor resist activity to practice individual letters or portions of letters including pre-cursive writing lines.
Start with a white crayon. Some children may benefit from a small crayon piece. Simply break the crayon into a piece. Read more about cursive writing and pencil grasp.
Next, ask students to write cursive letters with the white crayon on white paper. Watercolor paper works best for this activity.
Students can really practice the motor plan and visual memory needed for letter formation with this watercolor resist activity. They will be able to slightly see the lines they have created with the white crayon, but will not be able to completely see each line or errors in re-trace.
Then, use the watercolors to create strips of color for each line of cursive letters or cursive pre-writing lines.
Try adding light pencil lines for the baseline for each row of lines or cursive letters.

More advanced students can practice cursive letter combinations and connectors by writing lists of spelling words or even a secret message in cursive.
Make it colorful and fun to practice cursive writing without the worksheets!