Do you remember hand clapping games and activities as a kid? I do! We didn’t have the time occupiers of video games and an abundance of technology, so it was bike riding, roller skating, basketball, board games, and well, hand clapping. Finger games and hand clapping games go “hand-in-hand”! This was done with a sibling or a friend, and definitely a go-to when there were sleepovers and visits to the neighbor’s house. But, did you ever think about the eye-hand coordination benefits, or bilateral coordination, and even crossing midline benefits?

Clapping Therapy?
Hand clapping games are a fun and engaging way to interact with kids during therapy. Have you tried it? It’s a fun activity, whether it be to a classic game, a made-up song, or just as a quick transition between activities.
There are so many benefits to hand clapping games, from motor skills, sensory motor, visual motor, and even executive functioning skill development. We cover how each of these areas (and the sub-skills) are developed through the simple clapping activity in therapy.
But did you know there is a thing called “clapping therapy”? This was a new concept to me but one that piqued my interest. Essentially, the use of clapping therapy is the act of clapping hands to heal. This is considered a viable therapy because clapping the hands together activates skin and joint receptors in the hands (and upper extremities) to activate various systems within the body and brain.
Some of this idea is linked to reflexology but other considerations can be connected to the proprioception. We know that heavy work or deep pressure through the joints brings awareness and “wakes up” the muscles and joints. So clapping hands is a great way to activate the sensory systems.
Another consideration with clapping therapy is the fact that clapping stimulates blood circulation. This can be a potential way to promote healing.
I wasn’t able to find research on clapping therapy, but these are some things to think about when using hand clapping games to build on therapy goals.

Build Skills with hand clapping Games
Hand clapping actually does have many benefits to skill development, and can be a great way to work on specific skills with children. Why? Hand clapping activities are the ‘no-tools needed’ approach to building so many skills!
In fact, research shows that hand clapping rhymes and games make an improvement in motor and cognitive skills. The study found that kids that participate in hand clapping games have neater handwriting, write better and make fewer spelling errors.
Read on to see what skill areas the simple use of hand clapping can help develop:
- Executive function skills– To complete a hand clapping activity, a child develops cognitive skills, but some of the softer skills might be overlooked. When playing a cooperative game like clapping together, there is a component of impulse control, task completion, working memory, attention, sequencing, self-reflection, emotional control, and self-monitoring. These skills can be carried over because of the confidence built up while playing with a friend in a low-stress situation.
- Eye hand coordination skills– clapping hands together with a friend requires motor coordination to move and place hands together at the same time and positioning. Too far and you over-shoot the target. This is a great way to work with a friend on hitting targets and visual motor integration.
- Bilateral coordination – hand clapping activities work on the use of both hands and arms to coordinate and reach with good timing either to a song, rhyme, a game with a partner, and even when hand clapping alone.
- Motor planning – Most any clapping game involves a lot of motor planning to practice the movements needed repetitively. Once the movements are learned, they become more automatic.
- Crossing midline – Let’s consider crossing midline for a moment: left to right, right to left, reaching diagonally across going up or down. Adding verbalizing the correct hand when in use, will help them to build left and right side recognition, and improve body awareness.
- Visual tracking – During hand clapping games with a partner, children must move their eyes continually from left to right, up and down. With a song or rhyme, children also learn to visually track with fluidity and rhythm. They need to watch and track their hands and their partner’s too.
- Sequencing – Many hand clapping games involve some sort of story telling in the sequence. This helps some children recall the lyrics more easily. When using hand clapping games and songs that tell a story, children develop important sequencing skills. They may also make a mental picture of that story in their minds as they play. Clapping along to a metronome app is excellent for building sequencing and rhythm.
- Cognitive skills – The brain gets quite a workout when learning and doing hand clapping songs and games. You can use hand clapping to help children learn to spell a problematic word, or even learn the alphabet! Children can use a problematic word, or the alphabet as part of the song which can help them to recall the letters in sequence. They can also learn to sequence a storyline, making it easier to learn how to include a sequence when writing in the classroom.
- Social skills – Have a group in therapy? Hand clapping is ideal to help develop teamwork, collaboration, tolerance, and patience, which are all essential to successful socializing within a peer group. Switch it up and have kids work with varied partners, or work together as a larger group. These varied interactions can help build self-confidence, and proper interaction during play.
- Memory – Let’s consider memory for a moment. Significant memory skills are needed when recalling simple to moderately complex hand clapping songs, these can require various levels of memory. Think about the lyrics and movements needed for: Patty Cake, A Sailor Went to Sea, Down, Miss Mary Mack, See See My Playmate, Miss Susie, etc.
- Rhythm – Hand clapping is a great tool for rhythm and beat development, as the hands must develop a rhythm to match the lyrics and time with a partner. Interactive Metronome is a popular program involving rhythm and timing.
- Listening – It is a given that hand clapping games help work on listening skills, in order to learn the movements that match the lyrics. During this process, children are also developing the skills needed to combine memory, rhythm, and sequencing, as they listen attentively to follow the directions that are given within a song or rhyme.
- Vocabulary skills – Many hand clapping rhymes or songs include singing the lyrics while clapping which can help build new vocabulary as the songs are learned. When working with a partner, communication skills can be addressed too.
- Proprioception– Hitting the palm of the hand against another hand offers feedback through the fingers, wrists, and whole upper extremity with heavy work input. This quick jolt of force through the upper body is a way to add proprioceptive input through play. The benefit for learning the clapping rhyme hand movements and positioning is through practice and that physical touch feedback is a loop that builds on itself.

Hand Clapping Rhymes
Below is a round-up list of hand clapping rhymes and/or games that you will probably recall from your childhood, but if not, there are links below to YouTube videos that will demonstrate them for you. It is a great idea to practice these before performing with your students.
Patty Cake Patty Cake Baker’s Man
Pat-a-Cake – Actually titled Pat-a-Cake, many children call this rhyme Patty Cake Patty Cake Baker’s Man. This one is instructed by a physical therapist and I love it because she adds great motor planning movements and does it with her 3-year-old co-instructor.
Here are the lyrics:
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Roll it, pat it, and mark it with B, (or any letter of your first name)
Put it in the oven for baby and me.
miss mary mack Hand Game
Miss Mary Mack – This one is instructed by a K-5 music teacher. She makes the video using a complete tutorial to teach the lyrics and the movements slowly, and then in rhythm to the song by herself, and then with a partner. The Miss Mary Mack clapping game is a fan favorite among children.
Here are the Miss Mary Mack lyrics:
Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
All down her back, back, back.
She asked her mother, mother, mother
for fifty cents, cents, cents
To see the elephants, elephants, elephants
Jump over the fence, fence, fence.
They jumped so high, high, high
they reached the sky, sky, sky
And didn’t come back, back, back
Till the 4th of July, -ly, -ly.
rockin’ robin clapping game
Rockin’ Robin – The Rockin’ Robin clapping game is demonstrated and instructed by a homeschool mom who gives a short demonstration of the hand movements needed to complete the hand clap patterns to the lyrics, in slow motion. It’s only four hand movements that stay repetitive to the lyrics of the song, so it’s an easier one to teach and to do.
Here are the Rockin Robin lyrics:
He rocks in the treetops all day long, hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street love to hear the robin go tweet-tweet-tweet
Chorus: Rockin’ robin, Rock-rock-rockin’ robin’ Go rockin’ robin ’cause we’re really gonna rock tonight
Every little swallow, every chick-a-dee, every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow flappin’ their wings singin’ “go bird, go”
Chorus: Rockin’ robin, Rock-rock-rockin’ robin’ Go rockin’ robin ’cause we’re really gonna rock tonight
The size awareness concept of the tall oak tree and the little swallow can be carried over to work on tall, tail, and short letters, as well as body awareness considerations. Take the activity a step further with our tall and short worksheet which has a fine motor and visual motor component that can be incorporated into whole-body movement activities to teach these concepts that carryover into functional tasks.
double this double that
Double This Double That – This clapping hands rhyme is also demonstrated and instructed by the same homeschool mom who will show the simple hand movements needed, and discusses briefly how it can be used as a fun elimination game. You can do this one at various speeds, making it a super coordination activity in therapy. Use it with a partner, or part of a group activity.
Double This Double That Lyrics:
Double, double this this,
Double, double that that,
Double this, double that,
Double, double this that.
twinkle twinkle little star
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star – This one has a unique teaching approach performed by an occupational therapist using this familiar song to work on hand movements in three different patterns. Go OT! I like this one as it can be done on the table top, but you could easily do the same movements with a partner too. There are no actual lyrics with this version of the activity, but they can easily be added during game play.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star lyrics:
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
clap RHyme
Clap – This Clap rhyme activity uses hand clapping as an exercise that is great for a whole-body warm-up, or as a sensory break. It uses upbeat music that the instructor claps along with, showing other body movements that are used in coordination with the clapping to improve body awareness, motor coordination, and endurance too!
There are few lyrics with the Clap rhyme activity, but there is a tune or beat that is played in the background as the video plays.
avocado Hand Game
Avocado – This hand clap video is demonstrated by Miss Mortimer who is a K-5 Music Teacher. The video is funny because the dog feels left out, and wants to participate too! She does a great job doing the demonstration of the Avocado hand game slowly, then along with the lyrics. Later Miss Mortimer shows an additional hand movement to make this clapping game more challenging. She also shows how you can speed it up, and then how you change the song when you lose the game.
Here are the lyrics to the Avocado hand game:
Avocado, avocado, avocado, is the name of the game
If you mess up you have to change the name
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.
Hot cross buns Rhyme
Hot Cross Buns – This hand clapping demonstration is done by a homeschool mom with her child. They demonstrate how to do this hand clapping to the Hot Cross Buns rhyme in a variety of ways. I like the hand movements she uses as they incorporate a variety of motor planning skills.
Here are the lyrics to the Hot Cross Buns rhyme:
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One ha’ penny, two ha’ penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons
One ha’ penny,
Two ha’ penny,
Hot Cross Buns!
Concentration Clapping Game
In the concentration clapping game, you sit or stand across from a friend. Clap hands together after saying each line from the rhyme. This game supports development of attention, working memory, focus, and impulse control, as well as emotional control when the inevitable mistake happens. Players can list out numbers or they can substitute the numbers for different categories such as fruits, animals, sports, foods, etc. The slaps and claps can be hitting hands face to face followed by crossing the arms to clap. Then player one, continuing the rhythm, says a number or other word (colors, sports, foods, etc.) twice. Then the other player repeats those words and adds their own words in the same category. This goes back and forth as the players keep adding more words to the list.
Here are the lyrics to the Concentration Clapping Game:
Concentration (slap slap clap clap)
Are you ready? (slap slap clap clap)
If – so – (slap slap clap clap)
Let’s – go! (slap slap clap clap)
For example: cat, cat (slap slap)
The other player then does the same, starting with their own number and following with someone else’s:
cat, cat, dog, dog (slap slap clap clap)
Use these clap games in therapy or at home
So, do you feel inspired to get your hands clapping yet? Does this bring back memories of the playground songs, “Say Say my Playmate, Down Down Baby, or Miss Suzie? Once you view these fun videos, you’ll want to start using hand clapping as an intervention tool in your therapy sessions where you’ll start seeing children build important developmental skills while having some fun and getting a few laughs in too!
Pair these concentration clapping games with hula hoop activities and backyard tag games for old school fun!

Regina Parsons-Allen is a school-based certified occupational therapy assistant. She has a pediatrics practice area of emphasis from the NBCOT. She graduated from the OTA program at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute in Hudson, North Carolina with an A.A.S degree in occupational therapy assistant. She has been practicing occupational therapy in the same school district for 20 years. She loves her children, husband, OT, working with children and teaching Sunday school. She is passionate about engaging, empowering, and enabling children to reach their maximum potential in ALL of their occupations as well assuring them that God loves them!