How to Teach Spacing Between Words with a Clothespin

spacing between words with a clothespin craft

If you are working on spacing between words when writing, then this OT trick is for you. Many years ago, we created this blog post using a clothespin to teach spacing in handwriting. It’s a simple activity really, and one that kids love to use because they can make the clothespin spacing tool their own! Let’s teach spacing between words with a cute clothespin craft!

Use a clothespin to teach handwriting as a spatial awareness tool.
Use a clothespin to teach spacing between words.

Teach spacing between words

When it comes to legibility in handwriting, spacing between words makes all the! Addressing spatial awareness in handwriting can make a big difference in legibility fairly quickly given intervention, practice, awareness, and the tools to address spacing in written work.

Using a visual and physical cue to teach spacing between words is very effective. This is especially true for young students who are beginning to write with more organizational requirements: lines, margins, smaller writing spaces, and faster writing speeds are some of these organizational needs in handwriting tasks.

Let’s break those areas down to describe how each might impact letter formation and legibility of written work:

  • Line use- Line use progresses from kindergarten (where many students are exposed to writing letters and words on lines for the first time. This progresses to first grade with more writing requirements. Moving onto second grade may bring a smaller line space for written work. In third grade, writing lines may be smaller yet. In about fourth grade, many students move to a lined notebook. These pencil control and line use can impact legibility especially when handwriting lessons are rushed in the general curriculum of most schools. This blog post on line awareness is a great resource for written work requirements.
  • Margin use- One visual perception component to handwriting includes margin use in written work. This impacts legibility when writing on a sheet of paper or moving to the next line. Sometimes, margins creep over across the page as a student copies lists or words or writes sentences as in a journal. Spatial relations includes the visual perception aspect, particularly the visual processing skill of visual tracking, which includes following the pencil as in copying words. Visual attention and visual scanning are also involved. This blog post on margins in handwriting covers this area in more detail.
  • Writing in smaller spaces- Sizing in written work impacts legibility. When letters are written to large, the spacing can be crowded, leading to poor legibility. This can be especially the case when writing on worksheets or workbook pages with limited space availability. This blog post on spatial awareness is a good one to check out regarding sizing and space use.
  • Faster writing speeds- Writing sped impacts legibility because when a student writes quickly, sometimes the legibility of accurate letter formation is lost. When this is the case, adding a bit of space between words can impact overall legibility. As students progress, writing speed requirements increase. Consider the second grader that is required to copy their homework onto their notebook or homework planner. There is only so much time in the school day, so a limited chunk of time is given for this task. When a student struggles with pencil control, letter formation, motor planning, or any other contributing factor, this can really impact written work on a functional handwriting task that has dire consequences. When the student comes home for the day, they are unable to read their homework assignment. This same issue is true for older students. In middle school or high school, they are unable to copy notes in their class. This can lead to difficulty copying notes and studying. This resource covers writing speed in written work.

We’ve shared several handwriting spacing tools here on The OT Toolbox, like a cute DIY space martian spacing tool and this pipe cleaner spacing tool.

Sometimes a simple visual cue like this craft stick spacing tool and pointer stick can make a big difference in handwriting spatial awareness and handwriting legibility.

Read on for another quick craft that kids can make and use to teach spacing between words…using a clothes pin for better spatial awareness in written work.

WHy Use Clothes Pins to Strengthen Hands

There are many ways a clothes pin is a hand strengthening tool. It’s actually always found in my occupational therapy bag because it’s so versatile when it comes to hand strengthening.

Here is a video that shows the different grasp patterns that you can target with just a clothes pin:

Clothes pins can be used to work on hand strengthening and grasp pattern development!

Handwriting Spacing Between Words Tool

This clothespin spacing tool is one that can be attached to a notebook or folder and used again and again…because any school-based OT knows that those spacing tools can get lost very easily!

The best part of this handwriting spacing tool is that kids can make their own, while creating a unique tool that fits their personality!

First, read more about how spacing tools work.

Teach spacing between words with a clothespin for better legibility and spatial awareness in handwriting.

Next, get all of your materials ready, because this handwriting spacing tool is a fun activity! In fact, school-based therapists can create a group activity in a classroom with random items found in a craft bin…while boosting those fine motor skills!

To make a DIY spacing tool, you’ll need a clothes pin. The wooden type is perfect for painting and decorating, making a fine motor craft based on the child’s interests, favorite color, etc. When the child makes their own spacing tool, they are more likely to use it again and again.

Using the clothes pin clip allows the spacing tool to be saved. (Better yet, the clip prevents another lost therapy item later found at the bottom of a backpack or in the midst of desk chaos!)

Kids can make these clothespin spacing tools to learn spacing between words in handwriting for better legibility and neat written work, just clip to a notebook or folder!

How to teach spacing between words with a clothespin:

The clothes pin clip is perfect for attaching to notebooks, folders, or a pencil box on a desk. Students will always know where their spacing tool is…but how do they use it?

Use a clothespin to teach spacing between words the same way you would use other spacing tools.

Show students how to place the clothespin on the paper after the last letter of a word. They can keep the clothespin in place as they write the next word in a sentence. They physical and visual cue of moving and seeing the clothespin can make a lasting impact on spacing between words.

Think about it this way: the messiest written work is easier to read when it has space between words. As readers, we tend to fill in missing blanks using our predictive reading skills. When words are spaced out, students will be better able to read back over notes, homework assignments, and other written work.

Spacing is often times, the easiest way to make a big impact on handwriting legibility!

For younger students, using the clip portion of the clothespin spacing tool can be achieved using strips of paper to practice handwriting. Simply cut regular double ruled paper into strips and clip the clothespin between each word as the child writes.

Those strips can even be laminated and handwriting practiced with a dry erase marker.

Using the clothespin spacing tool can make a big impact on written legibility!

Use a clothespin craft to work on spacing between words.

To make the ClothesPin Spacing Tool

You’ll need some basic craft items (affiliate links are included below):

Kids can make this clothespin craft in occupational therapy or school to teach spacing between words for better handwriting.
Handwriting craft for occupational therapy
  1. Next, get the kids started on painting. Ask the child or group of kids to paint all sides of the clothes pins.
  2. On the wet paint, glitter and sparkling gems can be added.
  3. Let the paint dry and embellish with additional items including gems, stickers, puffy paint, or other items.
Make a clothespin craft to work on spacing between words when writing.
Paint clothespins and add gems or stickers for an occupational therapy handwriting craft.
Use a clothespin craft to teach spacing between words for better legibility in handwriting.

Looking for more ways to teach spacing between words? Try these ideas:

Use a clothespin craft to teach spacing between words using a clip clothespin for better legibility and spatial awareness in handwriting.


Visual Perception and spatial awareness in kids.  What is Spatial awareness and why do kids have trouble with spacing between letters and words, reversing letters, and all things vision.  Great tips here from an Occupational Therapist, including tips and tools to help kids with spacing in handwriting. Visual Spatial Relations activities for handwritingEasy accommodations for poor spatial awareness in handwriting.Try this line awareness and spatial awareness handwriting activity using puzzle pieces and crayons to work on handwriting in a fun and creative way that doesn't require writing.
Looking for more ways to address spatial awareness? 
The Handwriting Book is a comprehensive resource created by experienced pediatric OTs and PTs.

The Handwriting Book covers everything you need to know about handwriting, guided by development and focused on function. This digital resource is is the ultimate resource for tips, strategies, suggestions, and information to support handwriting development in kids.

The Handwriting Book breaks down the functional skill of handwriting into developmental areas. These include developmental progression of pre-writing strokes, fine motor skills, gross motor development, sensory considerations, and visual perceptual skills. Each section includes strategies and tips to improve these underlying areas.

  • Strategies to address letter and number formation and reversals
  • Ideas for combining handwriting and play
  • Activities to practice handwriting skills at home
  • Tips and strategies for the reluctant writer
  • Tips to improve pencil grip
  • Tips for sizing, spacing, and alignment with overall improved legibility

Click here to grab your copy of The Handwriting Book today.

Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2000, working in school-based, hand therapy, outpatient peds, EI, and SNF. Colleen created The OT Toolbox to inspire therapists, teachers, and parents with easy and fun tools to help children thrive. Read her story about going from an OT making $3/hour (after paying for kids’ childcare) to a full-time OT resource creator for millions of readers. Want to collaborate? Send an email to

Breaking Down Goals

breaking down goals

Making and keeping goals is hard, but breaking down goals into bite sized, smaller steps can be key to achieving a larger objective. According to an article in Psychology Today, 80% of people’s New Year’s resolutions fail by February!  The author goes on to give her thoughts and theories as to why they fail in this articleBreaking down goals into measurable chunks will increase your chances of success.

Breaking down goals

breaking down a smart goal into steps

So often, we have good intentions when it comes to setting goals for ourselves. But there are many reasons why goals fail, and setting huge, audacious goals can be part of that reason. But for the most part, we can pinpoint four reasons goals fail.

Four traps to goal success: 

  • People don’t set clear goals
  • They feel discouraged
  • They feel overwhelmed
  • They are not ready to change

Do any of these reasons sound familiar?

It makes sense! But, the real reason goals fail, beyond these four things, is when people are drawing a mind map, creating a plan, or a goal, they are not SMART about it. We might make a goal that is lofty, unrealistic, and it’s not specific enough to know where to begin. Let’s take a look at these components to a good goal…

Start by understanding the concept of SMART goals. People are very smart, just not about the way they start projects or set goals. 

SMART is an acronym for;

  • S: specific – did you detail what it is you want to achieve?
  • M: measurable – how are you going to measure success?
  • A: is this goal attainable or too lofty?
  • R: is this goal realistic?  
  • T: timebound – Do you have a set timeframe for this goal to be measured?

First decide if the goals are SMART.  Are the goals specific and measurable, or too general?  Are they actually attainable and relevant? 

Once you have a goal in mind (that can be further broken down), you can move on and actually break down the goals and get started on that first step.

goal oriented mindset

If you or your learners are working on a goal oriented mindset, breaking down goals is a terrific method to improve the likelihood of success.  Featured in this post are a specific tool for breaking down goals into measurable chunks. This printable resource supports individuals in using a goal oriented mindset to accomplish tasks they set out to achieve.

In this activity, learners can break down goals to make them more attainable.

Once the larger goal is set, use the goal-oriented mindset strips to break them down.

Decide on the overall goal- At the top write the overall goal: I will clean my room.  Make this more specific by adding time frames, steps, ways to measure success, and possibly a reward at the end.  A better goal might be worded; I will clean my room, to be inspected every Sunday, and check off at least 8/1o items on the list each week.  *Striving for 100% all the time might lead to failure.

Break the goal down into steps- Help your learner decide what the steps might be to achieving this goal. Write each of these steps on the first strip, then staple the second strip on top.  Each time a part of the goal is accomplished, your learner will snip off the next piece of paper to reveal another chunk of their goal.

Some of the steps to cleaning a bedroom might be:

  1. Put all dirty laundry in the basket
  2. Take all plates, cups, and other dishes out of room
  3. Put trash in the bin, then empty bin
  4. Put clean laundry away
  5. Put toys in their boxes or back on the shelves
  6. Change sheets
  7. Vacuum
  8. REWARD!

Each one of these tasks is measurable.  Make them attainable by changing and tweaking as needed.  Having a list like this makes this overwhelming chore seem more doable. If not, you may end up with a kid like mine, who would just lie in the middle of the mess and cry.

Check out this post on writing a goal ladder for another method to achieving goals.


Before trying to “break down goals” into steps, think about a goal you have recently set for yourself. It could be one that was a great success, or went down in a ball of flames.

Now look back and determine if your goal was SMART.  Did it have all the pieces it needed, or was it flawed from the start? 

Then recheck and see if you fell into one of the four traps:

  • People don’t set clear goals
  • They feel discouraged
  • They feel overwhelmed
  • They are not ready to change

A goal was set for me last year to keep the dog off of the bed and couch.  It was a miserable failure.  Why? I was (and still am not) not ready to change. While the goal was clear, it was not attainable.  

Once you have spent a little time on introspection, it is time to share your wisdom and skills with your learner.  If you are not able to set and achieve goals, it will be harder to help others to be successful. This goal oriented mindset will not be impossible to teach if you are not great at meeting your own goals, as we are often able to teach others to do what we can not do ourselves.

If this idea of breaking down goals into chunks makes sense, these goal-oriented mindset strips are a great jumping off point to getting organized and working on executive function. How about learning to make and follow checklists?

Our learners know they need to change and grow, but may get stuck in the first step of figuring out what goals to set.  Change may seem overwhelming, they are not aware of what they need to learn, or can not think past this current moment to imagine a goal. 

Adult goals seem to revolve around the following:

  • Lose weight
  • Learn to cook, fish, surf, snowboard, etc
  • Eat less, or eat healthier
  • Exercise more
  • Worry less, or decrease stress
  • Save more money
  • Have a better body image

What are some good goals for your younger learners?

  • Join a team
  • Clean their room
  • Write neater
  • Read more
  • Make a new friend
  • Learn a new skill (shoe tying, bike riding, shoot a basket)
  • Eat more vegetables
  • Watch less television
  • Play less video games

Of course these goals would need to be SMART in order to lead to success. Help your learners break down their goals with these mindset strips along with other strategies to develop a goal oriented mindset.

Setting and working on goals is part of executive functioning skills. The OT Toolbox is full of posts on EF.  Just type Executive functioning in the search box, or check out this executive function course to get started.

Other resources for kids on breaking down goals include:

As for my goal of not having the dog on the bed or couch, I have written that one off, and decided to focus on something more attainable. 

Free Activity for Breaking Down Goals

Above, we shared how to use this printable resource that helps users to break down their goals into bite sized pieces. You can get a copy of that goal breaking activity here. Simply enter your email address into the form below to access this file. Print off the tool and get started with creating goals and breaking them down!

This item is also available inside our OT Toolbox Member’s Club.

Want to add this resource to your therapy toolbox so you can help kids thrive? Enter your email into the form below to access this printable tool.

This resource is just one of the many tools available in The OT Toolbox Member’s Club. Each month, members get instant access to downloadable activities, handouts, worksheets, and printable tools to support development. Members can log into their dashboard and access all of our free downloads in one place. Plus, you’ll find exclusive materials and premium level materials.

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Breaking Down Goals Activity

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    NOTE*The term, “learner” is used throughout this post for readability and consistency. This information is relevant for students, patients, clients, preschoolers, kids/children of all ages and stages or whomever could benefit from these resources. The term “they” is used instead of he/she to be inclusive.

    Victoria Wood, OTR/L is a contributor to The OT Toolbox and has been providing Occupational Therapy treatment in pediatrics for more than 25 years. She has practiced in hospital settings (inpatient, outpatient, NICU, PICU), school systems, and outpatient clinics in several states. She has treated hundreds of children with various sensory processing dysfunction in the areas of behavior, gross/fine motor skills, social skills and self-care. Ms. Wood has also been a featured speaker at seminars, webinars, and school staff development training. She is the author of Seeing your Home and Community with Sensory Eyes.